Licensing, Health and Safety and General Purposes Committee (Wirral Council) 23/1/2012 Part 3

Licensing, Health and Safety and General Purposes Committee (Wirral Council) 23/1/2012 Part 3 Continues from Licensing, Health and Safety and General Purposes Committee (Wirral Council) 23/1/2012 Part 2. Kate said they had visited the Masonic Hall this afternoon and it was a suitable venue. It cost £350 for hire. Surjit Tour talked about Between2Worlds. He … Continue reading “Licensing, Health and Safety and General Purposes Committee (Wirral Council) 23/1/2012 Part 3”

sign reading Polling Station
sign reading Polling Station

Licensing, Health and Safety and General Purposes Committee (Wirral Council) 23/1/2012 Part 3

Continues from Licensing, Health and Safety and General Purposes Committee (Wirral Council) 23/1/2012 Part 2.

Kate said they had visited the Masonic Hall this afternoon and it was a suitable venue. It cost £350 for hire. Surjit Tour talked about Between2Worlds. He said there were statutory purposes for polling stations and the front entrance at the Masonic Hall was unsuitable for disabled access. However there was no certainty for hire costs with Between2Worlds as it would have to be negotiated.

Cllr Ian Lewis commented. He understood the point made by Cllr Darren Dodd, his concern was that they were looking at maps whereas in practice it was the effect on votes. Wherever it moved, people wouldn’t vote as they’d go to the wrong polling station as it had previously been the YMCA. He said elderly people who had used the YMCA might not find out as not everyone was sent a polling card. He said his personal preference was to accept the Masonic Hall as opposed to the YMCA car park.

Cllr Patricia Glasman said he agreed with Cllr Ian Lewis on the whole, she also wanted the Masonic Lodge, however there was no provision for tellers.

Kate said that other polling stations that were entered directly had no provision and tellers could remain outside.

Cllr Bill Davies asked about the disabled access.

Kate said yes in answer to his question. There was a side exit at the Masonic Lodge used as a fire exit, unfortunately a ramp over the front steps was not practical.

Cllr Chris Jones asked about the past history of problems about using a Masonic Lodge as a polling station.

Cllr Bill Davies said he didn’t have the details in front of his, but to his recollection each time Masonic Lodges had been proposed as polling stations it had been turned down.

Cllr Ian Lewis said it would be nice if polling stations were suitable for tellers and wouldn’t inconvenience political activists. He still saw the Masonic Lodge as the least inconvenient.

Cllr Steve Niblock proposed, seconded by Cllr Chris Jones that the polling station for WE.

Cllr Sue Taylor proposed and Cllr Kate Wood seconded that the Masonic Lodge be used as the polling station for polling district WE.

There was a vote first on the amendment.

For: Cllrs Taylor, Wood, Lewis, Anderson and Glasman (5)
Against: Cllrs Davies, Williams, Niblock and Jones (4)

Abstention: None (0)

The amendment was carried by one vote (5:4:0).

The Chair said if possible because of the time scale, could they make a decision quickly on alternative polling stations?

Cllr Steve Niblock said there was a fall back of Between2Worlds, but he was happy if it was agreed by the party spokespersons.

Cllr Bill Davies said he wanted to advise the committee that with the timing of the local elections, if possible could it wait till March? Cllr Bill Davies proposed and Cllr Sue Taylor seconded that if alternative polling stations needed to be found that it would be agreed by the spokespersons.

This was agreed by the Committee.

Planning Committee 9/8/2011 | Part 4 | Agenda item 13 – SECTION 106 LEGAL AGREEMENT – REEDS LANE

Cllr Ian Lewis said he was surprised that they [Wirral Council] didn’t take ownership and that the residents want to have the opportunity to comment. They had been in the same position over the water feature. In that case there had been no consultation with residents, however he was not aware of great support for the play area. He asked them [the Planning Committee] to agree to return the money.

Cllr Elderton said he wished to seek legal advice on what would happen if Wirral Council didn’t comply with the terms and conditions of the s.106 agreement. The legal advice given was that the variation made in not having a play area would set a precedent for the future. Matthew Rushton explained it was a matter for the Planning Committee and would result in the money being returned, however he said he hadn’t read the s.106 agreement. There was a requirement for 3600m², there would have to be alterations.

Cllr Brian Kenny asked a question regarding the recommendation. He said if they approved the recommendation they would be no further forward. He noted on page 45 the need to make a decision. If the play area was approved or not, what were the alternatives?

The Chair said there were three alternatives. Deciding option two or three was recommended.

Cllr Mitchell said that option a) would result in a decision to agree to the construction and support for it to continue. He said he had listened to Cllr Lewis. He would hate to be known as the councillor in the press that didn’t allow children to play. He said all authorities were getting rid of play areas.

Planning Committee 9/8/2011 | Part 3 | Agenda item 13 – SECTION 106 LEGAL AGREEMENT – REEDS LANE

Cllr Ian Lewis continued by saying the was aware of the needs to renovate play areas, but this was an exceptional circumstance. It had not happened over the last seventeen years. 4.3 of the report dealt with the construction at a location to be agreed. An area on the map was marked but the boundary was not correct. It had not taken into account drives such as two nearby residential private drives and access roads. The developer had been required to plant replacement trees. 4.6 dealt with the tree planting, which had not yet been complied with on both sites, only on the play area. 4.7 stated there was no agreement with residents and there had been no formal consultation. The record was clear. Page 48 section 4.9 stated there was no s.106 agreement for a green space.

There were nearby play areas such as Farmworth Avenue. However some residents wanted it removed as it had become an eyesore. The residents didn’t want one imposed. There had been a new play area at Reeds Lane last year costing £75,000 for Leasowe. At the point planning permission was granted there was only a play area with two swings. He asked the Planning Committee to agree to recommendation a). The £56,000 couldn’t be spent on anything else, the developer was adamant he wanted the money back but would work with residents about planting.

Cllr Ian Lewis was surprised over option B, but he expected the land would be adopted by Wirral Council. It was basically a grassy area. There had been negotiations to get the trees and paths reinstated.

Planning Committee 9/8/2011 | Part 2 | Agenda item 13 – SECTION 106 LEGAL AGREEMENT – REEDS LANE

The officer introduced the nine-page report of Kevin Adderley about the play area and the section 106 agreement along with the two page appendix (which covered location maps). The play area had not been done, but the money had been paid. There was an issue of precedent. If they chose option B the money would go back to the developer. It was in a flood zone (3A) which meant there was a high risk of flooding so it was unlikely to be used for another other use. A committee decision was sought as to which option would be pursued about the play area.

Cllr Elderton said he wanted to be clear about the facts. He stated the petitioners were not here. A ward councillor (Cllr Ian Lewis) addressed the committee. He said he had worked on the problem since 2008. It had been 17 years since planning permission had been granted. The residents had been consulted and there had been about two hundred emails on the subject. Residents were opposed as they thought a play area would devalue their properties. There had been three public meetings. There had also been nine leaflets through resident’s doors.

People who have moved in since were not aware of the play area on a property search for the request for a play area. The Council didn’t own the land. 26 households had signed a petition against. Going through the report, specifically page 46 section 4.2. There had been a failure between the Council and the developer. It was an unusual position to be in.

Wirral Council – Wirral Council 23rd May 2011 – Part 6 – speeches (Cllr Lewis & Cllr McCubbin) on leader motion/amendment

Cllr Ian Lewis thanked “Sister McLaughlin”, but made an apology to the Liberal Democrats. He said that they had suffered the curse of Ian Lewis. He apologised also to Simon Holbrook and Bob Moon and welcomed two others. He also welcomed [Cllr] Pat Hackett. He said that Cllr Pat Hackett had been the one Labour councillor to nearly convince him to defect. He thanked Cllr Jeff Green for making him a member of the Cabinet. He said it had been a huge opportunity. Cllr Lewis wished his replacement Cllr Tony Smith well. Cllr green was thanked, so were the people of Leasowe who had elected him four years ago and he pointed out he had a further twelve months to go.

Cllr McCubbin said he didn’t know how Labour would do in the future, but he did know what happened between 2005 and 2009. He said they planned to close libraries and achieved a Labour minister ordering a public inquiry for the much needed public examination of their plans. This had been the first inquiry of its kind in 44 years. There had been criticisms about the library service. However an amazing job had been done. One library in Irby that the Mayor had visited when she had been Deputy Mayor was thriving. He also talked about the current situation of libraries and One Stop Shops. Cllr McCubbin said that book issues were up, there had been extra investment in information screens, e-books and RFID. He mentioned the Get Into Reading project, the Book Start project and said he recognised the support from the Lib Dems. However he said he thought his days as Library Champion were numbered.