Lyndale School parent "we really have lost faith in the democratic process"

Lyndale School parent “we really have lost faith in the democratic process”

Lyndale School parent “we really have lost faith in the democratic process”


Councillor Harry Smith asks a question about Lynn Wright's qualifications
Councillor Harry Smith asks a question about Lynn Wright’s qualifications

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Above is a nearly two-minute video that shows a number of comments made at meetings about Lyndale School (plus at the end one councillor’s views on filming). A transcript is below.

CLLR PHIL DAVIES: Retaining the Lyndale School, this is chaos.

CLLR LEAH FRASER: The buildings have been valued at £1.7 million and the land at errm, the land at errm £508,000.

DAVID ARMSTRONG: It’s not a value, it’s an accounting process.

CLLR HARRY SMITH: What are Lynn Wright’s qualifications?

CLLR MOIRA MCLAUGHLIN: It’s the kind of question Harry I don’t want to take from this teaching assistant.

CLLR HARRY SMITH: With respect Chair, she was criticising her qualifications so I’m asking her what are Lynn Wright’s qualifications?

CLLR MOIRA MCLAUGHLIN: We’ll ask Lynn Wright as well what her qualifications are if you’re able to answer that?

NICOLA KENNY (TEACHING ASSISTANT): Errm, well I can’t tell you exactly all her qualifications but what I can tell you is in terms of PMLD, she’s not as qualified as me.


CLLR WENDY CLEMENTS: And I just wonder if there’s anything else particularly that you think we need to know that will help us make our decision tonight?

DAWN HUGHES (parent): And we feel that you know that we’ve lost, we really have lost faith in the democratic process and how that we really haven’t been listened to and we feel that the, that local authority officers have not been comprehensive in their examination of all the evidence and the evidence that they’ve presented to Cabinet and that when our views are not listened to and we have an authoritarian top down way of dealing with people in the community, then you know people get angry and frustrated and people are angry and frustrated about this whole process and not just us I think actually generally the community across Wirral is really unhappy about this so I just wanted to make those comments.

CLLR STEVE NIBLOCK: I’m asking you to stop filming, that means stop now! Stop now!

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Author: John Brace

New media journalist from Birkenhead, England who writes about Wirral Council. Published and promoted by John Brace, 134 Boundary Road, Bidston, CH43 7PH. Printed by UK Webhosting Ltd t/a Tsohost, 113-114 Buckingham Avenue, Slough, Berkshire, England, SL1 4PF.

10 thoughts on “Lyndale School parent "we really have lost faith in the democratic process"”

  1. Typical of our elected reepresentatives who when cornered turn like rats in a trap,except rats don’t have such a colourful choice of language that some of the councilors posess.

  2. G’day John

    Of course they will save Lyndale there is an election and they treat everyone like fools.

    By the way is that the “Football Shit” cringing purple head down behind a desk?

    Is he keeping a low profile?

    He should be or is it just his haemorrhoids playing up?



  3. G’day John

    I just luv your new super duper new camera that swivels as much as some of those old buffoons hate it.

    I think you will probably single handedly, or, single camerally, get the dodgy buffoons amongst them to stand down.

    As you can see from Gra Gra’s farce of 8 October they can’t even tell the truth in front of the camera. Or, was that just Gra Gra’s clever tactic aka an insurance policy?

    Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’
    Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’
    Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’
    Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’

    Keep that camera rollin



    Open, honest and transparent my arse.

    Thank God for Simon Kelly Lib Dem

  4. G’day John

    Happy and Holy Easter to you and yours.

    I would just like to ask your readers every time they see anyone from the Clowncil, officer or elected member, when will Wirral “Funny” Bizz be prosecuted?

    Why should they be sunning and pickling themselves in Sunny Portugal on years of super profits especially when six have been jailed re A4E who happened to be their auditor?

    Bless all the cheats and liars this Easter because I bet God won’t.



  5. G’day John

    Why don’t you have an Easter Egg Competition on your blog.

    Name the photo at the top of the page.

    It will be more popular than last years

    Spot “The Football Shirts” lies.

    I will give you my entry


    (Her in particular)



  6. Mr Griffiths, “Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder” Somebody I am sure considers that to be the case somewhere!!!!!!

    1. G’day Reps posing as Tarrantino

      The eye can’t see the evil spirits of these barstards.

      I find her quite physically attractive.

      It is what is inside.



      They don’t have to be revolting bullies because they have the power.

  7. G’day John

    That is not the same bloke in the video of Beechwood fame and the amazing credit union ghosts who is a complete disgrace to his party and himself.

    How dare he ask anybody about qualifications.



    Ps Even the Directors of Wirral “Funny” Bizz thought he was a disgrace.


  8. Mr Brace, on a more serious note,my original decision based on evidence obtained, your Blog and from other contributors, in particular Mr Griffiths has not changed.

    1. Imposter

      You just wish you were half as smart as “Tarrantino” Brace.

      There is absolutely nothing we can do about a conspiracy of silence they are collectively an evil shower of….not Easter Eggs.



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