Planning Committee – 21/6/2011 – Part 5 – APP/11/ 00065 – Townfield Close, Claughton – Demolition of an existing petrol filling station and erection of Class A1 retail unit

Cllr Foulkes said that fairly immediately after the new Tesco opened in Claughton Village, the Spar went under. The Post Office managed to survive, but its support shop went under. They had fought long and hard to keep Post Offices which were vital for the elderly and disabled. If this application was approved it would … Continue reading “Planning Committee – 21/6/2011 – Part 5 – APP/11/ 00065 – Townfield Close, Claughton – Demolition of an existing petrol filling station and erection of Class A1 retail unit”

Cllr Foulkes said that fairly immediately after the new Tesco opened in Claughton Village, the Spar went under. The Post Office managed to survive, but its support shop went under. They had fought long and hard to keep Post Offices which were vital for the elderly and disabled. If this application was approved it would probably sound the death knell for the Post Office. The Localism Bill gave more reasons regarding detriments to amenities enjoyed locally. Cllr Foulkes thought this was the wrong development for a residential area. A thousand people had put pen to paper. If it was appealed, the inspector would have to take the views of local people into account and refuse the application.

Cllr Elderton (the chair) said that six issues had been raised on which he asked officers to comments.
1) whether the conditions could be enforce on a private site
2) parking in Townfield Close
3) the added conditions regarding deliveries (and times) and how enforceable this was
4) the effect on neighbouring shopping areas
5) the viability of the Post Office
6) taking this application on its merits and not taking account of other decisions.

Cheryl Barry replied that the conditions were enforceable. She was satisfied regarding enforcement of the highways matters. She couldn’t comment regarding the parking. Regarding neighbouring shopping areas, the previous application had not had to go through that process. They had gone through the process to comply with national policy guidelines which required them to consider the impact on Town Centres and shopping areas. Examples would be the local shops and Post Office. This was a national and regional study and she agreed with its findings.

The Chair asked about the Post office, deliveries and the viability of the Post Office.

Planning Committee – 21/6/2011 – Part 4 – APP/11/ 00065 – Townfield Close, Claughton – Demolition of an existing petrol filling station and erection of Class A1 retail unit

Cllr Foulkes continued that recent developments had changed the site, there was a huge medical centre and parking and vehicle movements had changed significantly. He thought that based on this if a petrol station was applied for for this reason they would probably say no. To him it looked like a Tesco and the modus operandi looked very much like this. On the site visit information had been passed to the traffic department. It appeared to him that the Planning Committee and the applicant on the subject of large vehicles was trying to fit a quart into a pint pot.

The land was in private ownership, therefore the condition was not enforceable. The application would affect parking in Townfield Close, which from photos there were usually thirteen vehicles parked here. Banning parking would negate the extra parking on the site. The restrictions on hours of delivery (which was part of the application in Claughton village) meant that if a delivery was late this condition was not enforceable. A wagon could be in a traffic jam and arrive at school times. The nearby primary school meant that vehicle movement and parking warranted further investigation. This was a valid reason for refusal.

The location of the recognised shopping areas of Prenton and Upton would mean that someone somewhere would think enough is enough and close. Tesco did not source locally and was a national brand, they didn’t contribute to the local economy. The crucial issue was the evidence that Tescos and Sainsburys had a detrimental effect on local shops and the Post Office.

Planning Committee – 21/6/2011 – Part 3 – APP/11/ 00065 – Townfield Close, Claughton – Demolition of an existing petrol filling station and erection of Class A1 retail unit

The officer introduced this application as one for demolition of a petrol station located to the West of the site (a map was displayed on the screen) and a 13 space car park. There was relevant previous planning permissions including one for a single storey building with four individual retail units. However this had included a condition not to merge the units. It was not a designated shopping centre and there was no sequentially preferred site or detrimental impact. Other properties available and impact studies on other centres showed no detrimental impact. They had studied and accepted the conclusion of the information submitted. The concerns of the objectors were in relation to servicing and parking as well as access to the car park. There were windows facing Townfield Close. The hours of the service bay were limited to exclude school hours. The officer said it had to be balanced against its previous use as a petrol station, where large vehicles unrestricted by planning consent visited the site. There were petitions. The petitioner was asked if he wished to speak, he declined. Therefore the applicant wasn’t given the opportunity to speak.

Cllr Foulkes thanked the planning committee for their indulgence in allowing him to speak. He said he was a humble ward councillor and the neighbouring ward Lib Dem councillors in Oxton (except Cllr Stuart Kelly) held a joint view that they were helping and supporting residents. He described it as a “stalking horse” application. Discussion with the agents had led to a difficult situation. He accepted the previous application was for four individual units which would finish off the development.

Planning Committee – 21/6/2011 – Part 2 – APP/11/ 00065 – Townfield Close, Claughton – Demolition of an existing petrol filling station and erection of Class A1 retail unit

The report for this item APP/11/00065 – Townfield Close, Claughton – Demolition of an existing petrol filling station and erection of Class A1 retail unit can be read by clicking on the link.

The following amendments were also circulated with the agenda:-

6. APP/11/0065 – Townfield Close Claughton – Demolition of a Petrol Filling Station and erection of Class A1 retail unit.

– One additional representation of support has been received.

– Two additional representations of objection have been received including a report from Bradburn and Co. Accountants, detailing projected accounts for the Post Office within Townfield Close, in the event that the Post Office had to bear the costs of supporting the entire premises costs (currently shared with Premier) and expressing concern over safety in relation to delivery vehicles.

– Additional conditions:

13. The occupation of this development authorised by this permission shall not begin until the improvement works shown on drawing SK 21010-02 have been completed in accordance with those drawings and have been certified as complete by or on behalf of the local planning authority and shall be retained as such thereafter.

Reason: In the interests of road safety and maintain access for delivery vehicles.

14. A scheme of works to restrict the lay-by shown on SK21010-02 for “delivery vehicles only” shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of development. The scheme shall be implement prior to first opening of the store and retained as such thereafter.

Reason: In the interests of road safety and to maintain access for delivery vehicles.

15. No deliveries shall take place at the site between the hours of 08.30 and 09.30 or between the hours of 15:00 and 16:00 from Monday to Friday inclusive.

Reason: In the interests of sustainable transport and highway safety.

16. Prior to development commencing a scheme of works to prohibit parking at all times within Townfield Close shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority along with a management plan. The scheme of works shall be implemented prior to first opening of the store and shall be retained as such thereafter, and operated in accordance with the approved management plan.

Reason: In the interests of road safety and to maintain access for delivery vehicles.

Planning Committee – 21/6/2011 – Part 1 – Introductions, application for a store in Noctorum

Present: Chair (Cllr Elderton), Cllr Mitchell, Cllr Clements, Cllr Hayes (Paul), Cllr Boult, Cllr Johnson, Cllr Kenny, Cllr Mooney, Cllr Realey and Cllr Kelly.

The meeting started with the Chair apologising for the meeting starting over five minutes late. He welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked those present (including officers) to introduce themselves.

He then asked for declarations of interest or party whip. None were declared. The minutes of the last meeting were agreed. Cllr Boult asked why an application had not been received (in reference to the minutes). The Chair thanked Cllr Boult for his question and said he would arrange for it to be handed out. Cheryl Barry said she would make sure it was done. The minutes were agreed.

Site visits were requested by Cllr Hayes for item 14 (APP/11/00449 – 24 Dibbinsdale Road, Bromborough – Rear 1st floor extension) and item 18 (APP/11/00449 – 24 Dibbinsdale Road, Bromborough – Rear 1st floor extension). This was agreed, so site visits will be arranged and the items deferred to another meeting for a decision. The Chair made it clear to anybody present that decisions on these items would not be made until then.

The Chair then asked for permission to rearrange the order of business to reflect the numbers of members of the public present. This was agreed and the first item to be considered was item 6 on the agenda – APP/11/ 00065 – Townfield Close, Claughton – Demolition of an existing petrol filling station and erection of Class A1 retail unit.