Why is a Labour councillor denying a vote took place on Girtrell Court?

As you can see from the still from a video I took of the Coordinating Committee meeting held on the 16th February 2016 Cllr Moira McLaughlin (second from the left in the background) is quite clearly voting on Cllr Phil Gilchrist/Cllr Wendy Clements’ motion about Girtrell Court.
This was a story in a blog post I published yesterday headlined 8 Labour councillors vote against motion asking for delay in closure of Girtrell Court until alternatives are in place. That blog post contains a video of the meeting and a transcript of what was said during that the discussion and vote on the motion about Girtrell Court.
Following publication of that piece, one of my readers emailed the Labour councillors involved in the vote. The reader forwarded a copy of a response received from Cllr McLaughlin which is included below (along with the original email). Cllr McLaughlin is Vice-Chair of Wirral Council’s Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee (therefore expected to lead by example when it comes to standards) but she responds in her role as Chair of the Coordinating Committee.
I have asked the reader for permission to publish this email, but at the time of publication have not heard back yet. Therefore I have removed their name, email address and signature block from both emails.
However considering Cllr McLaughlin’s denial in the email that a vote on Girtrell Court happened, I felt it was in the public interest and important that this is published before Budget Council meets on Thursday evening. Maybe Cllr McLaughlin can explain at Thursday’s meeting why she wrote this in an email (not just to the resident, but a number of other Labour councillors too)? This is one of those rare times I make a decision as editor using s.32 of the Data Protection Act 1998 to publish such material.
I have not approached Cllr McLaughlin for a right to reply to this piece as I believe her views are conveyed in publication of the email itself.
From: McLaughlin, Moira (Councillor) Dear Mr. **********, Thank you for contacting us. I`m afraid , though, your information is inaccurate . We have had no vote, as yet, on the future of Girtrell Court and I`m really not sure what information you have based this email on. I don`t think it is appropriate for me to address the other points you make in your email Regards Moira Councillor Moira Mclaughlin The contents of this e-mail are the personal view of the author and should in no way be considered the official view of Wirral Council From: ****************** [mailto:******************] On Behalf Of ****************** Dear All! Cllr Moira McLaughlin (Labour) (Chair) Is my interpretation correct that the above-named Councillors voted against a delay in the closure of Girtell Court until alternatives are in place? If so, hang your heads in shame. As a life-long Labour Party supporter, I believe in looking after the vulnerable in our society. Since having become one of those vulnerable people (I am disabled), I had been hoping that the Party would help look after me. Now I see that it cares not one jot nor tittle. The Conservative Party looks after those able to cope with the vicissitudes of life. To whom must I turn at the next and future elections? If you click on any of the buttons below, you’ll be doing me a favour by sharing this article with other people.
Date: 29 February 2016 at 14:44
To: ************** <****************>, “Abbey, Ron O. (Councillor)”
Cc: “Davies, Phil L. (Councillor)”
Councillor for Rock Ferry Ward
Tel: 0151 644 8234
Fax: 0151 652 3248
Sent: 29 February 2016 14:07
To: Abbey, Ron O. (Councillor); McLaughlin, Moira (Councillor); Brightmore, Phillip A. (Councillor); Smith, Walter W. (Councillor); Sullivan, Michael (Councillor); Williams, Jerry (Councillor); Williamson, Janette (Councillor); Williams, Irene R. (Councillor)
Cllr Ron Abbey (Labour)
Cllr Phillip Brightmore (Labour)
Cllr Walter Smith (Labour)
Cllr Michael Sullivan (Labour)
Cllr Jerry Williams (Labour)
Cllr Janette Williamson (Labour)
Cllr Irene Williams (Labour)
Liars prosper at Wirral Council.
See the AKA “Refresh and Renew” bollocks that gave McLaughlin and 65 councillors a clean bill of health because ‘independent’ Anna ‘didn’t have time’.
No progress will be made towards a decent, civilised society when the promise of money and a free ticket to abuse power sweep all before them.
Absolutely despicable. The trail of dead bodies stands as testament to this callous collection of crooked people.
My thoughts exactly. It appears that there are two Committees expressing concern over the Girtrell Court proposals, Families & Wellbeing and the Performance Co-ordinating Committees. The above highlights yet another reason why we must have full transparency of any decisions made this Council and not just by two people, Graham Hodkinson and Cabinet Lead.
The Wirral West Constituency Committee has expressed concern and so has the Wirral South Constituency Committee and I think it was also mentioned during this meeting of the Wallasey Constituency Committee too.
So that’s a further three committees in addition to the two you mention (Families and Wellbeing Policy and Performance Committee and the Coordinating Policy and Performance Committtee) that have raised concerns.
Oh and in addition to those the trade unions have also expressed concerns about the Girtrell Court proposals at two Cabinet meetings.
As a soon to be ‘Ex-Labour’ supporter,the shenanigans by the so called elected representatives has completely disgusted me! Where do you start is it the corrupt practices,cronyism neo-nepotism or complete dishonesty and incompetence! And looking after Number one-themselves.
Wirral Council can be declared as unfit for purpose!
Yes, I was at those constituency meetings and saw their concerns expressed by resolutions put forward, but sadly that’s all they seem to want to do.
I was at the Wirral West Constituency Committee and the Cabinet meeting too.
When it came to the Cabinet meeting, I was surprised the Chair didn’t invite the Chair of the Wirral West Constituency Committee Cllr Jeff Green to speak to and explain his motion.
Later in that Cabinet meeting (after most people had left), Cllr Gilchrist was invited to speak to his motion “Investing in our Constituencies” so why wasn’t Cllr Green to his?
G’day John
I hope you had a good weekend I was away too.
Didn’t see any Aussie pubs but quite a few surfers.
The local rubbish propaganda sheet yesterday as if it was news
“Updated: Birkenhead and Liverpool among UK’s top 20 economically struggling towns and cities”
“Phil the Very Very Deluded Dill”, take a bow, down there at the side of the Dee with minion neighbour Fartin Lobsterpot massaging his….. ego and talking about a pay rise probably, still believes they are the most improved council in……….. Wallasey.
They do let rank amateurs like Raworth, Turnbull, Basnett, Bradbury, Ball, “Legweak”, AdderleyDadderleyDooLally and especially of course head of the ill legal department “The Shyster” lead them up the garden path because …….they don’t know any better.
Also The Blinking CEO errr what’s his name John?
A lot of the credit must also go to the opinionless, brain dead, nodding, clowncillors that have assisted AdderleyDadderleyDooLally and his gang run the great Wirral into a *hit bank in Kev and Stella’s Stinking Stagnant Wirral Waters.
“Power (less) Boy Pip’s” 20/200 vision is now needing a blind dog but they fortunately have quite a few old dogs to spare in that Labor group.
Unlike the period not so long ago, when Wirral Council Chief Executives seemed to last no longer than a year, they’ve had the same one for some time now.
His name is Eric Robinson.
G’day John
When you see the most deluded man in Wirral tomorrow night “Power (less) Boy Pip” tell him to close Lyndale and Girtrell Court quick so he can build his, is it one, two or three golf courses.
Beggars belief.
“Updated: Birkenhead and Liverpool among UK’s top 20 economically struggling towns and cities”
I bet he will tell you he didn’t get taped on the Wirralgate phone either or abet hiding reports on Big, ISUS and Working Neighbourhoods and asset stripping.
A vote of no confidence is no good they all know about the above so bring in the