Labour councillors on Wirral Council’s Cabinet agree to consultation on master plan for Birkenhead
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You can watch what happened at the Cabinet meeting on the 12th March 2015 above.

Wirral Council’s Cabinet met at a different venue to usual (Birkenhead Town Hall). At the start, Councillor Phil Davies wanted to show people the trophy that Wirral Council had received for being “Most Improved Council”. You can see a photo of when they received the award on the Local Government Chronicle website, but below is a photo of Cllr Phil Davies showing people the award at the Cabinet meeting.

Moving to what was on the agenda, Cabinet recommended the draft pay policy statement to the next Council meeting, the revenue financial monitoring report for month ten was hardly commented on, however various councillors commented on various capital projects.

Kevin Adderley talked to the Property Development Framework report after which the Cabinet agreed the recommendations in the report.

Mr Adderley then talked to the Enterprise Zone report and again Cabinet agreed the recommendations.
Cabinet agreed a slight increase in the amounts paid to residential and nursing homes and the arrangements for the delivery and commissioning of social care.

Councillor Tony Smith told Cabinet what the results were of the consultation to merge Pensby High School for Boys with Pensby High School for Girls. Cabinet agreed to move to the next stage of publishing notices.
The draft admission arrangements for primary schools and secondary schools were also agreed.

Councillor Pat Hackett spoke to the report recommending a consultation on the masterplan for Birkenhead Town Centre. He referred to an “improved market” and the stage one lockout agreement that the Council had entered into with Neptune Developments Limited. The detail of the proposals were covered in an earlier blog post. Cabinet agreed that Neptune Development Limited were to consult with the public (as well as staff who work at Europa Pools) on the masterplan.
Kevin Adderley pointed out that the Mars Pension Fund had recently advertised the Grange and Pyramids shopping centre in Birkenhead as being for sale. The recommendation to have a consultation was agreed by Cabinet.
A slight increase from April in fees charged to scrap metal dealers was agreed. Cllr George Davies spoke on the report reporting the consultation on licensing of private landlords in four areas on the Wirral. Cabinet agreed to refer the proposals to the Council meeting on the 16th March 2015.
The nominations from Cabinet for Civic Mayor and Deputy Mayor for 2015/16 were as follows:
Civic Mayor: Cllr Les Rowlands
Deputy Mayor: Cllr Pat Hackett
Cabinet then excluded the press and public from the rest of the meeting.
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Wirrals track record on consultations recently have been cons and shams. How quick will it be before the summary report is published,or has it already been written!?
Wirral Council isn’t running this consultation, Neptune Developments Limited will be running it.
However when a planning application goes in, Wirral Council will be consulting on that.
G’day John
Can’t “The Football Shirt” get lies past a tie?
“The Pretend Friend” isn’t nodding off because he’s heard all the lies before is he?
Boy “The Shyster” needs comb over lessons from “Phil the Dill” and “His ugly twin brother” when they are discussing Wirralgate with “The Dunny Chain Wearer”
Council will probably adopt a policy on Monday evening that states “Anyone reporting on a meeting of the Council must:
not edit or otherwise interfere with any filming, photography or recording of
a meeting in such a way that could lead to misrepresentation, misinterpretation, unjust/unfair reputational harm to another or the infringement of the spirit of the Act, the Regulations and/or this Policy;”
Just to point out I didn’t edit any of the stills used above from the video footage. My views on the proposed filming policy are a matter of public record although my hope that it’ll be voted against tomorrow evening range from none to slim.
G’day John
Why would you want to edit this lot it could only improve them.
The amusing thing that jumped out at me from tomorrow night’s agenda almost four years after blowing the whistle on Wirral “Funny” Bizz and there still being no result.
Dignity at Work, Grievance and Whistleblowing Policies
New policies were agreed in October 2014 and an e-learning module has been produced for all managers to complete. Senior HR Officers will be delivering training sessions to line managers
from April 2015. Dignity at Work Advisers have been recruited from the workforce. The initial phase of training was an e-learning module for all employees to complete by March and this will be followed by a further training programme for managers from April 2015.
There is no dignity amongst the senior officers and councillors who have covered up the theft by Wirral “Funny” Bizz and ignoring “Highbrows” irrefutable evidence for almost four years.
Councillor Phil Davies shows off the Local Government Chronicle award Wirral Council received for being most improved council 12th March 2015.
Did they get that trophy from Blue Peter and is it made from old washing up bottles and sticky back paper, what a joke!
They have agreed to increase fees for scrap metal dealers!!!!
And then the landlords licence which will make tenants rent go up to pay for it,
Maybe that trophy is in a way correct but it should be for Wirral Council and a bunch of tossers that run it! the lot of them should be strung up from the lamp posts outside of the town hall.
G’day John
The full Clowncil tonight.
I presume the last one before Ecca turns up.
I do hope almost four years later that sanity and decency prevail and they decide to court and fete “Highbrow” for bringing irrefutable evidence of the theft of hundreds and hundreds of thousands of pounds of honest taxpayers hard earned.
They should not allow Wirral “Funny” Bizz to live the life of Riley in sunny Portugal.
Origin of life of Riley
The first printed citation of it that I have found is from the Connecticut newspaper The Hartford Courant, December 1911 – in a piece headed
‘Bullet Ends Life of Famous Wild Cow’:
The famous wild cow of Cromwell is no more. After “living the life of Riley” for over a year, successfully evading the pitchforks and the bullets of the farmers, whose fields she ravaged in all four seasons.
Or in Wirral “Funny” Bizz’s case 5 or 6 seasons (years).
Get a good shot of all those badly balding egotistical Shysters and liars my man.
Funny how all the really dishonest, scheming evil barstards are men unless of course some Clowncilloress wants to stand up and say she has any say in anything, anything at all, other than what sandwiches and cakes to make for “The Dunny Chain Wearer”.
I doubt any one will stand up.