What did a Government Internal Audit Agency draft report reveal about Wirral Council procurement processes and how a contractor spent public money?

What did a Government Internal Audit Agency draft report reveal about Wirral Council procurement processes and how a contractor spent public money?

What did a Government Internal Audit Agency draft report reveal about Wirral Council procurement processes and how a contractor spent public money?


Chris Whittingham (Grant Thornton) 29th January 2018 Audit and Risk Management Committee (Wirral Council)
Chris Whittingham (Grant Thornton) 29th January 2018 Audit and Risk Management Committee (Wirral Council)

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” – George Bernard Shaw

Below is a GIAA (Government Internal Audit Agency) draft report. It involves a civil servant recommending clawback of a large amount of grant from Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council. It also comments on other council’s procurement processes and how the money was spent with a particular supplier. This is just the text extracted from the documents below.
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Planning Committee (Wirral Council) 26th September 2013 OUT/13/00551: Unused Land, Valley Road, Bidston – Outline application for the construction of indoor skate park with associated facilities including offices, cafe, flexible learning spaces, business support for young entrepreneurs and car parking

Planning Committee (Wirral Council) 26th September 2013 OUT/13/00551: Unused Land, Valley Road, Bidston – Outline application for the construction of indoor skate park with associated facilities including offices, cafe, flexible learning spaces, business support for young entrepreneurs and car parking

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Planning Committee (Wirral Council) 26th September 2013 OUT/13/00551: Unused Land, Valley Road, Bidston – Outline application for the construction of indoor skate park with associated facilities including offices, café, flexible learning spaces, business support for young entrepreneurs and car parking


Continues from Planning Committee (Wirral Council) 26th September 2013 APP/12/01502: Seafields, Park Lane, CH47 8XX – 3 Holiday Eco Chalets with associated parking and screening.

The video for this application starts here. The Chair, Cllr Bernie Mooney left the room during this item having previously declared a prejudicial interest. The Vice-Chair Cllr Denise Realey took the Chair for this item. She asked the officer to introduce the report.

The officer said the application was for outline planning permission with all matters reserved. The land was allocated for recreational development so in principle it was acceptable. The National Planning Policy Framework stated that sports facilities should be located within town centres, but the applicant had submitted a sequential test looking at alternative sites which weren’t available for a development of this size. The officers felt it would be a beneficial use for a vacant site and recommended it for approval.

The Vice-chair asked if there were any petitioners or ward councillors that wished to speak? There weren’t. Cllr Anita Leech asked why at the weekends the opening times were only until 7pm? The officer said that these were the opening times put forward by the applicant. The Vice-chair said that the applicant could ask for permission to extend the opening times in the future.

Cllr Eddie Boult said that they all wanted an indoor skate park in their area and was happy to accept the application. Cllr Anita Leech asked if the trees would be replanted. Matthew Davies replied that the trees were scrub trees and had no amenity value therefore did not warrant a condition requiring replacement.

Cllr Joe Walsh proposed approval of the application, Cllr David Elderton seconded approval. All councillors (except Cllr Bernie Mooney who was absent during this item) voted in favour of the application so it was approved.

Continues at Planning Committee (Wirral Council) 26th September 2013 APP/13/00676: Ring O Bells Hotel, Village Road, West Kirby, CH48 7HE – New external children’s play equipment.

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Economy and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee 7th November 2011 Part 1 Declarations of Interest, Minutes, Invest Wirral presentation by Paula Basnett


Cllr Mark Johnston (Chair)
Cllr Simon Mountney
Deputy Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis
Cllr Tony Cox
Cllr Denise Realey
Cllr Pat Hackett
Cllr Stuart Wittingham
Cllr Steve Niblock

The agenda and reports for this meeting can be viewed by clicking on the link.

The Chair, Cllr Johnston started the meeting by telling everyone that Cllr Kelly had to go home as his daughter had banged her head. He asked for declarations of interest. Cllr Hackett declared a personal interest with regards to Reach Out. The minutes of the meeting held on the 5th September 2011 were agreed. Cllr Johnston said he wanted to raise a couple of things from page six, which would lead to the work program being amended.

Cllr George Davies (Cabinet member for Housing and Community Safety) arrived.

Cllr Johnston referred committee members to an email from Cllr Phil Davies and Cllr George Davies which he gave councillors a couple of minutes to read.

Once they had read the email, the Chair invited Paula Basnett, Head of Investment in the Department of Regeneration, Housing and Planning to give a presentation to the committee.

Earlier problems with the computer in Committee Room 1 meant a laptop had to be used instead for the Powerpoint presentation. Black and white paper copies of the presentation were handed out to councillors on the committee.

Paula Basnett, wearing something that reminded me of dazzle camouflage on ships, explained what the business support team does and that since September with more funding they had given extra business support they hadn’t previously. At the end of October Business Link North West had gone along with all its business advisers. Business support was given through five relationship managers. These managers had a target of contacting five businesses a week to make businesses aware of what support was available.