Item 7 – APP/10/01206 – Land bounded by Bedford Road to north, New Chester Road to east and Nelson Road to south, Rock Ferry – erection of 78 houses and 57 apartments (extension to OUT/2006/7396) and item 8 – APP/10/01205 – Land bounded by Bedford Road to north, New Chester Road to east and Nelson Road to south, Rock Ferry – erection of 148 houses(extension to OUT/2006/7397) were considered together.
This was part of the Fiveways Masterplan area which would extend the previous consents. A Lib Dem councillor asked if the reserved matters would also be considered by the Planning Committee. The answer given was not necessarily, unless asked for. The Lib Dem councillor expressed concern as the application did not include the design. This councillor said it didn’t do any favours to the local community or town.
Cllr Salter said he had spent quite some time in Rock Ferry and it was looking nice. The old buildings had been taken away and it was absolutely beautiful. He was asked if it would be a similar design by the councillor he said yes.
The Chair said he had noticed the development from the railway line and that it would change the whole area. He proposed approval, which was seconded by Cllr Salter. Items 7 and 8 were unanimously approved by all councillors.