The below is what happened at a recent meeting of Wirral Council’s Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee at the end of a discussion about their response to the consultation on the budget option on the closure of Birkenhead dog kennel. The main concern was that if implemented the budget option would result in owners of dogs having to go to Halton to collect their pets. There’s an online petition against closure that has attracted over five hundred signatures.
Cllr David Elderton (Chair): Well as I’ve said before, I’m not prepared to continue with this tonight if we’re not allowed, yes, well that’s the point, no point in us giving our input unless it’s noted and I’m asked for it to be noted. I think that’s sensible, we’re all here to make our contribution to what’s going on. So are we happy with that and take a vote on that nominal contribution? All those in favour?
Cllr Jerry Williams: No, no, no!
Cllr David Elderton (Chair): OK, well this meeting is likely to be a waste of time if you can’t make some notes based on what we believe is contributing to a successful conclusion for all concerned. I’m disappointed but I’m not prepared to make an issue out of it. Can we, any more comments on dog kennels as such? I’ve made my own notes on that and I shall be reporting them to the right places. What’s the next one?
Answer: The next one is page 57.
Cllr Leah Fraser: Excuse me, sorry but as Dave [Mitchell] said there’s a whip going on, that’s supposed to be declared before the meeting.
Cllr David Elderton (Chair): Yes it should!
Cllr Leah Fraser: Well they’ve just been told to change their minds!
Cllr David Elderton (Chair): Well that’s a whip, so anyway…
Cllr Jerry Williams said it was purely up to [Labour] councillors how they deal with decisions.
Cllr David Elderton (Chair): Right, well if that’s the case I’m going to, I’m not wasting a lot of time on this, it’s a long night, I’m going to wind the tape back and I’m going to say I specifically propose as Chairman that this Committee that it should have some comment in the minutes saying the logistics of the issue should be taken into account during the consultation process. Do I have a seconder for that?
Cllr Steve Williams seconds.
Cllr David Elderton (Chair): Right, which means that the comment that I am about to formulate, including this certain term, dealing with all party on both sides’ interest in this, that we should ask to be investigated. Can I have a vote on that, without a party whip?
For: 4 (Conservative plus Lib Dem)
Against: 2 (Two Labour, the rest abstained)