Demonstrators chant “Labour Council – listen to the public!” during “no-cuts” petition

Demonstrators chant “Labour Council – listen to the public!” during “no-cuts” petition

Demonstrators chant “Labour Council – listen to the public!” during “no-cuts” petition


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Council (Wirral Council) 11th December 2017 Part 1 of 4

Wirral Momentum Wirral Needs petition Wirral Council 11th December 2017
Wirral Momentum Wirral Needs petition Wirral Council 11th December 2017

A Wirral Momentum petition of 3,297 signatures as part of the Wirral Needs campaign triggered a debate of fifteen minutes at Monday’s meeting of Wirral Council’s councillors.
Continue reading “Demonstrators chant “Labour Council – listen to the public!” during “no-cuts” petition”

As the costs of the new trains rise, Merseytravel’s lawyers buy drinks and you’re paying for it (as well as taxis, wi-fi on trains and other expenses)!

As the costs of the new trains rise, Merseytravel’s lawyers buy drinks and you’re paying for it (as well as taxis, wi-fi on trains and other expenses)!

As the costs of the new trains rise, Merseytravel’s lawyers buy drinks and you’re paying for it (as well as taxis, wi-fi on trains and other expenses)!


A picture of one of the new trains ordered by Merseytravel from Stadler
A picture of one of the new trains ordered by Merseytravel from Stadler

Last Friday, Merseytravel answered a FOI request of mine for various invoices.
Continue reading “As the costs of the new trains rise, Merseytravel’s lawyers buy drinks and you’re paying for it (as well as taxis, wi-fi on trains and other expenses)!”

Wirral Council consultation on changes to the greenbelt finishes on Wednesday!

Wirral Council consultation on changes to the greenbelt finishes on Wednesday!

Wirral Council consultation on changes to the greenbelt finishes on Wednesday!


Wirral Council’s Planning Committee can still recommend land in the greenbelt is developed if they deem special circumstances apply
Wirral Council’s Planning Committee can still recommend land in the greenbelt is developed if they deem special circumstances apply

Wirral Council is planning a review of what land is in the greenbelt. There is a consultation on how they will decide what is or isn’t greenbelt land that finishes at 5pm on Wednesday 6th December 2017.
Continue reading “Wirral Council consultation on changes to the greenbelt finishes on Wednesday!”

Why are Bombardier suing Merseytravel over the contract for new trains?

Why are Bombardier suing Merseytravel over the contract for new trains?

Why are Bombardier suing Merseytravel over the contract for new trains?


Councillor Steve Foulkes (Lead Member for Finance and Organisational Development) (left) at a Merseytravel Committee meeting
Councillor Steve Foulkes (Lead Member for Finance and Organisational Development) (left) at a Merseytravel Committee meeting

Edited 26.11.17 to include link to Hansard report of parliamentary debate and also text of first two pages of Particulars of Claim.

I’ve written previously about the large sum that Merseytravel is spending to defend a legal challenge brought by Bombardier over the procurement of new trains on the Merseyrail network.

You can read a decision by The Hon Mr Justice Coulson as to whether the Particulars of Claim are confidential here. That decision decides that the Particulars of Claim are not confidential.
Continue reading “Why are Bombardier suing Merseytravel over the contract for new trains?”

Wirral Council approved £50,000 for transport study connected to Hoylake Golf Resort

Wirral Council approved £50,000 for transport study connected to Hoylake Golf Resort

Wirral Council approved £50,000 for transport study connected to Hoylake Golf Resort


Cllr Stuart Whittingham (left) (Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport) Cabinet 6th November 2017
Cllr Stuart Whittingham (left) (Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport) Cabinet 6th November 2017

Despite growing public concern about the plans for Hoylake Golf Resort resulting in a public meeting next month organised by the local MP, yesterday Wirral Council’s Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport Cllr Stuart Whittingham (pictured above) approved £50,000 to be spent with consultants Mott McDonald for a “Saughall Massie Infrastructure Improvements Study.

Continue reading “Wirral Council approved £50,000 for transport study connected to Hoylake Golf Resort”