The Chair, Cllr Dave Mitchell asked officers to address the three issues raised by councillors. The first two were the loss of view for residents & disruption. Mr. Rushton answered that sunlight and views were not protected in law and it was also mentioned that the School Travel Plan included School Keep Clear markings.
Cllr Kelly said asked what could be done to encourage the construction traffic to avoid residential routes. Could a condition be added to achieve this? He said it was “chaos at the moment”.
The answer given was that the school travel plan could be “joined up” to the one for Redcourt & St. Anselms College by the school travel plan co-ordinator. Construction traffic could use any route they wish.
Cllr Kelly asked about the condition limiting the time of use from 8-8 and whether there was flexibility over the times although it was limited to school use. He expressed concern over the use of floodlights in a residential area.
The Chair said the floodlights were allowed to stay. The answer given to Cllr Kelly was that the times were requested by the school. The Highways representative went on to say that there could be benefits of working together on the school travel plans in the area. He said the construction traffic was controlled by the Road Traffic Act, Health and Safety at Work Act and regulations. The route of construction traffic couldn’t be specified apart from those controlled by a Traffic Regulation Order.