Labour councillor bans filming at public meeting to decide whether to licence a taxi that’s over 10 years old
Last Thursday there was a public meeting of Wirral Council’s Licensing, Health and Safety and General Purposes Committee. Part of this meeting considered an item deferred from a Licensing Panel the week before.
The report on that item titled HACKNEY CARRIAGE VEHICLE LICENCE APPLICATION – LTI TXII REGISTRATION NUMBER WX03 FPE can be read by following this link.
The application was for a hackney carriage vehicle that is 12 years old.
In August 2014, new regulations came into force that prevent councils stopping filming at public meetings.
Below is a transcript of what happened at the Licensing, Health and Safety and General Purposes Committee meeting on the 25th March 2015. It shows that Wirral Council still thinks it has the power to stop filming at public meetings.
Derek Cummins is a union representative in the UNITE union. Margaret O’Donnell works for Wirral Council.

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Licensing, Health and Safety and General Purposes Committee (Wirral Council) 25th March 2015
CLLR BILL DAVIES (Chair): The next item, the last item is… Margaret? Do you want to come forward sir?
CLLR TOM ANDERSON: Is this exempt?
CLLR JOHN SALTER: Are we exempted?
CLLR STEVE NIBLOCK: Can we ask for legal clarification about whether or not this item should be exempt because it might be to do with personal or financial circumstances with regard to this application and I’d prefer that we should consider whether it was exempt?
LEGAL ADVISOR TO COMMITTEE: I think we need to clarify whether or not there’s an objection first from the individual before we determine whether or not a decision needs to be made in that respect.
CLLR BILL DAVIES (Chair): Are you objecting sir?
TAXI DRIVER: Well, yeah sorry, are you talking about my finance?
DEREK CUMMINS: He didn’t quite understand. Yeah, if it’s possible.
CLLR BILL DAVIES (Chair): If you’ll just come forward.
MARGARET O’DONNELL: Just stay there.
CLLR JOHN SALTER: Yeah, just, just keep, yeah sorry, so you don’t, you’re not identified at the present time.
DEREK CUMMINS: Yeah, just to be confident it’s that disagreement on the internet, I don’t want for, for the, could we just sort of err stop filming this side? Well I would suggest it.
CLLR MICHAEL SULLIVAN: Yes, he said stop filming.
CLLR JOHN SALTER: So do it under 12A!
CLLR BILL DAVIES (Chair): You don’t want to be filmed or recorded?
TAXI DRIVER: I’m ok, it’s just err on the finance.
CLLR BILL DAVIES (Chair): There’s finance involved?
CLLR BILL DAVIES (Chair): Right you cannot be filmed because finances are going to be involved.
JOHN BRACE: Sorry did he say he was ok with being filmed but we’re going to be excluded anyway?
DEREK CUMMINS: Yeah, he did.
JOHN BRACE: In a bit yeah? That’s fine, but they’ve got to agree the exclusion first.
CLLR BILL DAVIES (Chair): I can’t, I can’t hear from up here, would someone, would someone?
MARGARET O’DONNELL: Can I assist? Firstly, err Derek are you representing the applicant?
DEREK CUMMINS: He didn’t come to me at all, it’s just he doesn’t quite understand what the agenda is.
CLLR MICHAEL SULLIVAN: We’re concerned about you being filmed and disclosing personal information.
DEREK CUMMINS: That goes on the internet.
CLLR MICHAEL SULLIVAN: That could very well end up on the internet
DEREK CUMMINS: So you’d rather have that handled?
TAXI DRIVER: No, yeah. Yeah.
CLLR MICHAEL SULLIVAN: We’re trying to protect your interests so you’re alright.
TAXI DRIVER: Thank you.
DEREK CUMMINS: So there’s a thing called 7A so we’re excluded, everyone’s excluded, except you.
CLLR MICHAEL SULLIVAN: So would you be happier if we just said no filming?
JOHN BRACE: If they’re excluding the public then it doesn’t matter.
CLLR BILL DAVIES (Chair): Sorry, it’s not an exempt item. The person can stay but they don’t film.
JOHN BRACE: I’m getting confused now. Sorry are you excluding members of the public or not?
CLLR BILL DAVIES (and other councillors): No, no, no, no.
CLLR MICHAEL SULLIVAN: But you can’t film.
JOHN BRACE: But the reason….
CLLR BILL DAVIES: He’s an individual, if he’s got human rights like everybody else. He doesn’t want to be filmed, he doesn’t want to be filmed.
JOHN BRACE: I was just going to point out that although we had this discussion a lot longer at Standards
CLLR DAVID ELDERTON: Please take it down and take it out.
JOHN BRACE: Sorry can I finish what I’m saying? Err, I thought you were about to say you were going to exclude the members of the press and public and he was going to stay and you were just going to decide that, but now you’re saying you’re going to decide, if you’re going to decide this when the press and public are going to be here then the regulations say that any bit of the meeting that’s public can be filmed but obviously if we were excluded then we can’t film it.
CLLR BILL DAVIES (Chair): Well the gentleman there does not want to be filmed.
JOHN BRACE: Yeah but I can film the other side of the room?
CLLR BILL DAVIES (Chair): That’s what he’s saying. I think that’s quite clear! Some of us don’t want to be filmed. At the end of the day, if it ends up on the internet or Youtube this committee and the officers and something goes wrong will be responsible. It won’t be you, it will be us and this man has said, do you want that recorded. Do you want to be filmed or recorded?
CLLR BILL DAVIES (Chair): That’s fine. You can stay but you don’t film or record. I have made it quite clear because the gentleman, if the gentleman wants to be filmed, no problem. He doesn’t.
CLLR DAVID ELDERTON: It is the Chair’s discretion.
CLLR JOHN SALTER: Will you switch it off?
JOHN BRACE: At the Standards Committee it was said if you’re going make a decision that filming is not allowed, then you record that in the minutes with the reasons.
CLLR BILL DAVIES (Chair): Yeah, I will do that.
JOHN BRACE: OK, could you give..
CLLR BILL DAVIES (Chair): but we’re not at the Standards Committee, we’re at the Licensing Committee.
JOHN BRACE: Yeah, I know, but just
CLLR BILL DAVIES (Chair): but you must realise that there’s certain times when individuals have private, personal or financial and they do not want their business spread elsewhere.
JOHN BRACE: I’ll just say I’d like that recorded in the minutes and if that’s the case then I’ll stop filming because I want to challenge that anyway under the regulations so that’s my position.
Once the camera was switched off and the lens cover was shut, councillors went back on what they’d said and excluded the press and public from the rest of the meeting anyway!
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“CLLR BILL DAVIES (Chair): That’s what he’s saying. I think that’s quite clear! Some of us don’t want to be filmed. At the end of the day, if it ends up on the internet or Youtube this committee and the officers and something goes wrong will be responsible. It won’t be you, it will be us and this man has said, do you want that recorded. Do you want to be filmed or recorded?”
So if something goes wrong isn’t in their interest to have it recorded, so we know who to point the finger at and who not!
And just another point, i don’t like Taxi’s at the best of times,they are smelly,spill diesel , pollute the planet and think themselves above everyone else on the road, and a ten year old taxi doesn’t belong on our roads
The taxi hadn’t had a recent service done either. The applicant was awaiting the decision from councillors before doing so.
After chucking out the public they allowed the applicant to stay who probably said if they turned it down he’d be out of a job!
G’day John
Just saw the rubbish paper from over Stella’s Wirral Waters and lo and behold “The Chamber Potty” is there in dim romantic lighting.
She musn’t have had her roots done.
As “Highbrow” says you can cut the head off a snake and it just grows another.
Remembering Invest Wirral were in charge of Wirral “Funny” Bizz when they got away with hundreds of thousands of ill gotten and “The Chamber Potty was the boss and wanted them closed down and she was told to keep her gob shut …. her words.
She said at the Wirral “Funny” Business Conference 2015 how the council’s business support team Invest (In Thyself) Wirral would now come under the umbrella of “The Chamber Pot” in a joint initiative.
Man (or woman) alone is good but in a group are evil and this is one evil pack of barstards.
On another issue John the Information Commissioner is moving on that DCLG Report that is being hidden so I wonder what shenanigans they will come up with this time to stall.
And that ridiculous old man that writes to you talks about due process which “The Pretend Friend” often mumbles about when caught out.
It is anything but due process with this orrible Labor run Clowncil.
Vote anyone but Labor and that is from someone who has never voted anything but……not any more.
Taxi for this Labor led Clowncil.
Mr Brace, “Ham” and “Can you hear me mother” comes to mind. Mr G is not the only one done, as yet!!!!
G’day John
My evening reading.
Ten employees at back-to-work firm founded by former Cameron advisor forged signatures in £300,000 fake jobs fraud
Group employed by the back-to-work private contractor A4e
It was paid millions of pounds to help people get off benefits and into work
The workers forged signatures and falsely claimed they found people work
A4e was founded by the PM’s former ‘back to work Tsar’
John I have told you before but you might have forgotten but the day I blew the whistle to “The Football Shirt” and “The Chamber Potty” she asked me about forged signatures. Her words.
Just saying…….
For at least the 200th time.
Do you think A4E were involved with Wirral “Funny” Bizz?
Oh yes they were,
Ps “Highbrow” has the old A4E Audit Reports that the Clowncil probably have lost along with the signed contracts.
Its not our money and the contracts are so so complicated.
The truth always outs eventually.
No wonder her with what looks like a daily head job from the not evil Labor Party but their arch enemy was not allowed to turn up on 8 October to sort them out and “The Raving Loony” did the biggest U Turn in Wirral history from the worst scandal in his forty years to “Highbrow” should apologise.
Everyone in Wirral must vote for Simon Kelly of the lib dems.
G’day John
In a bit of a rush again to get to my daily Job Centre appointment can’t afford to be sanctioned.
Haven’t finished reading about A4E but it appears that the amount of monies involved in getting 6 jailed and 4 suspended sentences was for about half the amount of ISUS.
It could and should easily have been Wirral “Funny” Bizz.
Why is the “The Football Shit” and “The Chamber Potty” so blessed and still in highly paid employment?
Got to go to the Job Centre.
Ps And the 66 muppets sorry not including Simon Kelly 65 complete muppets support these people.
Mr Griffiths, see ” Due Process ” it does work sometimes!!!!!
So Mr President
I mean mr precedent why does due process only work sometimes.
This kind of nonsense (or corruption) make it NOT GREAT BRITAIN and a main reason is people like you and “The Shyster” the so called legal……………….
Mr G, I would be wasting my time getting into a Theoretical Debate with you over the Why and Wherefore of UK Law, either Civil or Criminal and please do not put me in the same Class of other person(s) please. As for Corruption, if you can prove that against anybody, you should go to the appropriate Authorities. As for a Precedent, try any number dependent on the Civil or Criminal Case your referring to at the time, as for Proving Cases, EVIDENCE is the Key!!!!
For some odd reason I can’t fathom, the above comment written by stephenharper has a picture of me next to it. I didn’t write the comment though!
G’day John
I have the utmost respect for every bit of you.
As for what he says
As for Corruption, if you can prove that against anybody, you should go to the appropriate Authorities.
Can you please John get through to the dingbat that “Highbrow” has been to the Clowncil, the police, Grant Thornton, DCLG Margaret Hodge Eric Pickles with irrefutable evidence.
Mr Brace and Mr Griffiths, Perhaps you have been Hacked/Mirrored or changed in some way. Unfortunately for you both. I am better looking than both of you and I must object to my picture being changed, I certainly did not do it and as you keep on and on about all the things that are wrong, you change them
Oh dear, a picture of me keeps coming up when you leave a comment.
I suggest you don’t use the facebook address when you comment, that way your comment will get automatically published without me having to approve it (as it seems that it is at that stage it seems to be adding my picture).
Alternatively upload your own picture at Gravatar as unfortunately there’s nothing I can do about it here!
Is this the best you can do for April Fools Day.
In law Wirral “Funny” Bizz would and should be in jail.
C’mon Reps
Spit it out!
Does it make Wirral innocent because A4E are guilty?