What was Cllr Phil Davies’ answer to a question about Hoylake Golf Resort and air pollution from a member of the public at the Birkenhead Constituency Committee?

What was Cllr Phil Davies’ answer to a question about Hoylake Golf Resort and air pollution from a member of the public at the Birkenhead Constituency Committee?

What was Cllr Phil Davies’ answer to a question about Hoylake Golf Resort and air pollution from a member of the public at the Birkenhead Constituency Committee?


Keren O’Rourke asking a question at the Birkenhead Constituency Committee about air pollution and Hoylake Golf Resort 1st March 2018 Wirral Deen Centre
A member of the public asking a question at the Birkenhead Constituency Committee about air pollution and Hoylake Golf Resort 1st March 2018 Wirral Deen Centre

Following an earlier story on this blog What happened at the Birkenhead Constituency Committee public meeting held at the Wirral Deen Centre on the 1st March 2018?, I notice there have been an unusually high number of views (192 views) for the video clip of the first part of that meeting which is below (with viewers mainly from the UK but a small amount of views from Morocco). The video was also used in a Wirral Leaks post Seen at the Deen.
Continue reading “What was Cllr Phil Davies’ answer to a question about Hoylake Golf Resort and air pollution from a member of the public at the Birkenhead Constituency Committee?”

What’s happening to Birkenhead Market in 2018?

What’s happening to Birkenhead Market in 2018?

What’s happening to Birkenhead Market in 2018?


Birkenhead Market lease cover page Birkenhead Market Limited Wirral Borough Council page 1
Birkenhead Market lease cover page Birkenhead Market Limited Wirral Borough Council page 1

Following two recent stories in the Liverpool Echo Birkenhead Market traders say they feel “ignored” over plans for new town market (3rd March 2018) and Inside Birkenhead Market: What traders think about Wirral Council’s plans to revamp it (4th March 2018), I thought it was time to write a piece about Birkenhead Market and its relationship with its landlord Wirral Council.

Wirral Council’s Cabinet met on the 18th December 2017 and agenda item 10 was titled “Strategic Acquisition Programme – Birkenhead Market”. One of the councillors on the Cabinet (Cllr Phil Davies) is also a ward councillor for the ward of Birkenhead and Tranmere that Birkenhead Market is situated in.
Continue reading “What’s happening to Birkenhead Market in 2018?”

What are the Conservative and Liberal Democrat budget proposals for Wirral Council for 2018-19?

What are the Conservative and Liberal Democrat budget proposals for Wirral Council for 2018-19?

What are the Conservative and Liberal Democrat budget proposals for Wirral Council for 2018-19?


Councillor Ian Lewis (Leader of Conservative Group) Wirral Council (Council, 11th December 2017) who proposed the Conservative Budget Objection
Councillor Ian Lewis (Leader of Conservative Group) Wirral Council (Council, 11th December 2017) who proposed the Conservative Budget Objection

As a declaration of interest, I will start by stating that I’m married to someone will have to pay the 5.99% council tax rise (if agreed tonight).

This evening, all 65 councillors at Wirral Council have been invited to a public meeting in the Council Chamber at Wallasey Town Hall to decide on the Council’s Budget for 2018-19 (1.4.18 to 31.3.19) starting at 6.00 pm.

The ruling Labour administration (who hold 38 out of 65 seats) proposed their Budget at the Cabinet meeting held on the 19th February 2018.

However both the Conservative Group of 21 councillors and the Liberal Democrat Group of 5 councillors have proposed alternatives to be considered this evening.
Continue reading “What are the Conservative and Liberal Democrat budget proposals for Wirral Council for 2018-19?”

Councillors agree to new filming policy for public meetings of Wirral Council

Councillors agree to new filming policy for public meetings of Wirral Council

Councillors agree to new filming policy for public meetings of Wirral Council


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Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee (Wirral Council) 27th February 2018 Part 1 of 2 (Filming of Public Meetings) 1:04

Cllr Moira McLaughlin (Chair, Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee) 27th February 2018 Filming of public meetings
Cllr Moira McLaughlin (Chair, Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee) 27th February 2018 Filming of public meetings

I’ll declare an interest at the outset as someone who regularly films public meetings of Wirral Council and also as I spoke at this meeting.

Yesterday afternoon, councillors on Wirral Council’s Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee (which you can watch above) discussed changing their policy on filming public meetings.
Continue reading “Councillors agree to new filming policy for public meetings of Wirral Council”

Appeal over ICO request to disclose Hoylake Golf Resort contract (EA/2017/0191) ends with First-tier Tribunal Judge Farrer QC, Wirral Council and ICO agreeing to partial disclosure

Appeal over ICO request to disclose Hoylake Golf Resort contract (EA/2017/0191) ends with First-tier Tribunal Judge Farrer QC, Wirral Council and ICO agreeing to partial disclosure

Appeal over ICO request to disclose Hoylake Golf Resort contract (EA/2017/0191) ends with First-tier Tribunal Judge Farrer QC, Wirral Council and ICO agreeing to partial disclosure

Hoylake Golf Resort contract cover page
Hoylake Golf Resort contract cover page

This blog has previously reported on First-tier Tribunal (information rights) case EA/2017/0191 which was Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council’s appeal of the regulator ICO’s decision notice FER0672223 (which resulted from an EIR request I made first on the 12th December 2016.
Continue reading “Appeal over ICO request to disclose Hoylake Golf Resort contract (EA/2017/0191) ends with First-tier Tribunal Judge Farrer QC, Wirral Council and ICO agreeing to partial disclosure”