What was in the "strictly confidential" report on Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority that cost over £14,000?

What was in the “strictly confidential” report on Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority that cost over £14000?

What was in the “strictly confidential” report on Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority that cost over £14,000?


Last year Merseyside Waste and Recycling Authority paid Paver Smith (a PR agency which has since changed its name to Influential) £11,700 + VAT for 18 days work (at a rate of £650 + VAT) for an internal and external communications review. You can see the invoice for that work below.

Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority invoice Paver Smith
Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority invoice Paver Smith

The internal communication review involved ‘discovery’ sessions with MRWA staff, an online questionnaire and focus groups. Below is the internal communications bit of the report (with my comments under each page).

Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 1
Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 1

This is just the cover page for the report.

Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 2
Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 2

This report is “strictly confidential”. Why do I know this? Why I know because this page tells me so in red letters.

Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 3
Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 3

This is a contents page.

Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 4
Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 4

A whole page on “introductory remarks” that contains a lot of phrases such as:

“employees and management must communicate in order for an organisation to function effectively”,
“there is real value in staff being clear on and understanding the forward mission and objectives of MWRA” and “Staff also carry an organisation’s brand out to the market, with clients, stakeholders and the public. Having them “on message” and carrying a unified and coordinated message can have great benefits”.

Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 5
Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 5

This page deals with “Objectives and methodology” including this section on confidentiality:

  • It is crucial to the process on an internal communications review that all feedback is supplied in strictest confidence and handled with great care.
  • For the results to be helpful for an organisation feedback needs to be given openly and without concern.
  • Therefore all focus group interviews were undertaken in the strictest confidence under Chatham House rules with no attributing of specific statements to individuals.
  • The internal survey was structured also in a way to preserve anonymity.
Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 6
Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 6

This next page goes into detail about the three focus groups (Executive Management Team, Senior Management Team and Authority officers).

One of the more interesting comments on this page is “A common theme raised by all was the concern that MRWA had a “silo” culture where individual teams largely operated independently from each other and as a result there was little cross fertilisation or understanding what each team was working on/ looking to achieve.”

A comment like that probably makes you think that Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority is a large organisation with lots of staff, however the staff structure on their website shows they have only about three dozen staff.

Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 7
Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 7

This page has the rather telling comment at the top (EMT stands for Executive Management Team) “There was a staff perception that the EMT didn’t wish to engage in two way communication and discussion.” followed by “All expressed a concern that the intranet was used passively to disseminate information that staff were then assumed to seek out, but that active use of the intranet was however very low.”

Then it moves on to themes from the Executive Management Team focus group. Here are some quotes from that focus group:

“Concern was express that some of the staff had unrealistic expectations as to what they should be communicated to about.”


“The intranet was raised as a tool that wasn’t effective and not proactively used to access information.”

The senior management focus group also commented on the intranet and the silo culture.

“It was felt by some that too much reliance was placed on people proactively seeking out information on the intranet and that generally people didn’t do this. “

“A major concern for this group was what was described as a “silo” culture in MRWA with individual teams and functions working in isolation from each other and not enough interaction nor understanding of each other’s objectives, activity, challenges and successes. “

Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 8
Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 8

The staff focus group found internal communications was “poor”, apart from HR related matters. This focus group also felt “that generally the quality of management communication was poor and that there was a lack of interest (from the organisation) in seeking and listening to staff’s views and ideas.”.

Also commented on by the staff focus group was that this had led to a “‘what’s the point’ culture with some staff and a sense of negativity and scepticism”. The staff group expressed a “strong desire that the outcomes from the internal communications review should be shared”.

Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 9
Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 9

This page deals with the results of the questionnaire, there’s a pretty even split between people who think internal communications are poor and those that think it is satisfactory.

Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 10
Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 10

This is another page going into the results of the survey and has the line “Good internal communications are seen generally by staff as of crucial importance to their sense of satisfaction and general wellbeing an an employee.”

Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 11
Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 11

This page details the results to the question “How important do you think internal communication is?”.

Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 12
Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 12

This page is about the frequency of internal communications and information that people should receive monthly.

Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 13
Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 13

This page is about the frequency of internal communications and information that people should receive quarterly or bi-annually.

Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 14
Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 14

This page is about the quality of internal communication.

Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 15
Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 15

This page is about satisfaction with the quality of internal communication and how it happens.

Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 17
Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 16

This page deals with improving internal communications.

Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 18
Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 17

This page deals with verbatim comments on how to improve internal communications.

Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 19
Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 18

This page states expands on the heading “treat all equal” which is clarified as meaning “Reduce the secret meetings and promote total inclusion”.

Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 20
Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 19

This page starts the recommendations, the first four are for the Executive Management Team (abbreviated to EMT).

Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 21
Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 20

This page has two more general recommendations on content of internal communications.

Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 22
Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 21

This page has recommendations on the channel used for communication.

Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 23
Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 22

This page suggests that positive external PR news should be circulated internally to staff.

Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 24
Paver Smith report on internal communications to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority page 23

Finally, in the concluding remarks and next steps it recommends that the reports findings and recommendations are presented to the Executive Management Team and to the wider management and staff cohort.

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Why was I "gagged" from writing about a £1.2 billion contract?

Why was I “gagged” from writing about a £1.2 billion contract?

Why was I “gagged” from writing about a £1.2 billion contract?


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Photo from Youtube video about £1.2 billion contract
Photo from Youtube video about £1.2 billion contract

Below is a transcript of the above Youtube video (which at the time of writing is uploading but should be available by about 6.20pm on the 28/7/2015).

Hello viewers, I’m John Brace. Normally I’m behind the camera not in front of it, but today I wanted to talk about a £1.2 billion contract that councillors have signed between Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority now called Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority and SITA Sembcorp UK Limited.

A few weeks ago as part of the public’s rights under the audit when the public can inspect various invoices and contracts for three weeks each year I requested this particular contract, although as there weren’t any payments made on this contract under the last financial year, they first of all classed it as a freedom of information request, then they got back to me and said now it’s an Environmental Information Regulations request.

They did give me a copy of the contract but all the pricing information was blacked out. However the strange thing now after making Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulations requests for years and years is I came across something new in that when they sent me an email back saying this is the result of the public interest test as to why we’ve redacted certain bits, they referred to the Re-Use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005 and basically said at the bottom that if I wanted to republish it or reuse it, I’d have to ask them for a licence!

Anyway I looked up the Re-Use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005 and yes they do apply to information that’s been given out for freedom of information requests or Environmental Information Regulations requests.

Anyway I found out that the Re-Use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005 were in fact repealed before the date of their letter.

They were repealed on the 18th July. So they don’t apply any more, but the Re-Use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015 do apply and they contain some changes which is why I’m making this video.

You see in, let’s see if I can get it up in Regulation I think it’s 5, yep Regulation 5 of the of the Re-Use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015 state these regulations do not apply to documents held by public service broadcasters and their subsidiaries, and other bodies and their subsidiaries for the purposes of the provision of programme services.

Now if you look up what these definitions actually mean in the Communications Act 2003, right, body means any body or association of persons, whether corporate or unincorporate, including a firm; so that could just mean me and Leonora, now the definition of programme services is a bit more complicated but the definition of programme services means a television programme service, the public teletext service, an additional television service, a digital additional television service, a radio programme service or a sound service provided by the BBC and then it goes on to define “television programme” means any programme (with or without sounds) which is produced wholly or partly to be seen on television and consists of moving or still images or of legible text or of a combination of those things.

Now I’ve checked whether videos on this Youtube channel are being watched on TVs and I’ll just have a quick look on my laptop and see. Yes, over the last year there have been 189 views on smart TVs and set top boxes for TV. So therefore strangely enough I come under the definition of, this comes under the definition of television programme and therefore the regulations do not apply to this particular document so I don’t have to ask their permission to publish it because it’s to do with this programme service and that’s why I’m recording this.

However on a final note I’d like to point out that the, shall we say the principle that every time somebody in the media makes a freedom of information request or an environmental information regulations request, before they use that information they’ve got to ask for permission from the public body to reuse it and state what purpose it’s for is well for anybody in the media who makes a freedom of information request and then writes stories on them is not the way it’s done.

Err, I don’t know if anybody else has heard of these regulations or whether they’re going to crop up in future FOI requests even though I think Wirral Council would quite like to send a boilerplate text at the end of each reply they send to me saying that I can’t use them unless I get their permission under the Re-Use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015 in which case I’ll just make another video like this and then it doesn’t apply.

Anyway going back to the £1.2 billion contract between Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority or now Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority and SITA Sembcorp UK Limited. This is an 864 page contract that over the lifetime of the contract they will pay out £1.2 billion for and relates to for years and years and years basically putting Merseyside’s rubbish on a train, sending it up to somewhere in the North-East of England, burning it and generating electricity from the rubbish.

I’m not sure what happens to the rubbish after they’ve burnt it but perhaps I need to read the contract better but I will be publishing the contract along with this video on my website so you can have a look for yourself. On the subject of the information that is blacked out, I’ll be looking into whether I’ll make a whatever the, I think it’s a reconsideration under the Environmental Information Regulations request for that information to be revealed but I’ll have to look into the detail and unfortunately basically the way the contract is worded it’s very unlikely that I’ll get access to the financial information in it but I’ll publish the rest of it on my blog, so you can have a read to see what your money will be spent on from 2017.

The only other thing, well two other things to say about this contract are firstly, this contract was signed back in 2013 and at that time the government were making various financial incentives to do this kind of thing so that the rubbish didn’t go to landfill but this was one of three projects where the government decided that there were already enough energy from waste contracts to supply our needs for years and years in the future and they withdrew the £90 million PFI credits for this particular contract.

Now the two other places that were affected by this decision decided to take the government to judicial review, I don’t know what happened as a result of that and finally the only other thing to point out about this contract is that there were, in the end two bidders for this contract one of whom was obviously the successful contractor SITA Sembcorp UK Limited.

Now the unsuccessful bidder sued Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority because they alleged things had happened during the tendering process that shouldn’t have and in fact they even got the court to basically set aside the contract or set aside basically implementing the contract until the court case was settled.

Now the court case was eventually settled out of court, the second placed contractor basically asked for Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority to pay all the profit they would have got if they’d been awarded the contract and of course Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority doesn’t have that kind of money because it would be over £100 million. I can’t remember what the estimate was, I think it was something between £100 million and £200 million. So anyway that’s the last thing I wanted to say about this and I hope you enjoyed this video and the contract is on my blog.

OK? Bye.

If someone could explain the meaning of Regulation 5(2) of The Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015:

“(2) These Regulations do not apply to a document unless it—

(a) has been identified by the public sector body as being available for re-use;
(b) has been provided to the applicant; or
(c) is accessible by means other than by making a request for it within the meaning of the 1998 Act, the 2000 Act (or where appropriate the 2002 Act) or the 2004 Regulations (or where appropriate the 2004 Scottish Regulations).”

and whether this means:

(a) the regulations don’t apply to FOI requests, EIR requests or data protection act requests or
(b) the regulations apply to everything but FOI requests, EIR requests or data protection act requests

and leave a comment it would be appreciated.

UPDATED 17:45 28/7/15 Merseyside Waste and Recycling Authority have today stated "the Authority is aware of its obligations in relation to transparency, and the publication of public sector information. We are more than happy that members of the public can access this material, and are free to question, query and publish aspects of the Authority’s work."

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Why did Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority pay a PR agency £650 + VAT a day?

Why did Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority pay a PR agency £650 + VAT a day?

Why did Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority pay a PR agency £650 + VAT a day?


This year I went to the offices of Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority (previously called Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority) where I inspected various invoices and contracts that relate to the 2014/15 financial year.

Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority deal with the rubbish collected by each council on Merseyside, provide thirteen Household Waste Recycling Centres (the ones on the Wirral are the Bidston Household Waste Recycling Centre in Wallasey Bridge Road, Clatterbridge Household Waste Recycling Centre in Mount Road and West Kirby Household Waste Recycling Centre in Greenbank Road) and are also responsible for closed landfill sites such as the one at Bidston Moss.

Their 2014/15 budget was £68.6 million which comes from a levy on each on the Merseyside councils which each have to pay based on a tonnage basis. Councillor Irene Williams (Labour) and Councillor Steve Williams (Conservative) represent Wirral Council on the Merseyside Waste and Recycling Authority.

In 2005 after a tender exercise MRWA (then called Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority) appointed Daniel Harris Associates for “the provision of public relations and communications services for Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority”. DH Communications Limited (also known as Daniel Harris Associates or DHA) won the tender exercise with a bid of £650 per a day (see letter below).

Letter to Daniel Harris Associates from Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority confirming they have won tender for PR contract 13th December 2005
Letter to Daniel Harris Associates from Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority confirming they have won tender for PR contract 13th December 2005

The tender that DHA won was for a three-year contract from 1st November 2005 to the 1st November 2008. DHA were paid £25,200 a year for 3 and a half days work each month. However at some point in 2009 Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority realised that “The contract with DHA was not reviewed in line with its prescribed timetable resulting in the continuation of the contract beyond the specified term.” (see pages below).

Decision to extend DHA contract in 2009 by Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority page 1 of 2
Decision to extend DHA contract in 2009 by Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority page 1 of 2
Decision to extend DHA contract in 2009 by Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority page 2 of 2
Decision to extend DHA contract in 2009 by Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority page 2 of 2

Carl Beer is Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority’s Chief Executive. The contract was retrospectively extended from the 1st November 2008 to 1st November 2009 and an extra 12 months was added which extended the contract to 2010.

In 2014 there were a number of emails between DHA and Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority in relation to how DHA would be charging Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority in future.

Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority were at this stage paying DHA a £1,625 monthly retainer. However DHA wrote in an email that they felt “the authority has not always maximised the value of the fee it pays to us: i.e. it has made minimal call on our services”. They set out a number of options:

Option One

DHA estimated that over the last two to three years that the average cost of the work Merseyside Waste and Recycling Authority had asked them to do was £990 + VAT a month (whilst they were being paid a £1,625 monthly retainer). Option one would keep the monthly retainer but reduce it to £990 + VAT instead.

Option Two

DHA would charge Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority on a project basis at £600 + VAT a day.

Option Three

DHA would charge Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority a monthly retainer of £600 + VAT a month, but if they needed more work from DHA then they would be charged £600 a day.

Merseyside Waste and Recycling Authority decided to go for option 2 (from April 2015). The emails that go into the detail of these negotiations are below.

Emails between DHA and Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority Page 1 of 10
Emails between DHA and Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority Page 1 of 10
Emails between DHA and Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority Page 2 of 10
Emails between DHA and Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority Page 2 of 10
Emails between DHA and Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority Page 3 of 10
Emails between DHA and Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority Page 3 of 10
Emails between DHA and Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority Page 4 of 10
Emails between DHA and Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority Page 4 of 10
Emails between DHA and Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority Page 5 of 10
Emails between DHA and Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority Page 5 of 10
Emails between DHA and Merseyside Recyling and Waste Authority Page 6 of 10
Emails between DHA and Merseyside Recyling and Waste Authority Page 6 of 10
Emails between DHA and Merseyside Recyling and Waste Authority Page 7 of 10
Emails between DHA and Merseyside Recyling and Waste Authority Page 7 of 10
Emails between DHA and Merseyside Recyling and Waste Authority Page 8 of 10
Emails between DHA and Merseyside Recyling and Waste Authority Page 8 of 10
Emails between DHA and Merseyside Recyling and Waste Authority Page 9 of 10
Emails between DHA and Merseyside Recyling and Waste Authority Page 9 of 10
Emails between DHA and Merseyside Recyling and Waste Authority Page 10 of 10
Emails between DHA and Merseyside Recyling and Waste Authority Page 10 of 10

Below are a number of the invoices submitted to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority during the 2014/15 financial year.

DHA Communications Ltd invoice to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority invoice 1
DHA Communications Ltd invoice to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority invoice 1
DHA Communications Ltd invoice to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority invoice 2
DHA Communications Ltd invoice to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority invoice 2
DHA Communications Ltd invoice to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority invoice 3
DHA Communications Ltd invoice to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority invoice 3
DHA Communications Ltd invoice to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority invoice 4
DHA Communications Ltd invoice to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority invoice 4
DHA Communications Ltd invoice to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority invoice 5
DHA Communications Ltd invoice to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority invoice 5
DHA Communications Ltd invoice to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority invoice 6
DHA Communications Ltd invoice to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority invoice 6
DHA Communications Ltd invoice to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority invoice 7
DHA Communications Ltd invoice to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority invoice 7
DHA Communications Ltd invoice to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority invoice 8
DHA Communications Ltd invoice to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority invoice 8

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What are the changes next year to the public's right to inspect documents of public bodies during the audit?

What are the changes next year to the public’s right to inspect documents of public bodies during the audit?

What are the changes next year to the public’s right to inspect documents of public bodies during the audit?


Wirral Council lease Neptune Wirral Limited Neptune Developments Limited Neptune Projects Limited 20th June 2011 for New Brighton Phase II draft car parking management plan page 2 of 2
Wirral Council lease Neptune Wirral Limited Neptune Developments Limited Neptune Projects Limited 20th June 2011 for New Brighton Phase II draft car parking management plan page 2 of 2

Above is one of the documents I requested under the 2013/14 audit last year, which is a page of a lease that Wirral Council have with Neptune that states that if Wirral Council introduce car parking in the Fort Perch Rock car park, then charges can be introduced in the free car parks part of the Marine Point development.

Each year for the past few years I have exercised a right you get to exercise only for three weeks each year, which is a right under section 15 of the Audit Commission Act 1998 to inspect documents relating to the previous financial year (2014/15) during the audit.

This has in years gone past has been the only way to see such financial information and to give one example of a story that resulted in many interesting stories on this blog (ranging from councillor’s expenses and taxis to an unsigned contract for a million pounds worth of work).

This year I have exercised my s.15 right not just with Wirral Council, but with Liverpool City Council, Merseytravel, the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority and the Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority.

A couple of weeks before the three-week period when the public can inspect these documents each of these bodies has to publish a public notice in a newspaper that circulates in the area covered by that body. The regulations also require each body to publish this notice on their website. Wirral Council’s notice can be found on their website here.

To save myself trekking off to Birkenhead Central library and spending an afternoon going through back issues of the local newspapers trying to find the public notices, I found this website that has a searchable database of all public notices published by the Trinity Mirror group.

All of the notices (apart from the Merseytravel one) had a name of someone at that public body who I wrote to (whether by letter or by email). In the case of Merseytravel I wrote to the Chief Executive, who passed my request on to the person at Merseytravel dealing with it.

So far the responses have been as follows:

Merseytravel – dates of Monday 27th July 2015/Tuesday 28th July 2015 agreed to come in and inspect the documents. They have a “paperless office”, but will be printing off copies of the invoices/contracts I requested so their legal department can redact parts of them.

Merseyside Waste and Recycling Authority – dates of Friday 24th July and Wednesday 29th July 2015 have been agreed to come in and inspect documents.

Liverpool City Council – email sent yesterday, no reply received yet

Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority – email sent and acknowledged on the 15th July 2015, no further reply received since

Wirral Council – email sent with request for contracts & councillor expenses on 19th July 2015, reply received yesterday, list of invoices sent this morning, no reply received yet or date/s arranged

Next year, any right of access to invoices and contracts will be under the new section 26 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014.

The main differences will be next year that a new ground of refusing a request on grounds of “commercial confidentiality” has been added in to the legislation unless there is an “overriding public interest in favour of its disclosure”.

This puts on a statutory footing the Veolia case, see [2010] EWCA Civ 1214 if you’re curious about what I mean.

The new section 26 also means that determinations about what is “personal information” on documents (therefore not open to inspection) will in future be made by the public body themselves and not the situation at present of the public body having to get agreement from their external auditor to this. It does make it crystal clear that the names of sole traders on invoices is not covered by the definition of “personal information” and defines “personal information” as “identifies a particular individual or enables a particular individual to be identified”. The restriction on information about the public body’s staff remains in section 26 next year.

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Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority's £110,000 Community Fund for 2015-2016 will be launched on Tuesday 10th February

Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority’s £110,000 Community Fund for 2015-2016 will be launched on Tuesday 10th February

Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority’s £110,000 Community Fund for 2015-2016 will be launched on Tuesday 10th February


Merseyside Waste and Recycling Authority 6th February 2015 L to R Cllr Irene Williams, Cllr Laura Robertson-Collins, Cllr Tony Concepcion, Cllr Kevin Cluskey and Cllr Steve Williams
Merseyside Waste and Recycling Authority 6th February 2015 L to R Cllr Irene Williams, Cllr Laura Robertson-Collins, Cllr Tony Concepcion, Cllr Kevin Cluskey and Cllr Steve Williams

The Merseyside Waste and Recycling Authority met on the 6th February 2015 with most of the meeting being about agreeing next year’s budget and financial matters.

As part of the meeting changes to the application process for this year’s Community Fund were agreed. The Merseyside Waste and Recycling Authority last year awarded £10,000 to Tomorrow’s Women Wirral for refurbishment of their Birkenhead base using recycled materials and £9,064 to Wirral Change’s “Too Good to Waste” project.
Continue reading “Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority's £110,000 Community Fund for 2015-2016 will be launched on Tuesday 10th February”