Rt Hon Frank Field MP asks for report on The Hive
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The video above is of the Birkenhead Constituency Committee meeting held on the 8th October 2015 (public question and answer agenda item). The video should start at the point I asked a question which is at the 36 minutes 17 seconds mark.

Below is a copy of my question for the Birkenhead Constituency Committee. I submitted it on the 18th September 2015 for its meeting on the 24th September 2015. However the 24th September 2015 meeting was then cancelled and rearranged to the 8th October 2015.
The Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority decided recently to transfer the land by Birkenhead fire station to Wirral Council for a Youth Zone which will be called The Hive.
I also discovered that councillors on Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority were receiving their allowances in full, but the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority was paying any tax or National Insurance due (an arrangement costing Merseyside council taxpayers an extra £10,820.28p). These amounts for tax were not deducted from the allowances they received but instead were paid by the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority.
Could the Birkenhead Constituency Committee:
a) give an update on progress on the expected timescales for the Youth Zone called “The Hive”
b) explain why some councillors are paying payroll taxes directly out of their allowances, whereas in other cases these taxes are paid not by the politician but by the public? It just seems a basic issue of fairness.
The written answer is below.
Response from CYPD and Merseyside Fire Service:
a) The Hive is due to open in December 2016.
b) Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service (MFRS) have advised that they have given John Brace an explanation of the figures on a number of occasions. If John Brace would like further information he should contact MFRS directly.
However a verbal answer was also given at the meeting which was more detailed. Sadly some of what Jo Burrell said at this point is unclear on the video.
Rt Hon Frank Field MP (Chair) Great, on a) we’ll ask for a report. On b) this is not actually relevant to this Committee because we have no say in it. I’m all in favour of extending our authority but I gather they have written and will continue to take up your points and Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority will answer your issues on that John.
On where are we with the Hive? [Cllr] Jean [Stapleton]’s not here about this, do you know?
Cllr ??? ???: … Chief Exec.
Jo Burrell (Constituency Manager) That’s the information we’ve received. I don’t know exactly where the, this building is up to, it’s something I would probably have to ask …
Rt Hon Frank Field MP (Chair): Yes but I think whatever the target date is it’s on target, and most of the money seems to have been raised, hasn’t it? So I think it’s actually, it’s huge sums, it’s brilliant that people have made contributions so that will actually go ahead. The police, the Fire Authority John are very happy having a conversation with you by correspondence.
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so no answer re tax deductions in a public forum then!
Well the Local Government Act 1985, s.41 does allow councillors to ask such questions at Wirral Council meetings, but not the likes of myself (as I’m not a councillor).
However it wouldn’t be the Birkenhead Constituency Committee that such questions would be asked at Wirral Council if they were asked. Hypothetically it would be a meeting of all councillors instead.
Therefore I will have to try another route…
G’day John
It seems to me that the rubbish local propaganda sheet is making it more difficult to criticise the Clowncil.
I presume it is for the cowards who won’t say who they are.
I can proudly say I have never left a comment on that Clowncil Toilet Paper.
I can also proudly say John I have never sent an FOI request.
They think they are getting clever but then you just look at “Phil The Dill” “Ankles” “Phil the Dill’s Ugly Twin Brother with the Comb Over From Hell” “He who can talk for twenty……………..” “The Pretend Friend” “Crabapple” “Clowncillor Crispy Creme Doughnut” et al
They are just trying to make it easier to cover up their cock ups and deceit.
G’day John
The “Tweed Jacket” from the rubbish paper over Kev and Stella’s Stinking Stagnant Wirral Waters who met “Ankles” in the stairwell in a break in a full clowncil meeting to receive the dirt on The Wirralgate Gang not only ran out the front to show Demigog and have as smoke with her while AdderleyDadderlyDooDah was inside has finally wrote a slightly seedy story about “The Football Shirts” sending off…with a big swag of Wirral Taxpayer dosh.
Four years late but…….
John we all no that “Ghildevil’s Motion” won’t have any major impact on anything more than the new CEO’S bowel motion in his grand spanking new dunny courtesy of Gra Gra because the officers just laugh at buffoons like him and his other opposition mate “Blue”.
But what the junior officers can do when it is their turn for a bollicking to keep them downtrodden and downbeat and have to be grateful and thankful for their jobs in the DUMP with scumbag cheats
The “Tweed Jacket” said
The council’s head of asset management and assistant chief executive, David Armstrong, is due to take over Mr Adderley’s ‘line management’ responsibilities.
They can ask him “He who can talk for twenty minutes without breathing or saying anything” ha ha ha he didn’t get the job again, ***** little ********, what he actually did about the criminals and thieving of about £2,000,000.00 and Lockwood/Harbac around Wirral “Funny” Bizz when he was supposed to be doing the CEO’S job he was being paid for?
He did ********** ******** and the sooner he goes the way of AdderleyDadderlyDooDah the Wirral which will be a more credible place.
I suppose if his new job lot includes “Humpty Dumpty” and others in Regurgitation they won’t be game to say boo to a goose if they supported “The Football Shirt” they might just get their P45’S.
G’day John
Your post on Wirral Leaks was brilliant well done.
Wirral is much the richer for you and Wirral Leaks.
Keep up the great work.
G’day John
They seem to think it is the right time for some good news stories because they have well and truly been caught out big time.
They are making West Kirby, Cowes, even brought out one of their girls for credibility (didn’t work) and they are going to pay the people of Wirral to drive through the tunnel and AdderleyDadderlyDooDah didn’t get caught out lying and “The Chamber Potty” didn’t keep her gob shut about criminality.
The local rubbish propaganda sheet.
BIRKENHEAD MP Frank Field has written to the communities and local government secretary asking him to give the Liverpool City Region the powers to cut Mersey Tunnel toll charges.
He has got some cojones as this department knows all about Wirral “Funny” Bizz.
Communities and local government are probably also all over WIRRALGATE and this man is a MASSIVE player in that.
Your time is now Ecca.
There are lots of points I could state about the many political matters you raise, but I will just make one point about the Mersey Tunnels. .
The power to cease demanding Mersey Tunnel tolls is already a power granted to the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, see s.92C here.
However they can’t suddenly turn round and stop charging tunnel tolls without first stating where the £millions will come from to run the Mersey Tunnels, the Mersey Ferries and other transport projects if Mersey Tunnel tolls were abolished.
P.S. The reference to the Merseyside Passenger Transport Authority there is outdated as that power transferred to the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority when it was created.