Annual Meeting (Part 1), Council (Wirral Council) 14th May 2012

Election of Mayor and Deputy Mayor for Wirral 2012/2013. Appointments to Merseyside Police Authority.

Here is a brief update on the meeting.

1. Declarations of Interest 00:00 to 01:30

The Mayor asked people to please sit down. She welcomed people to Wallasey Town Hall and pointed out that it is a formal meeting with an agenda. She asked the councillors for any declarations of interest. None was made.

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2. Mayor’s Communications 01:30

She asked for any apologies for absence. A number of apologies for absence were made.

She then made a speech thanking people and talking about her year as Mayor and other matters. 01:30 to 08:50

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Wirral’s Young Poet Laureate then read a poem entitled “I am the Wirral”.

*note video of poem not available due to copyright not obtained on performance*

08:58 to  10:48

There was applause for her poem.

3. Election of Mayor 2012/13 11:00

The Mayor asked for nominations for Mayor. 11:00 to 11:15

Cllr Jeff Green nominated Cllr Gerry Ellis. 11:15 to 15:11.

There was applause. The Mayor asked for it to be seconded.

Cllr Phil Davies seconded the nomination. 15:27 to 17:00.

There was applause. The Mayor invited Cllr Harney to speak.

Cllr Harney spoke. 17:12 to 18:06.

There was more applause.

The Mayor thanked Cllr Harney and asked for any other nominations.  18:14 to 18:18

None was made.

The Mayor declared Cllr Gerry Ellis the Mayor for the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral. 18:20 to 18:30.

There was applause.

The Mayor and others left the room. 18:55

The Mayor’s return was announced. 28:38

The Mayor returned. 28:38.

I couldn’t see much as to what happened next as I had to sit down due to the standing making my broken arm bones worse.

Bill Norman invited Gerry Ellis to make his declaration of acceptance of office. 32:35 to 32:40

Cllr Gerry Ellis read out the declaration. 32:40 to 33:10

He invited the Mayor’s Chaplain to speak.

The Mayor’s Chaplain read a prayer. 33:40 to 36:24

The Mayor asked people to sit down.

The Mayor addressed people present with a witty speech. He was provided with an extra microphone during it. 36:21 to 57:01

There was applause. 57:01 to 57:20

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4. Deputy Mayor 2012/13

Bill Norman announced item 4. 57:20 to 57:26

The Mayor asked for nominations. 57:26 to 57:31

Cllr Tom Harney asked if he could nominate Cllr Dave Mitchell. 57:34 to 57:44

The Mayor asked for it to be seconded.

Cllr Pat Williams seconded the nomination. 57:46 to 57:49

The Mayor declared Cllr Dave Mitchell as Deputy Mayor.

There was applause. End of tape 1.

Cllr Dave Mitchell was presented with the chain of office. 00:00 to 00:16

Bill Norman invited Cllr Dave Mitchell to make his declaration of acceptance of office. 00:17 to 00:22

Cllr Dave Mitchell made his declaration of acceptance of office. 00:24 to 00:46

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5 Appointments to Outside Bodies – Merseyside Police Authority Appointments Committee

(2 Labour, 1 Conservative)

Bill Norman announced item 5. 1:08 to 1:28

People were proposed and seconded by councillors.

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6. Adjournment

The Mayor asked for agreement to adjourn the meeting to 6.15pm on Monday 21st May 2012. The meeting was adjourned. 01:47 to 02:01

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Licensing, Health and Safety and General Purposes Committee (Wirral Council) 23/1/2012 Part 3

sign reading Polling Station
sign reading Polling Station

Licensing, Health and Safety and General Purposes Committee (Wirral Council) 23/1/2012 Part 3

Continues from Licensing, Health and Safety and General Purposes Committee (Wirral Council) 23/1/2012 Part 2.

Kate said they had visited the Masonic Hall this afternoon and it was a suitable venue. It cost £350 for hire. Surjit Tour talked about Between2Worlds. He said there were statutory purposes for polling stations and the front entrance at the Masonic Hall was unsuitable for disabled access. However there was no certainty for hire costs with Between2Worlds as it would have to be negotiated.

Cllr Ian Lewis commented. He understood the point made by Cllr Darren Dodd, his concern was that they were looking at maps whereas in practice it was the effect on votes. Wherever it moved, people wouldn’t vote as they’d go to the wrong polling station as it had previously been the YMCA. He said elderly people who had used the YMCA might not find out as not everyone was sent a polling card. He said his personal preference was to accept the Masonic Hall as opposed to the YMCA car park.

Cllr Patricia Glasman said he agreed with Cllr Ian Lewis on the whole, she also wanted the Masonic Lodge, however there was no provision for tellers.

Kate said that other polling stations that were entered directly had no provision and tellers could remain outside.

Cllr Bill Davies asked about the disabled access.

Kate said yes in answer to his question. There was a side exit at the Masonic Lodge used as a fire exit, unfortunately a ramp over the front steps was not practical.

Cllr Chris Jones asked about the past history of problems about using a Masonic Lodge as a polling station.

Cllr Bill Davies said he didn’t have the details in front of his, but to his recollection each time Masonic Lodges had been proposed as polling stations it had been turned down.

Cllr Ian Lewis said it would be nice if polling stations were suitable for tellers and wouldn’t inconvenience political activists. He still saw the Masonic Lodge as the least inconvenient.

Cllr Steve Niblock proposed, seconded by Cllr Chris Jones that the polling station for WE.

Cllr Sue Taylor proposed and Cllr Kate Wood seconded that the Masonic Lodge be used as the polling station for polling district WE.

There was a vote first on the amendment.

For: Cllrs Taylor, Wood, Lewis, Anderson and Glasman (5)
Against: Cllrs Davies, Williams, Niblock and Jones (4)

Abstention: None (0)

The amendment was carried by one vote (5:4:0).

The Chair said if possible because of the time scale, could they make a decision quickly on alternative polling stations?

Cllr Steve Niblock said there was a fall back of Between2Worlds, but he was happy if it was agreed by the party spokespersons.

Cllr Bill Davies said he wanted to advise the committee that with the timing of the local elections, if possible could it wait till March? Cllr Bill Davies proposed and Cllr Sue Taylor seconded that if alternative polling stations needed to be found that it would be agreed by the spokespersons.

This was agreed by the Committee.

Licensing, Health and Safety and General Purposes Committee (Wirral Council) 23/1/2012 Part 2

Licensing, Health and Safety and General Purposes Committee (Wirral Council) 23/1/2012 Part 2




Cllr Kate Wood
Cllr Sue Taylor
Cllr Ian Lewis
Cllr Tom Anderson


Cllr Bill Davies (Chair)
Cllr Irene Williams
Cllr Steve Niblock
Cllr Chris Jones
Cllr Patricia Glasman

Lib Dem


Cllr Bill Davies said he would make a start to the meeting and deal with the polling stations and Wirral Award first. He asked for any declarations of interest.

Cllr Steve Niblock declared a personal interest in item 5 as he knew the nominees and one of those nominated.

Cllr Ian Lewis declared a personal interest in item 3 as he is a councillor for Leasowe and Moreton East specifically in relation to polling district TC.

Cllr Ian Lewis also declared a personal interest in item 5 as two of the nominees were known to him.

Cllr Patricia Glasman declared a personal interest in item 3 as it mentions New Brighton ward.

Cllr Sue Taylor declared a personal interest in item 3 as it mentions New Brighton ward.

The minutes of the meeting held on the 10th November 2011 were agreed.

Cllr Chris Jones said she wanted to declare an interest, she declared a personal interest as she is a councillor in Seacombe ward.

Cllr Patricia Glasman declared an interest in item 5 as she knew one of the nominees.

The Committee then considered the report on Polling Districts and Polling Places. Surjit Tour said it was an update to the polling stations, which has been reviewed. Issues had been raised with polling districts WE and TC as they had required further work. The options related to the work.

For polling district TC the current polling place was Sacred Heart RC Primary School. Yew Tree Online Centre had been suggested as an alternative. Yew Tree Online Centre had previously been classed as unsuitable, however it had moved on and was now a suitable venue.

In Liscard ward, polling district WD Between2Worlds was an option or the YMCA. There were other alternative options that had been looked into too such as the Masonic Hall or Liscard Primary School.

The Chair said the panel had met on Friday and got feedback from ward councillors regarding the Yew Tree online centre.

Kate said they had received no feedback over the Yew Tree Online Centre, but Cllr Darren Dodd had sent them correspondence about Between2Worlds. Cllr Keeley wished to speak on this issue.

Cllr Steve Williams proposed that they agree the Yew Tree Online Centre as the polling station for polling district TC (Leasowe and Moreton East Ward). This was seconded by Cllr Patricia Glasman. All nine councillors voted in favour.

Cllr Keeley said he wanted to be brief, he was disappointed and felt that the polling station should be in the polling district. They had lost the YMCA which was a “crying shame”. He wanted a location that was good for drivers and on a bus route. As much as possible he wanted the committee to find a polling station as close as possible. He suggested the option of the Masonic Hall as it had a bus stop outside and a large car park.

The Chair thanked him for his comments.

Continues at Licensing, Health and Safety and General Purposes Committee (Wirral Council) 23/1/2012 Part 3.

Election Expenses Candidate: Barbara Sinclair Agent: Barbara Poole Claughton ward 2011 (Wirral Borough Council) Candidate and agent declaration

Candidate Declaration (Barbara Sinclair) Claughton ward 2011 Wirral Borough Council agent: Barbara Poole

Candidate Declaration (Barbara Sinclair) Claughton ward 2011 Wirral Borough Council agent: Barbara Poole

Agent Declaration (Barbara Poole) Claughton ward 2011 Wirral Borough Council candidate: Barbara Sinclair

Agent Declaration (Barbara Poole) Claughton ward 2011 Wirral Borough Council candidate: Barbara Sinclair

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