Wirral Council’s Labour Cabinet recommend council tax rise for 2019-20

Wirral Council’s Labour Cabinet recommend council tax rise for 2019-20

Wirral Council’s Labour Cabinet recommend council tax rise for 2019-20


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Cabinet (Wirral Council) Budget Meeting 18th February 2019 Part 1 of 3

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Cabinet (Wirral Council) Budget Meeting 18th February 2019 Part 2 of 3

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Cabinet (Wirral Council) Budget Meeting 18th February 2019 Part 3 of 3

Cllr Janette Williamson (left) addressing Wirral Council’s Cabinet about the 2019-20 Budget 18th February 2019
Cllr Janette Williamson (Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources) (left) addressing Wirral Council’s Cabinet about the 2019-20 Budget 18th February 2019

Wirral Council’s Labour Cabinet met yesterday morning to make a recommendation to a public meeting of all Wirral Council councillors to be held on the 4th March 2019 for Wirral Council’s budget for the 2019-20 financial year.
Continue reading “Wirral Council’s Labour Cabinet recommend council tax rise for 2019-20”

Has Cllr Chris Meaden (Rock Ferry) left the Labour Group on Wirral Council?

Has Cllr Chris Meaden (Rock Ferry) left the Labour Group on Wirral Council?

Has Cllr Chris Meaden (Rock Ferry) left the Labour Group on Wirral Council?


Cllr Steve Foulkes (middle) answers a question about the Merseyrail strike (L to R Cllr Chris Meaden, Cllr Steve Foulkes, Cllr Moira McLaughlin and Cllr Ann McLachlan) Birkenhead Constituency Committee 30th March 2017
Cllr Steve Foulkes (middle) answers a question about the Merseyrail strike (L to R Cllr Chris Meaden, Cllr Steve Foulkes, Cllr Moira McLaughlin and Cllr Ann McLachlan) Birkenhead Constituency Committee 30th March 2017

Cllr Chris Meaden (on the left of the picture above) who is a councillor for Rock Ferry is now listed as an independent on Wirral Council’s website (previously elected as a Labour councillor). She is also one of the four councillors from Wirral Council appointed to Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority.
Continue reading “Has Cllr Chris Meaden (Rock Ferry) left the Labour Group on Wirral Council?”

Why are Wirral Council censoring video of a public meeting about Kingdom?

Why are Wirral Council censoring video of a public meeting about Kingdom?

Why are Wirral Council censoring video of a public meeting about Kingdom?


Warning Sign Ban Filming Ban Public Public Meetings
Warning Sign Ban Filming Ban Public Public Meetings

I have requested from Wirral Council to re-use video footage of their recent public meeting of councillors where the subject of Kingdom came up. Despite their policy on filming suggesting that we should allow re-use when filming them, they are concerned about the possibility of “edited extracts” (even though I asked not for edited extracts but to republish footage of the whole meeting) and it appears that the answer to the question about re-use at the moment is no.
Continue reading “Why are Wirral Council censoring video of a public meeting about Kingdom?”

How much did the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority agree to increase council tax in Wirral, Liverpool, St Helens, Knowsley, Sefton and Halton from the 1st April 2019?

How much did the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority agree to increase council tax in Wirral, Liverpool, St Helens, Knowsley, Sefton and Halton from the 1st April 2019?

How much did the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority agree to increase council tax in Wirral, Liverpool, St Helens, Knowsley, Sefton and Halton from the 1st April 2019?


Mayor Steve Rotheram (Liverpool City Region Combined Authority) 1st February 2019
Mayor Steve Rotheram (Liverpool City Region Combined Authority) 1st February 2019

Last Friday afternoon, LCRCA (Liverpool City Region Combined Authority) Mayor Steve Rotheram (pictured above) proposed a budget for 2019-20 that included rises in council tax.
Continue reading “How much did the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority agree to increase council tax in Wirral, Liverpool, St Helens, Knowsley, Sefton and Halton from the 1st April 2019?”

Why did the First-tier Tribunal (information rights) take over 2 years to decide on a permission to appeal request?

Why did the First-tier Tribunal (information rights) take over 2 years to decide on a permission to appeal request?

Why did the First-tier Tribunal (information rights) take over 2 years to decide on a permission to appeal request?


Liverpool Civil & Family Court, Vernon Street, Liverpool, L2 2BX (the venue for First-Tier Tribunal case EA/2016/0033)
Liverpool Civil & Family Court, Vernon Street, Liverpool, L2 2BX (the venue for First-Tier Tribunal case EA/2016/0054)

This recent judicial decision has a bit of a backstory to it by way of explanation.
Continue reading “Why did the First-tier Tribunal (information rights) take over 2 years to decide on a permission to appeal request?”