What did the public ask at the last public meeting of the Wallasey Constituency Committee?

What did the public ask at the last public meeting of the Wallasey Constituency Committee?

What did the public ask at the last public meeting of the Wallasey Constituency Committee?


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Wallasey Constituency Committee (Wirral Council) 12th March 2019 Part 1 of 2

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Wallasey Constituency Committee (Wirral Council) 12th March 2019 Part 2 of 2

Father Leon Ostaszewski asking questions at the last meeting of the Wallasey Constituency Committee 12th March 2019
Father Leon Ostaszewski asking questions at the last meeting of the Wallasey Constituency Committee 12th March 2019

Yesterday saw the last Wallasey Constituency Committee public meeting in Committee Room 1 at Wallasey Town Hall as next month it will be no more.

Indeed, its Chair Labour Cllr Bernie Mooney is also leaving as a councillor in a few weeks.
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Planning Committee Site Visit 5/9/2011 18 Bidston Road, Claughton Part 1

This Planning Committee site visit was regarding planning application APP/11/00561 which has been decided at the Planning Committee meeting on 6th September.

The site was a red brick former nursing home that was vacant. People present for the site visit went inside as it had started to rain. Cllr Elderton (the Chair) welcomed people to the site visit and said it was for information gathering. The chair said he would ask an officer to introduce the application and then open it up to the Planning Committee for any questions. They would then go and see the rear of the property. The officer said it was a refurbishment and extension of the existing property which would lead to twenty-one two bedroom apartments. A section 106 agreement was proposed with the developer to secure affordable housing. There would be two three-storey extensions and three small single storey extensions with the lobby being demolished. Externally it would be hard landscaped and there would be a change to vehicle access. There would be nineteen spaces for cars. Dormer windows would also be added.

Cllr Kenny asked if the car park would be at the front? Cllr George Davies said it had been an increase from the original fifteen spaces. The officer said there would be three disabled spaces and there could be at most twenty-one spaces. There would also be a cycle storage facility. Cllr George Davies said he wanted to make one point as ward councillor and the person who asked for the site visit. He asked why he hadn’t been told when it was and why ward councillors hadn’t been informed? The Chair said he had got the list but couldn’t see Cllr George Davies’ name on it. He apologised to Cllr George Davies.