Employment and Appointments Committee 11th August 2011 Part 3

Jim Wilkie continued saying that the budget had been reduced, there were significant changes and they needed to remodel to do things in a different way. Four branches were going down to three. There was strategic overview of key services, they had taken on responsibility over transport services in the Learning and Achieving branch of … Continue reading “Employment and Appointments Committee 11th August 2011 Part 3”

Jim Wilkie continued saying that the budget had been reduced, there were significant changes and they needed to remodel to do things in a different way. Four branches were going down to three. There was strategic overview of key services, they had taken on responsibility over transport services in the Learning and Achieving branch of the Children and Young People department and the Antisocial Behaviour Unit.

This report was looking at posts over spinal column 49. It sets out each posts proposals and allocates significant additional responsibilities. He was happy to go through on a post by post basis.

Cllr Gilchrist said “even I’m alright”, so Jim Wilkie said he would “stop there”. Cllr Gilchrist said he didn’t have a clear picture of the numbers of people in the structure, there were grey bold titles but not the details underneath. As Chair of Council Excellence he was aware that people could have added additional responsibilities such as additional duties as well as a range of new jobs which required a breadth of knowledge. On page 25, the second block on the left in the light grey he asked what secondary consultant meant as well as WASP. Was this an external consultant Wirral Council was bringing in?

Chris Hyams explained it was not an external consultant but experienced members of staff to advise. The report was agreed.

Wirral Council – Council Excellence Overview and Scrutiny Committee 12th July 2011 Part 1

The agenda and reports for this meeting can be found here.

Cllr Phil Gilchrist (Chair)
Cllr Ron Abbey (spokesperson)
Cllr Alan Brighouse
Cllr Tony Cox
Cllr Darren Dodd
Cllr Paul Doughty
Cllr John Hale
Cllr Chris Jones
Cllr James Keeley
Cllr Steve Williams
Committee clerk: Andrew Mossop (replacing Mark Delap who’s on holiday)
Also various officers and two members of the public

The Chair, Cllr Gilchrist welcomed the new councillors to the committee Cllr Tony Cox and Cllr Paul Doughty. He said if they could survive 36 years as a councillor as Cllr Hale had they must be enjoying themselves. He said although they were new to the council that they should not feel bound by that not to ask obvious or awkward questions. He said they needed all councillors to take part and contribute to get debate going. People had commented on the length of previous meetings but he would take as much tim as was needed to properly deal with issues without getting bogged down or stifling discussion. He would however stop them going round in circles and they had to deal with the issue of Vice-Chair.

He asked for any declarations of interest. No declarations of interest were declared. He said Andrew Mossop was the committee clerk because Mark Delap was on holiday. For Vice-Chair he proposed Cllr Brighouse, he had already raised this with the spokespersons. They had almost agreed Cllr Brighouse to become Chair when he had been in hospital, however Cllr Brighouse had managed to escape being Chair despite being poised to do so. He welcomed officers and members of the public.

Council Excellence Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 31/1/2011 Part 15 – Strategic Change Programme update (continued)

Cllr Davies continued by asking why the PACSPE (project 24) was only realising £200,000/year of savings?

Mr. Green said that was very unfair. Cllr Davies said the EVR had happened with the privatisation. Ian Coleman said there had been a reduction in the saving being of the EVR. Also certain areas had been taken out of the project’s scope reducing the saving.

Cllr Davies asked if the numbers relate to the outsourcing only? Mr. Green said they were making the savings now. Cllr Davies said what about the services not affected by outsourcing?

Cllr Gilchrist said that they welcome the progress report. He said the confidence in the office in delivering the projects is to be noted. He thanked the Cabinet Member for his attendance. Cllr Green said in a humourous way “God bless you, guv’nor” followed by saying he had a choice of attending either this or his daughter’s birthday.

The Council Excellence committee then went on to consider a report on performance management by the Interim Head of Corporate Planning, Engagement and Communications. Cllr Gilchrist said (in reference to Eric Pickles) that he was shocked when the saw the detail of which targets had been removed on the Department for Communities and Local Government website.