Wirral Council planning application dispute involving 3 marquees in greenbelt listed for Court of Appeal hearing in March 2019

Later this year (floating dates of either the 5th March 2019 or 6th March 2019 have been set) there will be a Court of Appeal hearing (estimated at 5 hours long) in London about a Wirral Council planning application decision involving three marquees at Thornton Manor in Wirral’s greenbelt.
The appeal to the Court of Appeal is from an order last year of Mr Justice Kerr ([2018] EWHC 560 (Admin)) dated 23rd March 2018 that quashed the planning permission that had been issued without conditions. This followed a hearing at the Administrative Court in Manchester on the 31st January 2018.
An application made to Wirral Council in July 2018 for a decision on a lawful development certificate for the three marquees was withdrawn in September 2018.
Councillors on Wirral Council’s Planning Committee have received many updates at previous meetings on the long running saga involving the marquees and the progress of the previous judicial review.
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