Employment & Appointments Committee – 27th January Part 3

Cllr Green said he accepted the framework and policies. Westminster House was an example of an individual project. In the project plan was how these tools, IT and performance management would be implemented. It was a key element of the change management process. It was open to any scrutiny committee to look at. He had … Continue reading “Employment & Appointments Committee – 27th January Part 3”

Cllr Green said he accepted the framework and policies. Westminster House was an example of an individual project. In the project plan was how these tools, IT and performance management would be implemented. It was a key element of the change management process. It was open to any scrutiny committee to look at. He had been hearing about the views the of the Director of Adult Social Services on co-location with GPs. It was all being formulated.

Cllr Bridson said she assumed the chief officers were collecting and assessing. She thought we needed to keep a really careful eye on it. Wirral Council needed to offer services alongside saving measures.

Cllr Green said Wirral Council was better at project management. There was “a plan”. There was also a post-implementation review. Lessons would be learnt. He thought the committee will need a further report and needed to know how things were moving.

Cllr Holbrook said he had indicated to talk but Cllr Bridson hadn’t been looking. Cllr Bridson said she can’t normally ignore him. Cllr Holbrook said they needed to discuss what was in it for the Council. He told them not to forget that efficiency savings were an employee benefit which enabled people to work more efficiently. It would also accommodate people’s personal circumstances and be a flexible employee benefit.

Employment & Appointments Committee – 27th January Part 2

The meeting carried on with the committee discussing item 3 on agile working.

As Cllr Mitchell had been interrupted Cllr Bridson asked him to speak next before he forgets what he has to say. This caused Cllr McLaughlin to tease Cllr Mitchell by saying that Cllr Bridson had called him forgetful.

Cllr Mitchell said that it was very important that they complete the change. He also said he wanted to make sure Wirral Council had the ability to track the changes.

Cllr Davies said it had been a lot of work building on points that feed into the office accommodation review. He referred to Cllr Gilchrist at Council Excellence Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting asking question as to where agile working fits in with the office accommodation review timescale.

Bill Norman (Borough Solicitor) said it was a tool, but Wirral Council was losing colleagues through early voluntary redundancy. A report to Cabinet had listed buildings such as Bebington Town Hall (and others) to dispose of in 2011/2012.

Cllr Davies said “Just so I’m clear” followed by asking if they’d get reports next year spelling out how agile working was working.

Bill Norman said Westminster House would be relocated and would include agile working.

Employment & Appointments Committee – 27th January Part 1

The E&A Committee started a little later than advertised. The Chair welcomed those present and asked for any declarations of interest. Cllr Rennie declared a personal interest in the occupational health item by virtue of being on the Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service Authority.

The full agenda and reports for the meeting can be found here. The minutes were agreed with no comments and the committee moved to item 3 on agile working.

An officer introduced the report saying they were moving away from fixed desks for increased productivity. The report outlined best practice and guidance in this change to working arrangements. There had been full consultation with the trade unions. Cllr Mitchell pointed out what was missing was a review of the office space. He was concerned that there would be enough rooms and offices for meetings whether regular or ad-hoc.

The officer replied that agile working supporting the office rationalisation. He referred to the breakout areas/spaces and said this would be subject to individual building’s policies.

Cllr Green said it was not to say that tomorrow everyone would be agile working, but the framework and policies had been agreed with the trade unions. Regarding implementation, it would be when opportunities were identified. He said “We have a lot of office space”. He said it would be useful if a project or service could be used as a case study. He referred to hot desking and hubs and said it was good to have trade union agreement. However there was “vague wording” eg “when appropriate”. Things needed to move forward and it was a “big piece of work well done”.

Area Forum – Date, Time and Place – St. James centre, Laird Street, CH41 7AL February 2nd 7pm-9pm

The next Area Forum for Bidston & St. James and Claughton ward will be held this time in Bidston & St. James. It will be next Wednesday, 2nd February between 7pm and 9pm at the St. James Centre on Laird Street.

If you are unsure of the location this map should help.

There will be an opportunity to hear about what’s happening to the parks & countryside spaces, the 2011 Census, Area Forum expenditure and a chance to question councillors and representatives from the police, fire and other council services (eg community safety).

Standards Committee – 27th January 2011 – Part 1

The agenda and reports for last night’s Standards Committee can be viewed by following the link.

Apologies in advance if I’ve misquoted anyone, but with no microphones it was hard to tell what some of the speakers were saying as there were side conversations going on.

The Chair started off by welcoming everyone and introducing Jane Corrin, the Council’s Freedom of Information Act Manager. Cllr Jones declared an interest in item 5 as he had received a FOIA response. The minutes of the last meeting were agreed.

A council officer introduced item 3 and said the committee would be given an update on any substantial changes but as the bill was going through Parliament it may change. Cllr Williams asked if the Standards Committee would be given updates. Cllr Bridson asked if the requirement on Wirral Council to have a Standards Committee would be abolished.

The officer answered that updates could be circulated by email rather than in a report which Cllr Jones agreed was easier.