Who are the people in the Liberal Cabinet?

A reader asks “Who are the people in the Liberal Cabinet?” If you mean Wirral Council then the Liberal Democrat members are:- Cllr Simon Holbrook (Prenton) (Cabinet Member for Corporate Services) Cllr Gill Gardiner (Greasby, Frankby and Irby) (who resigned recently) and was replaced by Cllr Stuart Kelly (Oxton) (Cabinet Member for the Environment) Cllr … Continue reading “Who are the people in the Liberal Cabinet?”

A reader asks “Who are the people in the Liberal Cabinet?”

If you mean Wirral Council then the Liberal Democrat members are:-

Cllr Simon Holbrook (Prenton) (Cabinet Member for Corporate Services)
Cllr Gill Gardiner (Greasby, Frankby and Irby) (who resigned recently) and was replaced by Cllr Stuart Kelly (Oxton) (Cabinet Member for the Environment)
Cllr Bob Moon (Bromborough) (Cabinet Member for Social Care and Inclusion)

Nationally the Lib Dem members of the Cabinet are:-

Rt Hon Nick Clegg MP, Leader of the Liberal Democrats, Deputy Prime Minister, Lord President of the Council and MP for Sheffield Hallam
Danny Alexander MP (Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch & Strathspey), Chief Secretary to the Treasury
Dr Vince Cable MP (Twickenham), Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills
Rt Hon Chris Huhne MP (Eastleigh), Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change
Michael Moore MP (Tweeddale, Ettrick & Lauderdale), Secretary of State for Scotland

Hope that answers the question!

Care Home Closure – The Facts

I was asked today by a resident about why Wirral Council had proposed to close Maplehome, Pensall House, Poulton House, Meadowcroft and Fernleigh.

Unfortunately the public were barred because of a few noisy members of the public from part of the last full Council meeting at which this was discussed so there is a little confusion as to what happened/went on (especially as all the Labour councillors left early).

The Good News

Fernleigh Resource Centre in Leasowe which catered for people with ambienrxshop.com mental health issues (apart from dementia or learning disabilities) will not be closed as planned. This decision was to be subject to a judicial review, however a previous meeting involving carers had found that the services currently provided by Fernleigh Resource Centre couldn’t currently be provided elsewhere. There was also a campaign and large (>1500 signature) petition about this.

Maplehome, Pensall House, Poulton House and Meadowcroft

Why are these being closed? Currently Wirral Council pays nursing homes, residential homes and others to provide places for people. There is always a contingency made so that there are spare places. However with people being supported better in their homes there are an increasing number of places. These vacant beds are being subsidised by the people of Wirral as many care home residents have their nursing (or care home) fees paid by the taxpayer.

In a similar argument as to why it is inefficient to run a school if you only have half its maximum pupils, a financial case was made to close Wirral Council’s provision and switch it to the private sector. This was then agreed when the 2011-2012 budget was set. There were problems with communicating this change to the users (and families of the users) of the services. Cllr Green has apologised at a public meeting for how the decision made back in December wasn’t communicated effectively to people.

Wirral Council Social Services has done its best to provide alternative support and that everybody fully understands what’s going on. If people would like to bring up their concerns on this issue there are a number of councillors with responsibility for this area who can explain things in better detail than I can. By clicking on their name (if your browser is configured correctly) you should be able to send them an email:-

Cllr Bob Moon (Lib Dem) – Cabinet Member for Social Care and Inclusion
Cllr Moira McLaughlin (Labour) – Chair, Health and WellBeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Cllr Ann Bridson (Lib Dem) – Spokesperson, Health and WellBeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Cllr Geoffrey Watt (Conservative) – Spokesperson, Health and WellBeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Another Sunny Day in Bidston

I had another sunny day in Bidston talking to voters on the doorstep. There were many issues raised and some were very supportive of the Lib Dem/Tory government and Wirral Council (which is run by a Lib Dem/Tory partnership).

A number of issues I will be raising with the relevant spokesperson (or be taking up with council officers) for a response, the positive response may be partly because I live nearby and have worked or dealt with problems for those supporting us in the area.

Unlike some, I enjoy talking with people about their problems and see it as a positive that elections force parties, candidates and teams to engage with the public.

Judging by people’s responses, this election will be (as it is every year) decided by those people who have yet to make their mind up. With the deadline for postal votes less than a week away local residents could be making their mind up soon as to who is best to represent them for four years as their Wirral councillor.

Ex-Labour Minister/MP Eliot Morley Found Guilty of Expenses Fiddles

Eliot Morley

Eliot Morley, an ex-Labour minister claimed for a mortgage that didn’t exist. When questioned about this claim he initially said “I do not believe any offence has been commited”.

For 2 years he claimed £800 a month in mortgage interest for a mortgage that didn’t exist. He overclaimed by £15,800 when he did have a mortgage. In total he fleeced the hardworking taxpayers of this country of £30,482. In addition to this he was renting off one of his homes to another MP and getting a further £1000 a month this way.

The home he rented was classed as his main home. Below is an email from the MP himself trying to explain things. The actions of Labour MPs, whether the lies of Phil Woolas triggering a byelection or expenses scandals have had a very, very damaging effect on democracy. He will be sentenced in due course.


from MORLEY, Elliot

to Holly Watt

date 13 May 2009 15:36

subject RE:

I do not believe any offence has been commited. I have reported this to the Finance dpt and chief whip I have made a mistake I apologise for that and I take full responsibility. I realised the mistake when I received my reciepts. I took immediate steps to raise the money and it has already been sent to the Finance dpt. There may be an adjustment for what I have paid on the endownment but I may be out of time. My prioity was to repay and if I suffer finaciallly as a result of that I have only myslf to blame.

The claim by Mr Cawsey was enterily legitimate The mortgage then was 900 per month council tax 100 I paid for furnishing and other costs. It had to my main home as a minister. When I claimed on London I renogiated the mortgage. Part had been paid off so I could claim a lower amount from that time. The mortgage in my constituency was interst only on an accelareted payment to reduce costs. My mistake was not to keep track and I repeat I have taken action to rectify that. I have not had any income on London and have used rent received to reduce the morgage reducing the claim to the taxpayer.

Reasons to vote Liberal Democrat in Bidston & St. James – Day Three

We have listened to local people and campaigned on their behalf to solve local problems.

As a result of numerous campaigns over years in the Bidston area over road safety a traffic island was put in in Worcester Road. After numerous fatalities on Boundary Road, white lines were painted down the middle between Worcester Road and Upton Road, calming the traffic and making it easier to cross to Tam O’Shanter’s Urban Farm.

On that subject it was a Lib Dem Mayor and councillor that accepted Tam O’Shanter’s annual rent of one pine cone to Wirral Council. On Flaybrick cemetery we made sure the boundary wall was repaired and flytipping was cleared away.

Residents (both the disabled and those who can’t afford private transport) called for more bus stops near Tescos. We consulted with local residents affected and had the original proposed site of the bus stop moved when a resident complained and said it would affect parking outside her house. Many other bus stops have been repaired after we’ve brought the vandalism to the attention of Merseytravel.

Residents in the area of Birkenhead Park station and Christ the King complained about antisocial behaviour and crime. We brought their concerns to the police and the residents in that area now feel safer walking the streets after the community mobile police station was stationed in Keightley Street last year and this year.

In Bidston village, people were concerned that the abandoned pub was frequently set on fire. They wanted it demolished, but were unsure why it was taking so long. We investigated and told them why.

On the Beechwood speeding traffic was a major problem with cars crashing into walls, barriers and causing misery for local residents. We campaigned to get things changed and there is now a 20mph zone at a dangerous bend and many other road safety measures.

We have a record of success in campaigning to improve the lives of local residents. We do this because we are unlike the other candidates in this campaign based locally. It is our community, it is the area we live in and we wish to see it improve. Our campaigns are based on the issues that local people tell us about.

We live and work in Bidston & St. James all year round.