OFSTED and CQC criticise Liverpool City Council and Liverpool CCG for “significant weaknesses” in special education needs and disability provision for children and young adults in Liverpool

OFSTED and CQC criticise Liverpool City Council and Liverpool CCG for “significant weaknesses” in special education needs and disability provision for children and young adults in Liverpool

OFSTED and CQC criticise Liverpool City Council and Liverpool CCG for “significant weaknesses” in special education needs and disability provision for children and young adults in Liverpool


Mayor Joe Anderson (Chair of Liverpool City Council’s Health and Wellbeing Board) 6th March 2019
Mayor Joe Anderson (Chair of Liverpool City Council’s Health and Wellbeing Board) 6th March 2019

A joint inspection of Liverpool City Council and the Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group by OFSTED and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) carried out in January 2019 identified “significant weaknesses”.

Her Majesty’s Chief Inspectorate determined a “Written Statement of Action” was required. Liverpool City Council and the Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group have been jointly required to submit this statement.
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What will councillors say tonight about enforcement of environmental laws now the contract with Kingdom has been cancelled?

What will councillors say tonight about enforcement of environmental laws now the contract with Kingdom has been cancelled?

What will councillors say tonight about enforcement of environmental laws now the contract with Kingdom has been cancelled?


Cllr Anita Leech (Cabinet Member for the Environment) Wirral Council
Cllr Anita Leech (Cabinet Member for the Environment) (Wirral Council)

Tonight will be another Extraordinary public meeting of Wirral Council councillors. This one was called by five Liberal Democrat councillors (Councillors Brame, Carubia, Gilchrist, Kelly and Mitchell) on the 21st February 2019. The councillors asked for an end to the Environmental Enforcement Contract between Wirral Council and Kingdom Services Group Limited.

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Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Wirral Council) 13th March 2019 Overview of Trade Waste Enforcement
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What did the public ask at the last public meeting of the Wallasey Constituency Committee?

What did the public ask at the last public meeting of the Wallasey Constituency Committee?

What did the public ask at the last public meeting of the Wallasey Constituency Committee?


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Wallasey Constituency Committee (Wirral Council) 12th March 2019 Part 1 of 2

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Wallasey Constituency Committee (Wirral Council) 12th March 2019 Part 2 of 2

Father Leon Ostaszewski asking questions at the last meeting of the Wallasey Constituency Committee 12th March 2019
Father Leon Ostaszewski asking questions at the last meeting of the Wallasey Constituency Committee 12th March 2019

Yesterday saw the last Wallasey Constituency Committee public meeting in Committee Room 1 at Wallasey Town Hall as next month it will be no more.

Indeed, its Chair Labour Cllr Bernie Mooney is also leaving as a councillor in a few weeks.
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Who wants to leave Wirral Council (at a cost of £146,666)?

Who wants to leave Wirral Council (at a cost of £146,666)?

Who wants to leave Wirral Council (at a cost of £146,666)?


Fiona Johnstone (Acting Director for Strategy and Partnerships) (Wirral Council) Health and Wellbeing Board 14th March 2018
Fiona Johnstone (Acting Director for Strategy and Partnerships) (Wirral Council) Health and Wellbeing Board 14th March 2018

This is a follow up article to What is Wirral Council trying to cover up now? which also ties in to this Freedom of Information request (first refused on s.43 (commercial interests) grounds, then at internal review on s.22 grounds (information intended for future publication).
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What is Wirral Council trying to cover up now?

What is Wirral Council trying to cover up now?

What is Wirral Council trying to cover up now?


No documents are available for this meeting
No documents are available for this meeting

This is a story of another Wirral Council cover up that seems to be in slow motion falling apart.

It started first last month with this FOI request of mine last month for a report that was considered by councillors on Wirral Council’s Employment and Appointments Committee in private on Tuesday evening. That request was first turned down (by the Council that likes to say no) on the grounds of commercial interests (section 43), then when I requested an internal review the section 43 decision was overturned and replaced with a section 22 refusal (information intended for future publication) on the rationale that Wirral Council will publish the information on its website at some future unspecified date and supplying the 18 A4 pages I asked for would be according to them a “drain on public resources”.
Continue reading “What is Wirral Council trying to cover up now?”

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