Greenbelt consultation returns to Cabinet on 17th December for further decisions

Greenbelt consultation returns to Cabinet on 17th December for further decisions

Greenbelt consultation returns to Cabinet on 17th December for further decisions


Councillor George Davies (Cabinet Member for Housing and Community Safety) and Chair of the Birkenhead Constituency Committee 28th July 2016
Councillor George Davies (Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning) 28th July 2016

The papers have been published for the long awaited special public meeting of Wirral Council’s Cabinet to discuss and make decisions on the ongoing omnishambles that is local and national policy on Wirral’s greenbelt.

I sometimes wonder if Baldrick from Blackadder has a relation who works for Wirral Council, as the Cabinet report can be summarised thus and requires a certain amount of cognitive dissonance to get your head around:
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What was the Prime Minister’s answer to criticisms of the government response to the New Ferry disaster?

What was the Prime Minister’s answer to criticisms of the government response to the New Ferry disaster?

What was the Prime Minister’s answer to criticisms of the government response to the New Ferry disaster?


Construction work on new homes happening elsewhere on the Wirral (but not in New Ferry)
Construction work on new homes happening elsewhere on the Wirral (but not in New Ferry)

Earlier today (5th December 2018) in the House of Commons, the Prime Minister was asked a question about the response to the New Ferry disaster from Wirral South MP Alison McGovern. A transcript of the question and answer are below and the matter is on the agenda of a Wirral Council public meeting on 10th December 2018 starting at 6.00 pm at Wallasey Town Hall.
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Conservative councillor criticises £8.4 million purchase of Europa Building in Birkenhead by Wirral Council

Conservative councillor criticises £8.4 million purchase of Europa Building in Birkenhead by Wirral Council

Conservative councillor criticises £8.4 million purchase of Europa Building in Birkenhead by Wirral Council


Europa Buildings (Birkenhead) 4th December 2018
Europa Building (Birkenhead) 4th December 2018

A collaborative investigation with the Bureau of Investigative Journalism on investments in property by local councils has highlighted that the largest purchase by Wirral Council last year (approved by Wirral Council’s Cabinet) was the Europa Building in Birkenhead for £8.4 million (pictured above).
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What are the Labour Budget proposals for Wirral Council for 2019/20?

What are the Labour Budget proposals for Wirral Council for 2019/20?

What are the Labour Budget proposals for Wirral Council for 2019/20?


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Cllr Phil Davies 26th November 2018 Cabinet discussing golf
Cllr Phil Davies 26th November 2018 Cabinet discussing golf

The ancient Hundred of Wirral rests peacefully between the Dee and Mersey estuaries.

Its very crest shows a Oystercatcher upon a red sandstone rock between two sprigs of bog myrtle.
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Councillors pause £129.9m pooled budget with the Wirral CCG for further scrutiny

Councillors pause £129.9m pooled budget with the Wirral CCG for further scrutiny

Councillors pause £129.9m pooled budget with the Wirral CCG for further scrutiny


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The Wirral CCG is now stuck on the paddle wheel of Wirral Council politics (a rather apt metaphor)

Adult Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Wirral Council) 28th November 2018 Councillors vote for further scrutiny on pooled budgets
Adult Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Wirral Council) 28th November 2018 Councillors vote for further scrutiny on pooled budgets

However hard they tried, however much help they had from Wirral Council’s Director of Adult Social Services Graham Hodkinson and Cabinet Member Cllr Chris Jones Wirral CCG found themselves unable to move forward in the paddle wheel of Wirral Council politics.
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