Election Expenses: 2011 (Wirral Borough Council) Prenton ward Candidate: Simon Holbrook Agent: Cllr Ann Bridson Page 4

Signature of agent: M A Bridson                                                                                                   … Continue reading “Election Expenses: 2011 (Wirral Borough Council) Prenton ward Candidate: Simon Holbrook Agent: Cllr Ann Bridson Page 4”

Signature of agent: M A Bridson                                                                                                                                                      Date: 5th June 2011

Submit this return to the returning officer within 35 calendar days of the day the election result is declared.
It must be accompanied by a separate declaration signed by the election agent verifying this return.
Within 7 working days of submitting this return, the candidate must also submit a signed declaration verifying this return.

Section 3 Summary of spending

Section 3a Types of Payment

Manner of payment £.pp
Unpaid claims NIL
Disputed Claims NIL
Value of notional expenditure £49 . 00
Payments made £1080 . 61
Total election spending £ 1129 . 61

Total spending for 3a should equal the total spending for 3b. If they are not equal you should check your calculation.

Section 3b Categories of spending

Purpose £.pp
A. Advertising  NIL
B. Unsolicited material to electors  £1080 . 61
C. Transport  NIL
D. Public meetings  NIL
E. Agent and other staff costs  NIL
F. Accommodation and administration  NIL
Total election spending £ 1129 . 61

Election Expenses Simon Holbrook Page 4 Prenton Wirral Council 2011 Section 3  Summary of Spending 3a Types of Payment 3b Types of spending

Election Expenses: 2011 (Wirral Borough Council) Prenton ward Candidate: Simon Holbrook Agent: Margaret Ann Bridson Page 3

Page 3/18 Election expenditure form for election to Wirral Borough Council. Prenton ward. Simon Holbrook. 2011. Original form text in black, handwriting in red here (for emphasis) but not on B&W photocopy is in black.

Mark as on candidate’s declaration


Return of candidate spending: Local government election in England and Wales
Section 1 Details of candidate and election
Ward/District PRENTON
Electorate 10, 908
Date you became a candidate 26th MARCH 2011
Date of election 5th MAY 2011
Date election result declared 6th MARCH 2011
Spending Limit £1,145.40
Section 2 Details of agent
Election agent’s name MARGARET ANN BRIDSON
Date election agent appointed 26th MARCH 2011
I am the agent responsible for delivering the return of candidate’s expenses under the Representation of the People Act 1983 X
I am the candidate and I was my own election agent. I am responsible for delivering this return of candidate’s expenses under the Representation of the People Act 1983

Election Expenses Simon Holbrook Page 3 Prenton Wirral Council 2011 Section 1 Details of candidate and election Section 2 details of agent

Birkenhead County Court: An Interesting Afternoon | Mr John Brace v Cllr Alan Brighouse on behalf of Birkenhead Liberal Democrats and Liberal Democrats (the Federal Party) on behalf of Liberal Democrats

Birkenhead County Court: An Interesting Afternoon | Mr John Brace v Cllr Alan Brighouse on behalf of Birkenhead Liberal Democrats and Liberal Democrats (the Federal Party) on behalf of Liberal Democrats

Birkenhead County Court: An Interesting Afternoon | Mr John Brace v Cllr Alan Brighouse on behalf of Birkenhead Liberal Democrats and Liberal Democrats (the Federal Party) on behalf of Liberal Democrats


I had an interesting afternoon at Birkenhead County Court as I was there for a case. Lady Luck seemed to be smiling on me as I was the first case (application hearing) starting at 2 p.m. in front of that particular judge.

Neither of the two defendants (Cllr Alan Brighouse on behalf of Birkenhead Liberal Democrats or Liberal Democrats (The Federal Party) on behalf of Liberal Democrats bothered to turn up and the Judge graciously granted the court order I requested. A thank you goes also to my McKenzie Friend, Leonora Brace for her help.

If only life was always this easy….

Edit: 11/11/2013 The above blog post didn’t contain much detail as it was an ongoing legal matter at the time that had not concluded. The application hearing related to who the defendants were. After the case had been filed the Liberal Democrats (the Federal Party) on behalf of Liberal Democrats (a David Allworthy replied on their behalf) had tried to get both defendants changed to Chris Fox (at the time this application was heard Chris Fox was a former Chief Executive of the Liberal Democrats).

However my application was to restore the original defendants in this case which were Cllr Alan Brighouse on behalf of the Birkenhead Liberal Democrats and Liberal Democrats (the Federal Party) on behalf of the Liberal Democrats. The Judge agreed to do this in an unopposed application.

The matter went to a final hearing at the Birkenhead County Court on the 18th April 2012. Cllr Alan Brighouse appeared on behalf of the Birkenhead Liberal Democrats (accompanied by Roy Wood). Deputy District Judge Ireland agreed with the plantiff (myself) that the defendants (Cllr Alan Brighouse on behalf of the Birkenhead Liberal Democrats and Liberal Democrats (the Federal Party) on behalf of Liberal Democrats had breached s.7 of the Data Protection Act 1998 c.29 and a court order issued under s.7 ss.9 of the Data Protection Act 1998 c.29 was issued by the Birkenhead County Court in my favour ordering the defendants to comply.

Pensions Committee (Wirral Council) 21st November 2011 Part 1, Declarations of interest, minutes (Pension Committee 19/9/2011, Investment Monitoring Working Party (12/10/2011)), Local Government Pension Scheme Update, Public Service Pensions (HM Treasury)

Cllr Geoffrey Watt (Chair)
Cllr Ann McLachlan (spokesperson)
Cllr Tom Harney (spokesperson)
Cllr Peter Johnston
Cllr Paul Doughty
Cllr George Davies
Cllr Adrian Jones
Various other councillors and co-optees

The Chair Cllr Geoffrey Watt welcomed people to the meeting of the Pensions Committee.

He asked if members of the committee had any personal or prejudicial interests in agenda items to declare.

Cllr George Davies declared a personal interest by virtue of his wife’s employment in a school.
Cllr Paul Doughty declared a personal interest by virtue of his wife’s employment in a school.
Cllr Geoffrey Watt declared an interest because of his father-in-law.
It is possible others declared interests too but as they didn’t use their microphones, I couldn’t hear them.

The Chair, Cllr Geoffrey Watt then asked if they agreed the minutes of the Pension Committee meeting held on the 19th September 2011. He asked if could sign them as a true record. The committee agreed that he could. He said that they were signed.


The Chair, Cllr Geoffrey Watt then moved to item 3, which was the Investment Monitoring Working Party minutes of the 12th October 2011. He referred committee members to the exempt appendix too. He asked committee members to note those. The committee noted them.

The Chair, Cllr Geoffrey Watt moved the committee to item 4 which was the Local Government Pension Scheme Update and two reports. He said he would take this with item 11 (Any Other Urgent Business – Public Service Pensions – HM Treasury on the supplementary agenda.
