What did councillors recommend about the Wirral CCG consultation to close (for adults) 3 Walk-In Centres and 3 Minor Injuries Units?

What did councillors recommend about the Wirral CCG consultation to close (for adults) 3 Walk-In Centres and 3 Minor Injuries Units?

What did councillors recommend about the Wirral CCG consultation to close (for adults) 3 Walk-In Centres and 3 Minor Injuries Units?


Dr Mantgani talking to the Adult Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Wirral Council) 12th November 2018 about the Urgent Care Review consultation
Dr Mantgani talking to the Adult Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Wirral Council) 12th November 2018 about the Urgent Care Review consultation

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What were the 4 recommendations made in a report into problems homeless people on the Wirral have accessing health and social care services?

What were the 4 recommendations made in a report into problems homeless people on the Wirral have accessing health and social care services?

What were the 4 recommendations made in a report into problems homeless people on the Wirral have accessing health and social care services?


 Bus Stop (Bidston Village Road, Eleanor Road) to Arrowe Park Hospital (8th November 2018) - bus fares were one of the barriers homeless people faced in accessing healthcare services
Bus Stop (Bidston Village Road, Eleanor Road) to Arrowe Park Hospital (8th November 2018) – bus fares were one of the barriers homeless people faced in accessing healthcare services

A report titled Health Without a Home written by Leah Ragan with the help of Healthwatch Wirral looked at the problems homeless people on the Wirral have in accessing healthcare and social care services.
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When and where is the special public meeting of Wirral Council councillors to discuss the Wirral CCG consultation on closing the Walk-In Centres?

When and where is the special public meeting of Wirral Council councillors to discuss the Wirral CCG consultation on closing the Walk-In Centres?

When and where is the special public meeting of Wirral Council councillors to discuss the Wirral CCG consultation on closing the Walk-In Centres?


Arrowe Park Walk In Centre 8th November 2018
Arrowe Park Walk In Centre 8th November 2018

Councillors on Wirral Council last month agreed across parties (Labour, Conservative, Lib Dem and Green) to oppose the proposal by Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group (Wirral CCG) to close the Walk-In Centres on the Wirral. The (Wirral CCG consultation on this runs to the 12th December 2018).

There are three Walk-In Centres in different places on the Wirral (the Arrowe Park Walk-In Centre is pictured above) plus three minor injuries or minor illness units. The Wirral CCG is consulting on closing five out of six of these facilities for adults and to change the sixth (the Walk-In Centre at Arrowe Park Hospital pictured above) into an Urgent Treatment Centre.
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What’s in the nomination papers of the 4 candidates in the Upton byelection of a councillor? (Wirral Council)

What’s in the nomination papers of the 4 candidates in the Upton byelection of a councillor? (Wirral Council)

What’s in the nomination papers of the 4 candidates in the Upton byelection of a councillor? (Wirral Council)


I’ll start by declaring a relative of mine is the proposer of candidate Alan Davies’, his name and other details appear on Alan Davies’ nomination paper below. I’m also an election observer.

Below are copies of nomination papers and candidates’ consent to nomination for the 4 candidates in the Upton byelection of a councillor to Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council following the resignation of Matthew Patrick. Polling day is on the 22nd November 2018.
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Which 19 bus routes formerly run by Avon Buses are being replaced today (5th November 2018) and which 20 routes will be withdrawn?

Which 19 bus routes formerly run by Avon Buses are being replaced today (5th November 2018) and which 20 routes will be withdrawn?

Which 19 bus routes formerly run by Avon Buses are being replaced today (5th November 2018) and which 20 routes will be withdrawn?


Councillor Ron Abbey (Lead Member for Bus) 11th October 2018
Councillor Ron Abbey (Lead Member for Bus) 11th October 2018

Avon Buses Limited (based on the Wirral) ceased trading on the 5th October 2018. This led to the bus routes and school routes that Avon Buses provided ending.

On the 15th October 2018, Cllr Chris Blakeley asked Cllr Ron Abbey (Lead Member for Bus) a question about Merseytravel’s response to this at a public meeting of Wirral Council’s councillors. You can watch the question and answer in the video clip below this paragraph.
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