16 Wirral Council invoices for shows at the Floral Pavilion, advertising, BikeSafe vouchers and ‘Clean Up Films’

16 Wirral Council invoices for shows at the Floral Pavilion, advertising, BikeSafe vouchers and ‘Clean Up Films’

16 Wirral Council invoices for shows at the Floral Pavilion, advertising, BikeSafe vouchers and ‘Clean Up Films’


Continuing from yesterday’s invoices I’ve got around to scanning in another batch the invoices I requested during the 2014/15 audit. Some are to do with acts at the Floral Pavilion, a few to do with ‘Clean Up Films’ for the schools in Wirral, advertising, public notices in the Wirral Globe, other advertising in the Wirral Globe, advertising in Liverpool FC Magazine, more advertising and BikeSafe vouchers.

The advertising in Liverpool FC Magazine is one of the smaller invoices at £600. Sadly a lot of the invoices for advertising don’t give much detail as to what the advertising was for.

It’s a bit of a fiddle making thumbnails of each image and linking it to the hi-res version (even though I realise that’s better for page loading times). So this time I’m not doing it. The invoices below are just the originals I’ve scanned in. If any of the text is too hard to read try clicking on the images to view it larger than the 500 pixel width this blog is set to.

I’ll briefly state here what they’re for and the amounts (the number in the top right refers to the numbering system on the spreadsheet of invoice numbers I sent to Wirral Council). So this is in the format invoice number, amount, reason. I’ve made bold the supplier name.

25, £13242.69, Ladybird Productions Ltd performing What the Ladybird Heard at the Floral Pavilion
26, £564, Let’s Go! Publishing Ltd for full-page advert in Good2Go! magazine
27, £2,469.39, Liverpool Mozart Orchestra for LMO concert at the Floral Pavilion
28, £1,300, Matthew Thomas for ‘Clean Up Films’ for the Wallasey area schools
29, £1,300, Matthew Thomas for ‘Clean Up Films’ for the West Wirral area schools
30, £1,300, Matthew Thomas for ‘Clean Up Films’ for the Birkenhead area schools
31, £1,300, Matthew Thomas for ‘Clean Up Films’ for the Wirral South area schools
32, £1,080, J McGrath Media Ltd t/a McGrath Regional Media for advertising in edition 40 and 41 of the Chester & Wirral 50+ magazine
36, £4,126.08, Newbury Productions (UK) Ltd for “The Bible: The Complete Word of God (abridged)” at the Floral Pavilion
37, £668.16, Newsquest (North West) Ltd for public notices in the Wirral Globe
38, £1,212, Newsquest (North West) Ltd for advertising on the Wirral Globe website and print editions
39, £6,044.95, Prestige Productions Ltd for Essence of Ireland at the Floral Pavilion
40, £600, Programme Master advertising in Liverpool FC magazine
41, £882, Richprint full page advert
43, £1,292.50, Society of London Theatre for theatre tokens sales
45, £900, The Motor Cycle Industry Association for BikeSafe vouchers

Wirral Council invoice 25 Ladybird Productions Ltd £13,242.69
Wirral Council invoice 25 Ladybird Productions Ltd £13,242.69

Continue reading “16 Wirral Council invoices for shows at the Floral Pavilion, advertising, BikeSafe vouchers and ‘Clean Up Films’”

16 Wirral Council invoices for shows at the Floral Pavilion, a public health campaign and food and drink

16 Wirral Council invoices for shows at the Floral Pavilion, a public health campaign and food and drink

16 Wirral Council invoices for shows at the Floral Pavilion, a public health campaign and food and drink


I’ve finally got around to scanning in some more of the invoices I requested during the 2014/15 audit. Most of these are to do with the Floral Pavilion, the booking of various shows and an invoice for programmes.

One is for £4,836 for a public health campaign on Juice FM from May to June 2014. Sadly a lot of the detail on that one was blacked out by Wirral Council. Another is for food and drink at the Holiday Inn Express (£533.10).

It’s a bit of a fiddle making thumbnails of each image and linking it to the hi-res version (even though I realise that’s better for page loading times). Is it legal to buy cialis from canadian pharmacies, visit here http://www.dresselstyn.com/site/buy-cialis-ed-pills-online/ and check prices. So this time I’m not doing it. The invoices below are just the originals I’ve scanned in. If any of the text is too hard to read try clicking on the images to view it larger than the 500 pixel width this blog is set to.

I’ll briefly state here what they’re for and the amounts (the number in the top right refers to the numbering system on the spreadsheet of invoice numbers I sent to Wirral Council). So this is in the format invoice number, amount, reason. I’ve made bold the supplier name.

5, £7389.50, Moscow Ballet performing Giselle at the Floral Pavilion
6, £970.32, Andrew Green (no other info except technical support and the invoice went to the Floral Pavilion)
8, £60,000, Bill Kenwright Ltd for Dreamcoats and Petticoats at the Floral Pavilion
9, £24,000, The Birmingham Stage Co (London) Ltd for Horrible Histories: Barmy Britain at the Floral Pavilion
10, £12,656.22, The Birmingham Stage Co (London) Ltd for Horrible Histories: Barmy Britain at the Floral Pavilion
14, £1,673.16, Derek Block Concert Promotions for "That’ll Be The Day" at the Floral Pavilion
15, £1,003.80, Entertainment Trade Mgt (Agencies) Ltd for Motown/Philly Show at the Floral Pavilion
16, £5,400.00, Entertainment Trade Mgt (Agencies) Ltd for The Carpenters Show at the Floral Pavilion
17, £4,129.08, Entertainment Trade Mgt (Agencies) Ltd for Bless Em All at the Floral Pavilion
18, £3,012.89, Entertainment Trade Mgt (Agencies) Ltd for We’ve Only Just Begun at the Floral Pavilion
19, £3,394.66, All Star Superslam Wrestling at the Floral Pavilion
20, £2,000, Hoylake School of Dance at the Floral Pavilion
21, £980, JCDecaux UK Ltd media charge for campaign (Floral Pavilion)
22, £1,260, John Good Cantate Communications Dreamboats and Petticoats Programme
23, £4,836, Juice 107.6 FM for public health campaign
24, £533.10, Holiday Inn Express for food and beverage

Wirral Council invoice 5 Moscow Ballet Giselle £7389.50
Wirral Council invoice 5 Moscow Ballet Giselle £7389.50

Continue reading “16 Wirral Council invoices for shows at the Floral Pavilion, a public health campaign and food and drink”

EXCLUSIVE: 10 more invoices paid by Wirral Council including £3,203.88 for budget setting and £15,667.25 for a special guardianship order

EXCLUSIVE: 10 more invoices paid by Wirral Council including £3,203.88 for budget setting and £15,667.25 for a special guardianship order

EXCLUSIVE: 10 more invoices paid by Wirral Council including £3,203.88 for budget setting and £15,667.25 for a special guardianship order


Below this are ten invoices paid for by Wirral Council during the 2013/14 financial year. The first is for £15,276.96 from Eversheds for the ever cryptic “governance and employment issues”. As it’s paid for by Wirral Council’s HR department it’ll be for employment issues and the Wirral Council reference is down as “Jim Wilkie”. This in itself is a bit odd as it’s for work done in February 2013, as Jim Wilkie retired on the 7th June 2012.

Next is an invoice from Eversheds, but for £3,203.88 for “Budget setting”. Again this is odd as the Wirral Council reference is down as “Bill Norman” and it is for work done in February 2013. Bill Norman however was made redundant by Wirral Council on the 30th September 2012 (through a compromise contract costing Wirral Council £151,416). So Bill Norman wouldn’t have had anything to do with the setting of the budget in February 2013.

The third and fourth invoices are from Weightmans for £4,976.64 & £4,482. I think this are for legal advice about Birkenhead regeneration connected to the plans that Wirral Council’s Cabinet recently agreed to consult on involving Neptune Developments Limited.

Moving to another regeneration project, the fifth invoice is for £8,133.90 for legal advice around a section 106 agreement connected to the Wirral Waters planning application. I’m puzzled about why this invoice was sent directly to Peel and the confusing VAT which was added to the total amount, then taken off it!

Invoice six is another Weightmans invoice for £1,668 for EU procurement advice. The next invoice is from Eversheds and is for £1,720.68 of employment advice. Eversheds also submitted another invoice for £4,811.74 for advice in March 2013 on “governance and employment issues“. As the HR department paid the invoice I think it can safely be assumed it was for an employment issue.

The ninth invoice from Seatons Solicitors is for work on a special guardianship order and is for £15,667.25. The last invoice for £1,660.80 is from DMM Psychology Limited for a cognitive functioning report and psychological reports (although this is for a quarter of the total amount as its being split four ways).

Wirral Council invoice Eversheds £15276.96 15th March 2013
Wirral Council invoice Eversheds £15276.96 15th March 2013
Wirral Council invoice Eversheds £3203.88 15th March 2013
Wirral Council invoice Eversheds £3203.88 15th March 2013
Wirral Council invoice Weightmans £4976.64 27th Match 2013
Wirral Council invoice Weightmans £4976.64 27th Match 2013
Wirral Council invoice Weightmans £4482 2nd April 2013
Wirral Council invoice Weightmans £4482 2nd April 2013
Wirral Council invoice Eversheds £8133.90 15th April 2013
Wirral Council invoice Eversheds £8133.90 15th April 2013
Wirral Council invoice Weightmans £1668 28th February 2013
Wirral Council invoice Weightmans £1668 28th February 2013
Wirral Council invoice Eversheds £1720.68 5th April 2013
Wirral Council invoice Eversheds £1720.68 5th April 2013
Wirral Council invoice Eversheds £4811.74 8th April 2013
Wirral Council invoice Eversheds £4811.74 8th April 2013
Wirral Council invoice Seatons £15667.65 25th March 2013
Wirral Council invoice Seatons £15667.65 25th March 2013
Wirral Council invoice DMM Psychology Ltd £6643.20 8th May 2013
Wirral Council invoice DMM Psychology Ltd £6643.20 8th May 2013

If you click on any of the buttons below, you’ll be doing me a favour by sharing this article with other people.

EXCLUSIVE: 11 more invoices paid by Wirral Council including £2,241 for gym mats and £6,090 for a barrister

EXCLUSIVE: 11 more invoices paid by Wirral Council including £2,241 for gym mats and £6,090 for a barrister

EXCLUSIVE: 11 more invoices paid by Wirral Council including £2,241 for gym mats and £6,090 for a barrister


Below are eleven invoices (although some are for credit amounts) paid by Wirral Council. The first four are for people in nursing homes or residential homes where Wirral Council pay their fees. It seems Wirral Council do the accounting for this using software so these are printouts of the payments made (although the last amount to Riversdale Northwest Limited is for a credit of £6247.57). The invoice after that for £2,241 is for gym mats and safety mats for Birkenhead Youth Club.

Then there is an invoice for £6,090 from Kings Chambers. The invoice from Kings Chambers was covered in more detail at Wirral Council paid barrister £6,090 for 2 day planning inquiry hearing & 5 hours of work.

The next invoice is a bit of a mystery. United Utilities refunded Wirral Council £10,070.32. The information supplied (a printout from a spreadsheet) shows this is to do with United Utilities invoices to the library and one stop shops section (which doesn’t really tell why the refund happened).

Cottrell Electrical Services invoiced Wirral Council £1,973.40 for work on Wallasey Town Hall.

Merrill Legal Solutions (who do transcription of legal cases) issued Wirral Council a credit note for £1598.92 for a case in the Liverpool County Court in 2011.

DMM Psychology Limited did a psychological report for a legal case. The cost was split between four parties (one of which was Wirral Council). Wirral Council paid £809.85.

BDH Solicitors charged Wirral Council £1369.80 although what this is for is a mystery as the “attached cost checker” was not supplied to me. The amount of the court fee would suggest it was either to do with a special guardianship order or an application for permission for adoption or wardship.

Wirral Council invoice PSS UK Limited £1100.58 25th March 2014
Wirral Council invoice PSS UK Limited £1100.58 25th March 2014
Wirral Council invoice Voyage Limited £3000 Anchor Trust Homes £1020.86 25th March 2014
Wirral Council invoice Voyage Limited £3000 Anchor Trust Homes £1020.86 25th March 2014
Wirral Council invoice Century Healthcare Limited £1804 Daleside Nursing Home £1732 25th March 2014
Wirral Council invoice Century Healthcare Limited £1804 Daleside Nursing Home £1732 25th March 2014
Wirral Council invoice Oxton Manor £1588 Riversdale Northwest Limited £6247.57 25th March 2014
Wirral Council invoice Oxton Manor £1588 Riversdale Northwest Limited £6247.57 25th March 2014
Wirral Council invoice Eveque Leisure Equipment Ltd £2241 25th February 2014
Wirral Council invoice Eveque Leisure Equipment Ltd £2241 25th February 2014
Wirral Council invoice Kings Chambers £6090 25th April 2013
Wirral Council invoice Kings Chambers £6090 25th April 2013
Wirral Council invoice United Utilities £10070.32 13th March 2014
Wirral Council invoice United Utilities £10070.32 13th March 2014
Wirral Council invoice Cottrell Electrical Services £1973.40 12th December 2013
Wirral Council invoice Cottrell Electrical Services £1973.40 12th December 2013
Wirral Council invoice Merrill Legal Solutions £1598.92 19th January 2012
Wirral Council invoice Merrill Legal Solutions £1598.92 19th January 2012
Wirral Council invoice DMM Psychology Limited £809.85 16th January 2013
Wirral Council invoice DMM Psychology Limited £809.85 16th January 2013
Wirral Council invoice BDH Solicitors £1369.80 30th March 2012
Wirral Council invoice BDH Solicitors £1369.80 30th March 2012

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Why did Wirral Council pay £48,384 to Weightmans and what has DASS got to do with it?

Why did Wirral Council pay £48,384 to Weightmans and what has DASS got to do with it?

Why did Wirral Council pay £48,384 to Weightmans and what has DASS got to do with it?

Wirral Council invoice Weightmans £2700 7th June 2013
Wirral Council invoice Weightmans £2700 7th June 2013
Wirral Council invoice Weightmans £720 7th June 2013
Wirral Council invoice Weightmans £720 7th June 2013
Wirral Council invoice Weightmans £48384 11th July 2013
Wirral Council invoice Weightmans £48384 11th July 2013

Above are three invoices to Wirral Council from Weightmans, one for £720, one for £2,700 and one for £48,384.

Apart from “Counsel’s fees” and the always cryptic “professional services” I’ve no idea what these are for, other than the two smaller amounts are to do with Wirral Council’s Department of Adult Social Services. Two refer to a fee note attached to the invoice describing the work done in more detail. I’ve made a Freedom of Information Act request for the fee notes.

All three invoices would seem to be related as they have the same account number. Certainly there’s a public interest in having some openness and transparency as why Wirral Council spent £51,804 on legal costs. However considering how much of the detail on these invoices are blacked out, I don’t hold out much hope that Wirral Council won’t do the same to the fee notes in response to the Freedom of Information Act request.

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