Merseytravel and the LCRCA again refuse to show how your money is spent and claim it is vexatious to even ask!

Merseytravel and the LCRCA again refuse to show how your money is spent and claim it is vexatious to even ask!

Merseytravel and the LCRCA again refuse to show how your money is spent and claim it is vexatious to even ask!


Cllr Steve Foulkes (Lead Member for Finance and Organisational Development) front (right) answering a question at a public meeting of the Transport Committee (Liverpool City Region Combined Authority) 9th August 2018
Cllr Steve Foulkes (Lead Member for Finance and Organisational Development) front (right) answering a question at a public meeting of the Transport Committee (Liverpool City Region Combined Authority) 9th August 2018

The ongoing saga of trying to persuade Merseytravel and the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority to release details of a small number of invoices has now entered a new phase.

Last year I asked to inspect these invoices during the 30 day inspection period and was told this was unreasonable. I was asked to submit a FOI/EIR request (which I did). Now having submitted a FOI/EIR I am told Merseytravel estimate it would take 11 hours (within the 18.5 hour FOI cost limit). Merseytravel estimate that the activities of consulting and redacting (which don’t count towards the 18.5 hour limit) would take an estimated further roughly 24 hours that Merseytravel wish to class the request as vexatious instead.

Merseytravel acknowledge that part of the request could be an EIR request (which has no time limits) but have decided to base their estimates of time without excluding the EIR elements of it.
Continue reading “Merseytravel and the LCRCA again refuse to show how your money is spent and claim it is vexatious to even ask!”

ICO request Merseytravel complete internal review in 20-40 working days on information request made in July 2018 for copies of invoices!

ICO request Merseytravel complete internal review in 20-40 working days on information request made in July 2018 for copies of invoices!

ICO request Merseytravel complete internal review in 20-40 working days on information request made in July 2018 for copies of invoices!


Cllr Steve Foulkes (Lead Member for Finance and Organisational Development) front (right) answering a question at a public meeting of the Transport Committee (Liverpool City Region Combined Authority) 9th August 2018
Cllr Steve Foulkes (Lead Member for Finance and Organisational Development) front (right) answering a question at a public meeting of the Transport Committee (Liverpool City Region Combined Authority) 9th August 2018

Updated 31.1.19 Merseytravel state to ICO that they won’t do an internal review, ICO now don’t class it as a FOI request.

This is an update to a blog post from August 2018 headlined What was the answer to my question to Cllr Steve Foulkes about openness at Merseytravel and the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority?

I made an appeal to the regulator for information requests (ICO) on the 12th August 2018. Merseytravel have now been requested to treat my correspondence of 10th August 2018 as a request for an internal review of my earlier information request in July 2018 and have been requested by ICO after that internal review is complete to provide a fresh response within 20-40 working days (from the 25th January 2019).
Continue reading “ICO request Merseytravel complete internal review in 20-40 working days on information request made in July 2018 for copies of invoices!”

Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber) case involving information request to Wirral Council by Martin Morton listed for public hearing on Thursday 26th April 2018

Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber) case involving information request to Wirral Council by Martin Morton listed for public hearing on Thursday 26th April 2018

Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber) case involving information request to Wirral Council by Martin Morton listed for public hearing on Thursday 26th April 2018

Liverpool Civil & Family Court, Vernon Street, Liverpool, L2 2BX (where the hearing for First-Tier Tribunal case EA/2017/0108 would have been held) which was cancelled and transferred to the Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber)
Liverpool Civil & Family Court, Vernon Street, Liverpool, L2 2BX (where the hearing for First-Tier Tribunal case EA/2017/0108 would have been held) which was cancelled and transferred to the Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber)

On the 26th April 2018 next week starting at 10.30 am is a public hearing in Upper Tribunal case GIA/3037/2017.

This involves a Freedom of Information request made to Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council by Anthony Martin Morton on the 5th August 2016.

This was refused twice by Wirral Council and then this refusal was appealed to the regulator the Information Commissioner.
Continue reading “Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber) case involving information request to Wirral Council by Martin Morton listed for public hearing on Thursday 26th April 2018”

Appeal over ICO request to disclose Hoylake Golf Resort contract (EA/2017/0191) ends with First-tier Tribunal Judge Farrer QC, Wirral Council and ICO agreeing to partial disclosure

Appeal over ICO request to disclose Hoylake Golf Resort contract (EA/2017/0191) ends with First-tier Tribunal Judge Farrer QC, Wirral Council and ICO agreeing to partial disclosure

Appeal over ICO request to disclose Hoylake Golf Resort contract (EA/2017/0191) ends with First-tier Tribunal Judge Farrer QC, Wirral Council and ICO agreeing to partial disclosure

Hoylake Golf Resort contract cover page
Hoylake Golf Resort contract cover page

This blog has previously reported on First-tier Tribunal (information rights) case EA/2017/0191 which was Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council’s appeal of the regulator ICO’s decision notice FER0672223 (which resulted from an EIR request I made first on the 12th December 2016.
Continue reading “Appeal over ICO request to disclose Hoylake Golf Resort contract (EA/2017/0191) ends with First-tier Tribunal Judge Farrer QC, Wirral Council and ICO agreeing to partial disclosure”

Why is Registrar Worth asking this blog to unpublish Wirral Council’s Grounds of Appeal about keeping the Hoylake Golf Resort contract secret?

Why is Registrar Worth asking this blog to unpublish Wirral Council’s Grounds of Appeal about keeping the Hoylake Golf Resort contract secret?


Hoylake Golf Resort contract cover page
Hoylake Golf Resort contract cover page

I declare an interest in this piece below as the person who made the original information request. I have completely obscured the names and partially obscured the email address of the solicitors for the other parties (ICO and Wirral Council) dealing with this matter.
Continue reading “Why is Registrar Worth asking this blog to unpublish Wirral Council’s Grounds of Appeal about keeping the Hoylake Golf Resort contract secret?”