This transcript continues from an earlier blog post covering the end of the third agenda item and the first planning application.
Matthew Davies: It’s been referred to the character, the garden faces the properties fronting Noctorum Avenue are hardly ever after this point, and as such adding an RSA? can be obtained within an … one and can be provided for ordinary dwellings as are the parking provision.
The property’s key density of thirty dwellings per a hectare is relatively low commensurate with the density on Hadley Avenue and Winston Drive in certain key instances and the bungalow in my view improves the area given its responsibility and impact on character.
In terms of amenity there’s a good separation distance between the rear of the property currently and Winston Drive. It’s indicated that they would separate the part in my view to prevent overbearing produced on this land, whilst good separation distance will also be achievable and unavoidable of itself avoiding the ability indeed for that property on the … to be alleviated. Plans would be required to support a third party’s application.
Considering highway safety, access to both the two dwellings and the road has already has a number of access points. It is therefore to be noted that there are no highway concerns.
The Head of ??? takes ??? for ?????tation, so there’s no objections to the development so the planning conditions have been imposed and have adequately taken place according to my view.
Overall the building is considered to comply with UDP policy HS10 and HS4 and is recommended for approval subject to the conditions as …. and objections in the report. It fits the requirements for planning reasons such as open space, landscaping and amenity of the neighbours.
Cllr Bernie Mooney (Chair): Thank you. Errm, would the representative of the people you address with no time limit be here?
Cllr Denise Roberts: I’m here, Chair.
Cllr Bernie Mooney (Chair): Would you like to come forward?
Continues at Planning Committee (Wirral Council) (27th June 2013) OUT/13/0040 41 Noctorum Avenue, Noctorum, CH43 9RZ.
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