16 Wirral Council invoices for shows at the Floral Pavilion, advertising, BikeSafe vouchers and ‘Clean Up Films’
Continuing from yesterday’s invoices I’ve got around to scanning in another batch the invoices I requested during the 2014/15 audit. Some are to do with acts at the Floral Pavilion, a few to do with ‘Clean Up Films’ for the schools in Wirral, advertising, public notices in the Wirral Globe, other advertising in the Wirral Globe, advertising in Liverpool FC Magazine, more advertising and BikeSafe vouchers.
The advertising in Liverpool FC Magazine is one of the smaller invoices at £600. Sadly a lot of the invoices for advertising don’t give much detail as to what the advertising was for.
It’s a bit of a fiddle making thumbnails of each image and linking it to the hi-res version (even though I realise that’s better for page loading times). So this time I’m not doing it. The invoices below are just the originals I’ve scanned in. If any of the text is too hard to read try clicking on the images to view it larger than the 500 pixel width this blog is set to.
I’ll briefly state here what they’re for and the amounts (the number in the top right refers to the numbering system on the spreadsheet of invoice numbers I sent to Wirral Council). So this is in the format invoice number, amount, reason. I’ve made bold the supplier name.
25, £13242.69, Ladybird Productions Ltd performing What the Ladybird Heard at the Floral Pavilion
26, £564, Let’s Go! Publishing Ltd for full-page advert in Good2Go! magazine
27, £2,469.39, Liverpool Mozart Orchestra for LMO concert at the Floral Pavilion
28, £1,300, Matthew Thomas for ‘Clean Up Films’ for the Wallasey area schools
29, £1,300, Matthew Thomas for ‘Clean Up Films’ for the West Wirral area schools
30, £1,300, Matthew Thomas for ‘Clean Up Films’ for the Birkenhead area schools
31, £1,300, Matthew Thomas for ‘Clean Up Films’ for the Wirral South area schools
32, £1,080, J McGrath Media Ltd t/a McGrath Regional Media for advertising in edition 40 and 41 of the Chester & Wirral 50+ magazine
36, £4,126.08, Newbury Productions (UK) Ltd for “The Bible: The Complete Word of God (abridged)” at the Floral Pavilion
37, £668.16, Newsquest (North West) Ltd for public notices in the Wirral Globe
38, £1,212, Newsquest (North West) Ltd for advertising on the Wirral Globe website and print editions
39, £6,044.95, Prestige Productions Ltd for Essence of Ireland at the Floral Pavilion
40, £600, Programme Master advertising in Liverpool FC magazine
41, £882, Richprint full page advert
43, £1,292.50, Society of London Theatre for theatre tokens sales
45, £900, The Motor Cycle Industry Association for BikeSafe vouchers

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G’day John
Did you hand pick the Big fund recipient to wind up the Wirral “Funny” Bizz whistleblowers?
Remember Wirral “Funny” Bizz that knocked off about £2,000,000.00?
No, I didn’t hand pick it. I just think when they moan about the cost of responding to FOI requests, that the public should know about the much larger amounts spent on public relations and advertising.
Whereas some (such as public notices) are a legal requirement, a lot of advertising is discretionary and could be done cheaper in house by the Council’s marketing department rather than spending £thousands on ads (do they actually track the results of the advertising and whether it’s value for money) in publications with small circulations.
G’Day John
So John, in theory, it is not necessarily the wrong thing to give a hundred times more to a lesser lets say for arguments sake……. football club not even in your own town.
That will always please the bully women in the party especially that one that thinks she owns a gallery and sneers at ordinary people.
I can see that John, if you are in a losing team yourself or lets say political party and you are desperate to prove everybody wrong and show you have a bigger one or even, lets say, a tape recording you would just do whatever you want cos you can’t win anyway, football, politics or say beat “Highbrow” at chess or you in an IQ test.
Thanks John I think I understand Wirral now.
Ps How many FOI’s would you get John for say £60,000.00?
OK. Here’s a job description for a FOI officer that gives an hourly pay of £10.76 an hour.
Let’s make that full time, 40 hours a week, working 48 weeks a year plus 4 weeks paid holiday so £22,380.80 a year.
Add on on-costs of 22% and you get £27,304.58.
So you can afford two people full time at this salary grade (plus a bit extra in the kitty for a computer and desk each plus some training).
Say out of those 40 hours a week, 32 are spent on dealing with FOI requests that gives 32482 hours or 3,072 hours.
FOI requests (unless the person pays) can’t take over 18.5 hours, I’ve no idea how long the average FOI takes to answer.
There’ll be the easy end (just providing a link to info already on their website) to the more complicated end.
So let’s estimate 10 hours on average as I’m not sure.
So 3,072/10 = 307 FOI requests.
Those are just the costs at the initial stage. At the internal review stage it’s done by a solicitor, so the costs would roughly double because of increased salary.
So if we’re talking £60,000 for internal reviews than maybe 154 internal reviews.
Having said that most of the work has been done by the internal review stage and it’s just about determining whether the information should be withheld. So I’d suggest that should take no longer than 2-3 hours (even in the most complex cases).
Split the difference at 2.5 hours and that should be 616 internal reviews.
So the answer to your £60,000 is an estimated 307 FOI requests answered or 616 internal reviews.
This report from 2014 determined that the cost of dealing with FOI requests was roughly £22.85 an hour.
So at an estimate of 10 hours per a request, that would mean £60,000 equates to around 262 requests (which isn’t far off my estimate above of 307 requests).
If Wirral is so quick to pay out for invoices i might send them one for the cost of replacing my shock absorbers for my bike after paying out £200 the other week back, for riding on Wirrals crappy roads.
I will caveat this by stating that this is not legal advice, merely comment on Wirral Council’s processes.
I’ve never heard of anyone doing so for a bicycle.
However I have sat through public meetings where Wirral Council proudly tells councillors that they robustly defend every claim (for example personal injury claims for tripping on a broken pavement, damage to cars from potholes etc).
So as Wirral Council would robustly defend every claim, you would probably find it’s not as easy as just sending them an invoice. In fact this website details a ten step process to claims!
G’day John
I knew being open, honest and transparent would serve me well even as a whistleblower on Wirral “Funny” Bizz.
I can do “Phil the Very Very Deluded Dill” a massive favour.
If he puts me on to his new, Britain’s Most Credulous Man, now that they shafted AdderleyDadderlyDooDah I can put one over on Uncle Joe for him.
He won’t need his turds polishing each morning by his neighbour.
Today’s rubbish paper from over Kev and Stella’s Stinking Stagnant Wirral Waters
Liverpool city region devolution deal could include an ‘opera house of the north’
Well Phil have I got a deal for you.
Send Mr Credulous to see me.
Offer today only.
Phil I will sell you the Sydney Opera House and throw in the Harbour Bridge and people won’t have to pay a toll so you can get rid of your boss “Ankles” and the rest of the Misery Travel parasites.
Any chance of paying cash Phil and I will see if I can get you Royal Melbourne Golf Course today?
Sorry Phil I have already sold Tasmania.
Question of the day:
Tasmanian devils are stocky and have extremely loud speech. They also have surprising endurance.
Considering these similarities to some local politicians, does this mean Wirral will soon be considering a twinning deal with Tasmania?
G’day John
A Tasmanian Devil is a cross between “Ankles” quite sleepy “The Pretend Friend” “The Abbot” “Clowncillor Crispy Creme Doughnut” and has the temper of “He who can talk for twenty minutes without breathing or saying anything” has this rubbish gone yet?
Cute like “The Shyster” too.
John I don’t think twinning would work with the above sextuplets.
Stop it John no jokes about sex-tupling-now the three have just been relieved…….of their……loads…..of………………………….. work.
Well thank you for your in depth knowledge of the characteristics of Tasmanian devils and the similarities you see between them and certain well known local personalities.