Does Labour’s plan to “rescue the NHS” involve further privatisation?

Earlier this week Councillor Phil Davies was quoted in the Wirral Globe as saying “Voters have a straight choice between the Tories’ cuts and failed austerity measures, and Labour’s plan to rescue Arrowe Park Hospital and introduce policies to raise living standards for hard-working families.”
So what is Labour’s plan to “rescue Arrowe Park Hospital”?
A report to the Health and Wellbeing Board (chaired by Councillor Phil Davies), which meets on the 15th April shows a bid to be a “vanguard site” was recently agreed. £200 million of public money will be shared across the 29 vanguard sites across England.
The vanguard site bid was jointly submitted by Wirral Council, various NHS bodies including the part that runs Arrowe Park Hospital, Cerner Ltd, Advocate Physician Partners ACO Inc and the Kings’ Fund.
So let’s just look at the history of one of these organisations involved in the joint bid.
Cerner Ltd is a subsidiary of an American corporation called the Cerner Corporation. Both Cerner Ltd and its parent company Cerner Corporation provide software for electronic health records to hospitals.
In 2005 Cerner Corporation paid the RAND corporation to write a report which stated the US healthcare system could save $81 billion by switching to electronic healthcare record systems.
However, after the American government had changed funding rules to give hospitals an incentive to switch to electronic health care records, the RAND corporation in 2013 decided that their earlier figure of $81 billion savings was “overstated”.
The vanguard site bid has phrases in it which echo the overly optimistic tone of the 2005 RAND report:
“This will have the dual focus of reducing health inequalities while achieving costs savings through and reduced inefficiency and duplication.”
“Our proposals will further catalyse these developments aimed at delivering a de-hospitalised model of care, reducing health inequalities and reducing costs.”
“During this time, Cerner UK has delivered Cerner Millennium® across 22 Trusts including WUTH, supporting NHS providers in the delivery of high quality care to patients, safely and cost effectively.”
“This results in more efficiency, improved health outcomes and significant cost savings for patients.”
So is this Labour’s plan to “rescue Arrowe Park Hospital”? To hear more about why Monitor (the regulator) are investigating Arrowe Park Hospital you can hear the detail at a recent meeting of the Families and Wellbeing Policy and Performance Committee below:
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G’day John
For God’s sake if they can’t manage Wirral “Funny” Bizz and the dill’s from there that ran rings around them and live in Portugal courtesy of them and the contracts were complicated even the one he claimed to have found three years later.
What will clever people like greedy greedy doctors and people who CAN do simple sums do to them.
G’day again John
Now, the drunken Friday night ramblings that you must really hate to see.
Blame the cheap plonk that I can’t really afford.
They really should employ you.
Would any effing idiot there trust “The Football Shit” before you?
Can you keep your gob shut when told like “The Chamber Potty”?
I doubt it you are decent, she is definitely not decent.
Would any effing idiot there not prefer you for Mayor ahead of “The Purple Headed People Eater”?
As for that “He who can talk for twenty minutes without breathing or saying anything” would not have half of your IQ? He didn’t the job. ha ha ha what a tiny little loser. Will always be a loser.
“Phil the Dill” leader of the Cowncil your avin a laugh.
“The Pretend Friend” sleeping his days and evenings away on his £26,000.00 plus.
“The Raving Loony” gets allowed out when they need a village idiot to talk crap.
Ps Why John would Simon Kelly that great Lib Dem be the only one of the 66 to speak up and essentially demand action against Wirral “Funny” Bizz?
Is he the only one that can read?
Is he the only one with any decency?
Is he the only one with any cojones?
G’day John
I haven’t sobered up yet so thought I would write again.
The fact that no one much writes does that mean Wirral is a great employer.
Or are they all just stuck in a cesspit?
I know there are a lot of good people there doing good work so shouldn’t they stand up to the dross like “The Football Shirt” and “He who can talk for twenty minutes without breathing or saying anything”?
They treat the elected members like mumpties so what happens?
They act like mumpties.
Ps Can’t wait for Ecca to turn up and watch him roll over while “The Dunny Chain Wearer” tells him to roll over on account of Frankenstein saying that is what will happen.
Would luv a few more to write and defend this shower of s***
Or anyone for that matter.
G’day John
A new day and sobered up to read the rubbish paper from over Stella’s Wirral Waters.
Have you ever noticed every public holiday they pop up in the papers with ridiculous and stupid articles.
“The project is of global significance, being one of only a handful of facilities with this capability and expertise in the world.”
It added: “The proposal is also of national importance, being a catalytic and transformational project within the context of the national energy sector that is supported by central Government.”….
“We are working with partners to further explore an opportunity that would contribute to our plans for economic regeneration of the Birkenhead Docks area, as part of the Wirral Waters project.
“The initiative – which would be part of the Mersey Waters Enterprise Zone – is currently undergoing a staged approval process and remains subject to a number of significant external governing factors.
“Consequently, we are unable to comment further until we are in a position to do so.”
Oh John the only thing missing is a photo of Stella.
Oh dear oh dear oh dear I think I might open another bottle while “The Football Shirt” reads the contract and then forgets to get it signed.
Every public holiday John.
Any chance of a translation?
Probably a more factual story of what Stella’s Wirral Waters is good for was in the same rubbish paper.
Pimp caught running brothel in Wirral for the second time jailed for 12 months.
Liverpool Crown Court heard she told officers there were a number of young women working in a brothel in a converted warehouse at East Float Quay on Birkenhead’s Dock Road.
Wonder if her name was Stella?
I think I need another drink John.
Night night.