Cllr Pat Hackett elected Leader of Wirral Council with 31 votes to Cllr Ian Lewis’ 25

Cllr Pat Hackett elected Leader of Wirral Council with 31 votes to Cllr Ian Lewis’ 25

Cllr Pat Hackett elected Leader of Wirral Council with 31 votes to Cllr Ian Lewis’ 25


Cllr Pat Hackett (Leader of Wirral Council) 14th May 2019
Cllr Pat Hackett (Leader of Wirral Council) 14th May 2019

UPDATED by JB 19.5.19 to include extra video clip.

There were two candidates for Leader of Wirral Council yesterday evening (14th May 2019). Both made a five minute speech before the vote.

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Annual Meeting (Wirral Council) (Part 2) 14th May 2019 Part 1 of 2 – Leader of the Council

Cllr Pat Hackett (Leader of the Labour councillors) spoke first (you can watch his speech above). He said that as no party had a majority this would if councillors allowed it create a “vacuum of leadership”. Cllr Hackett said that he was “determined that we as elected Members will provide the leadership the Borough is crying out for”.
Continue reading “Cllr Pat Hackett elected Leader of Wirral Council with 31 votes to Cllr Ian Lewis’ 25”

In the age of foodbanks what did “distinguished guests” eat on the evening Cllr Tony Smith was made Mayor of Wirral?

In the age of foodbanks what did “distinguished guests” eat on the evening Cllr Tony Smith was made Mayor of Wirral?

In the age of foodbanks what did “distinguished guests” eat on the evening Cllr Tony Smith was made Mayor of Wirral?


Retiring Mayor Cllr Geoffrey Watt 13th May 2019
Retiring Mayor Cllr Geoffrey Watt 13th May 2019

UPDATED by JB on 19.5.19 to include detail on organisation doing catering and video clips of the public meeting on the 13th May.

UPDATED by JB on 24.5.19 to correct spelling of pâté

Yesterday’s public meeting of Wirral Council saw outgoing Mayor Cllr Geoffrey Watt (pictured above) leave and incoming Mayor Cllr Tony Smith start his term of office. Cllr George Davies is Deputy Civic Mayor this year.

In this age of food banks, I thought a list of the food served to over a hundred “distinguished guests” present should be made public. The catering was done this year by Wirral Metropolitan College.
Continue reading “In the age of foodbanks what did “distinguished guests” eat on the evening Cllr Tony Smith was made Mayor of Wirral?”

Court of Appeal Judges condemn Wirral Council’s decision making over marquees in greenbelt saga

Court of Appeal Judges condemn Wirral Council’s decision making over marquees in greenbelt saga

Court of Appeal Judges condemn Wirral Council’s decision making over marquees in greenbelt saga


David Ball (left) explains about the judicial review to the Planning Committee (Wirral Council) 18th January 2018
David Ball (left) explains about the judicial review to the Planning Committee (Wirral Council) 18th January 2018

For earlier coverage on this long running story you can read (in reverse chronological order):

Wirral Council planning application dispute involving 3 marquees in greenbelt listed for Court of Appeal hearing in March 2019 (2.1.19)

High Court Judge quashes greenbelt planning application for 3 marquees issued in “error” by Wirral Council in 2011 (29.3.18)

Why did Wirral Council’s planning department send out a decision letter about 3 marquees at Thornton Manor with no planning conditions? (13.7.17)

The 20 page judgement can be read here which was a request for permission to appeal from Mr Justice Kerr’s decision quashing the planning permission for the marquees issued by Wirral Council in case [2018] EWHC 560 (Admin).
Continue reading “Court of Appeal Judges condemn Wirral Council’s decision making over marquees in greenbelt saga”

Will 177 new houses be built near to Birkenhead North train station car park?

Will 177 new houses be built near to Birkenhead North train station car park?

Will 177 new houses be built near to Birkenhead North train station car park?


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Beaufort Road Site – Wirral Council decision on housing (2nd May 2019)

Councillor George Davies (Cabinet Member for Housing and Community Safety) and Chair of the Birkenhead Constituency Committee 28th July 2016
Councillor George Davies (Cabinet Member for Housing and Community Safety) 28th July 2016

On election day, I filmed a series of short videos about political issues and decisions until the rain interrupted.

Above is video of the one house left standing after Wirral Council demolished the Council houses here between 2000 and 2003. Behind this house is the relatively recently constructed Birkenhead North train station car park.
Continue reading “Will 177 new houses be built near to Birkenhead North train station car park?”

What would happen if Wirral Council’s 5 leaders had a game at the Last Chance Saloon?

What would happen if Wirral Council’s 5 leaders had a game at the Last Chance Saloon?

What would happen if Wirral Council’s 5 leaders had a game at the Last Chance Saloon?

John Wayne as the sheriff in Rio Bravo
John Wayne as the sheriff in Rio Bravo

The following is meant as satire and didn’t really happen.

Inside a bar at the Last Chance Saloon in a dusty town in the Wild West sit round a circular table five players and a dealer of cards. Sitting next to the dealer is his wife.

The bar staff are at a discreet distance away washing glasses by the bar wondering what will happen and whether they’ll still have a job after this game.

The players are Moira, Pat C, Ian, Pat H and Phil.
Continue reading “What would happen if Wirral Council’s 5 leaders had a game at the Last Chance Saloon?”