Councillors to discuss proposed Dog Control Public Spaces Protection Order after over 30,000 people sign petitions opposing it!

Councillors to discuss proposed Dog Control Public Spaces Protection Order after over 30,000 people sign petitions opposing it!

Councillors to discuss proposed Dog Control Public Spaces Protection Order after over 30,000 people sign petitions opposing it!


Cllr Anita Leech (Cabinet Member for the Environment) Wirral Council
Cllr Anita Leech (Cabinet Member for the Environment) Wirral Council

Wirral Council’s cross-party Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee meet next Tuesday evening for a special public meeting to discuss the recent consultation responses on a proposed Dog Control Public Spaces Protection Order.

Two large petitions (the first attracting 15,033 signatures) and an online petition which at the time of writing has 15,415 signatures are opposed to the changes.
Continue reading “Councillors to discuss proposed Dog Control Public Spaces Protection Order after over 30,000 people sign petitions opposing it!”

What happened on the 2nd day of the New Ferry Explosion Trial?

What happened on the 2nd day of the New Ferry Explosion Trial?

What happened on the 2nd day of the New Ferry Explosion Trial?


Queen Elizabeth II Law Courts (Liverpool Crown Court), Derby Square, Liverpool, L2 1XA (5th January 2019)
Queen Elizabeth II Law Courts (Liverpool Crown Court), Derby Square, Liverpool, L2 1XA (5th January 2019)

This report of a criminal trial in the Liverpool Crown Court continues from What happened on the 1st day of the New Ferry Explosion Trial?

The reporting restrictions I referred to in my report on the first day linked to above mean I can only report on what happened after around 3.15 pm. The following may be of interest to those ever called for jury service wondering what happens.
Continue reading “What happened on the 2nd day of the New Ferry Explosion Trial?”

What happened on the 1st day of the New Ferry Explosion Trial?

What happened on the 1st day of the New Ferry Explosion Trial?

What happened on the 1st day of the New Ferry Explosion Trial?


Queen Elizabeth II Law Courts (Liverpool Crown Court), Derby Square, Liverpool, L2 1XA (5th January 2019)
Queen Elizabeth II Law Courts (Liverpool Crown Court), Derby Square, Liverpool, L2 1XA (5th January 2019)

The first day of the trial about an explosion in New Ferry in March 2017 of two defendants started this morning in Court 5-2 on the 5th floor of the Liverpool Crown Court. Due to its high profile nature all the seats in the public gallery were full and the Usher had to find seats elsewhere in the court room for extra people.

The jury wasn’t present for a discussion between Judge Menary QC and the representatives for both defendants as to how long the jury should be allowed to complete the jury questionnaires. The trial is expected to last up to four weeks.

Judge Menary QC did agree an order with the parties for reporting restrictions (specifically delayed reporting) on some aspects of the case. Despite asking the Liverpool Crown Court staff for a copy of this reporting restriction order when the morning’s hearing concluded, at the time of writing the staff have been unable to provide a copy and insisted I email (I have since received an electronic copy this afternoon and made this edit before publication).

The jury are expected to be sworn in possibly tomorrow afternoon and some material in the bundles will be changed (one reason given was to correct an incorrect address).

There will be no sitting on Friday due to a Regional Sentencing Seminar. Defendant Pascal G Blasio was re-bailed on the condition that he appear again for tomorrow’s hearing.

Due to the ongoing nature of the trial comments are turned off.

A report on day 2 can be read at What happened on the 2nd day of the New Ferry Explosion Trial?

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Senior Manager at Wirral Council dismissed for gross misconduct for email about Joe Blott

Senior Manager at Wirral Council dismissed for gross misconduct for email about Joe Blott

Senior Manager at Wirral Council dismissed for gross misconduct for email about Joe Blott


Wirral Council Cabinet meeting at Birkenhead Town Hall Thursday 12th March 2015 Left to right Surjit Tour, Cllr Phil Davies and Joe Blott
Wirral Council Cabinet meeting at Birkenhead Town Hall Thursday 12th March 2015 Left to right Surjit Tour, Cllr Phil Davies and Joe Blott

A 22 page Employment Tribunal decision published in late November 2018 dismissed a Mr Leyland Otter’s allegations of unfair dismissal and unpaid redundancy.

Wirral Council had sacked Mr Otter for gross misconduct on 6th February 2018 because of an offensive email he had written about Joe Blott to a friend referred to as Mr H. Unfortunately Mr H to Mr Otter in his reply had accidentally copied in Joe Blott.
Continue reading “Senior Manager at Wirral Council dismissed for gross misconduct for email about Joe Blott”

Wirral Council planning application dispute involving 3 marquees in greenbelt listed for Court of Appeal hearing in March 2019

Wirral Council planning application dispute involving 3 marquees in greenbelt listed for Court of Appeal hearing in March 2019

Wirral Council planning application dispute involving 3 marquees in greenbelt listed for Court of Appeal hearing in March 2019


Wirral Council greenbelt 18th July 2017
Wirral Council greenbelt 18th July 2017 (but not the site in question)

Later this year (floating dates of either the 5th March 2019 or 6th March 2019 have been set) there will be a Court of Appeal hearing (estimated at 5 hours long) in London about a Wirral Council planning application decision involving three marquees at Thornton Manor in Wirral’s greenbelt.

The appeal to the Court of Appeal is from an order last year of Mr Justice Kerr ([2018] EWHC 560 (Admin)) dated 23rd March 2018 that quashed the planning permission that had been issued without conditions. This followed a hearing at the Administrative Court in Manchester on the 31st January 2018.
Continue reading “Wirral Council planning application dispute involving 3 marquees in greenbelt listed for Court of Appeal hearing in March 2019”