Election Expenses: 2011 (Wirral Borough Council) Claughton ward Candidate: Stephen Foulkes Agent: George Davies Page 1

Election Expenses: 2011 (Wirral Borough Council) Claughton ward Candidate: Stephen Foulkes Agent: George Davies Page 1                                          Page 1/13 Election expenditure form for election to Wirral Borough Council. Claughton ward. Stephen Foulkes. 2011. Original form text in black, handwriting in red here (for emphasis) but not on black and white photocopy is in black. 3 … Continue reading “Election Expenses: 2011 (Wirral Borough Council) Claughton ward Candidate: Stephen Foulkes Agent: George Davies Page 1”

Election Expenses: 2011 (Wirral Borough Council) Claughton ward Candidate: Stephen Foulkes Agent: George Davies Page 1


Page 1/13 Election expenditure form for election to Wirral Borough Council. Claughton ward. Stephen Foulkes. 2011. Original form text in black, handwriting in red here (for emphasis) but not on black and white photocopy is in black.


Return of candidate spending: Local government election in England and Wales
Section 1 Details of candidate and election
Local Authority Wirral Borough Council
Ward/District Claughton
Electorate 11, 337
Date you became a candidate 25th March 2011
Date of election 5th May 2011
Date election result declared 6th May 2011
Candidate name Stephen Foulkes.
Registered Party The Labour Party.
Spending Limit £1,166.85
Section 2 Details of agent
Election agent’s name George Davies.
Date election agent appointed 25th March 2011
I am the agent responsible for delivering the return of candidate’s expenses under the Representation of the People Act 1983 X
I am the candidate and I was my own election agent. I am responsible for delivering this return of candidate’s expenses under the Representation of the People Act 1983

Election Expenses Steve Foulkes Page 1 Claughton Wirral Council 2011 Section 1 Details of candidate and election Section 2 details of agent

Area Forum – 8/6/2011 Bidston & Claughton, 8/6/2011 starting at 6.30pm, library, University Academy Birkenhead (formerly Park High) Part 1

Present: Cllr George Davies (Claughton)
Cllr Steve Foulkes (Claughton)
Cllr Denise Roberts (Claughton)
Cllr Jim Crabtree
Also: Lucy Beed
Michelle Gray
Ian Brand
Jim Thompson
Community Patrol
Police representative
Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service
+ members of the public

The Chair Cllr Roberts welcomed those present to the Area Forum and introduced those present. Ian Brand was the lead officer, Cllr Foulkes was a Claughton councillor and Leader of Wirral Council. Cllr Davies was also a Claughton councillor. Lucy Beed was there from planning and customer engagement. Gary Cummings was there from Streetscene, Jim Thompson introduced himself. So did a person from the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service but I didn’t manage to catch their name. A sergeant from Laird Street was also there as well as Cllr Crabtree and Michelle Gray.

Apologies had been received from Jean McIntosh (community representative), Dr. Abi Mantgani (NHS), Pat Landsborough (community representative)

Cllr Foulkes said that he was going to every Area Forum and introducing himself as the new Leader of Wirral Council. He wanted people to approach him directly. The Area Forums when created had drifted away from their original aims in devolving power and resources. He wanted a good turnout at meetings and for Area Forums to be revived. Area Forums would play a huge part in owning Neighbourhood Plans. By December Bidston & St. James/Claughton Area Forum would have its own neighbourhood plan, which would influence himself as Council Leader regarding the area’s needs and priorities.

Area Forum Bidston & St. James/Claughton 2/2/2011 Part 1

The papers and reports for last night’s Area Forum can be read here. Present were a representative from Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service, Mark Smith (Streetscene), Lucy Beed (to give a report on the Census), Cllr Roberts, Cllr Smith, Cllr Crabtree, Cllr Foulkes, Alastair Bardsley (representing the NHS Wirral University Teaching Hospitals (Arrowe Park and Clatterbridge), Jim Thompson (Community Safety Team), Jean McIntosh, Cllr McLachlan and Melanie from Warmer Wirral.

In the audience were about sixteen members of the public.

Apologies were received from Dr. Mantgani. No apologies were received from the police. Cllr Roberts welcomed people and asked members of the Area Forum panel to introduce themselves. Cllr Davies arrived a few minutes late during the introductions.

Warmer Wirral explained that they have a team of ten people knocking on every door in Claughton over the next month offering free loft and cavity wall insulation. Cllr Roberts then asked panel members to give their reports with a chance for the public to ask questions at 8.15pm.

The Area Forum co-ordinator Michelle Gray gave a progress report on matters that had been raised at the last Area Forum. On the subject of dog control, she had contacted other councils, the police, the community safety team and environmental health. They had told her that currently there was no bylaw on Wirral controlling dogs and there had to be full consultation before dog control orders. She would find out more and councillors could feedback through their surgeries.