Did Kingdom keep £44.90 for each £80 litter fixed penalty notice issued in February 2018 and charge a further £5,472 for clamping down on alleyway dumping?

Did Kingdom keep £44.90 for each £80 litter fixed penalty notice issued in February 2018 and charge a further £5,472 for clamping down on alleyway dumping?

Kingdom invoice Wirral Council February 2018 litter fixed penalty notices

Did Kingdom keep £44.90 for each £80 litter fixed penalty notice issued in February 2018 and charge a further £5,472 for clamping down on alleyway dumping?


Kingdom invoice Wirral Council February 2018 litter fixed penalty notices
Kingdom invoice Wirral Council February 2018 litter fixed penalty notices

The invoice above shows that Kingdom Services Group Limited charged Wirral Council £21,552 for litter fixed penalty notices issued in February 2018.

A response to a FOI request by Wirral Council stated that in February 2018 480 litter fixed penalty notices were issued by Kingdom. Each fixed penalty notice is for £80. £80 multiplied by the 480 litter tickets issued is £38,400.

£21,552 divided by £38,400 is 56.125%, so it would appear Kingdom keep £44.90 from each £80 fixed penalty notice.

In addition to this Kingdom also invoiced Wirral Council for issuing fixed penalty notices for alleyway dumping (see a two page invoice below) at an hourly rate in February 2018 that came to £240 for some days and £120 for others. Wirral Council were charged a further £5,472 for this in February 2018. A two page invoice for this is below.

Since February 2018, Wirral Council have awarded a further contract for litter enforcement to Kingdom, so it is unknown what is the current amount that Kingdom receives for each fixed penalty notice issued.

Kingdom invoice Wirral Council February 2018 alleyway dump page 1 of 2
Kingdom invoice Wirral Council February 2018 alleyway dump page 1 of 2
Kingdom invoice Wirral Council February 2018 alleyway dump page 2 of 2
Kingdom invoice Wirral Council February 2018 alleyway dump page 2 of 2

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Author: John Brace

New media journalist from Birkenhead, England who writes about Wirral Council. Published and promoted by John Brace, 134 Boundary Road, Bidston, CH43 7PH. Printed by UK Webhosting Ltd t/a Tsohost, 113-114 Buckingham Avenue, Slough, Berkshire, England, SL1 4PF.