16 Wirral Council invoices for shows at the Floral Pavilion, advertising, BikeSafe vouchers and ‘Clean Up Films’
Continuing from yesterday’s invoices I’ve got around to scanning in another batch the invoices I requested during the 2014/15 audit. Some are to do with acts at the Floral Pavilion, a few to do with ‘Clean Up Films’ for the schools in Wirral, advertising, public notices in the Wirral Globe, other advertising in the Wirral Globe, advertising in Liverpool FC Magazine, more advertising and BikeSafe vouchers.
The advertising in Liverpool FC Magazine is one of the smaller invoices at £600. Sadly a lot of the invoices for advertising don’t give much detail as to what the advertising was for.
It’s a bit of a fiddle making thumbnails of each image and linking it to the hi-res version (even though I realise that’s better for page loading times). So this time I’m not doing it. The invoices below are just the originals I’ve scanned in. If any of the text is too hard to read try clicking on the images to view it larger than the 500 pixel width this blog is set to.
I’ll briefly state here what they’re for and the amounts (the number in the top right refers to the numbering system on the spreadsheet of invoice numbers I sent to Wirral Council). So this is in the format invoice number, amount, reason. I’ve made bold the supplier name.
25, £13242.69, Ladybird Productions Ltd performing What the Ladybird Heard at the Floral Pavilion
26, £564, Let’s Go! Publishing Ltd for full-page advert in Good2Go! magazine
27, £2,469.39, Liverpool Mozart Orchestra for LMO concert at the Floral Pavilion
28, £1,300, Matthew Thomas for ‘Clean Up Films’ for the Wallasey area schools
29, £1,300, Matthew Thomas for ‘Clean Up Films’ for the West Wirral area schools
30, £1,300, Matthew Thomas for ‘Clean Up Films’ for the Birkenhead area schools
31, £1,300, Matthew Thomas for ‘Clean Up Films’ for the Wirral South area schools
32, £1,080, J McGrath Media Ltd t/a McGrath Regional Media for advertising in edition 40 and 41 of the Chester & Wirral 50+ magazine
36, £4,126.08, Newbury Productions (UK) Ltd for “The Bible: The Complete Word of God (abridged)” at the Floral Pavilion
37, £668.16, Newsquest (North West) Ltd for public notices in the Wirral Globe
38, £1,212, Newsquest (North West) Ltd for advertising on the Wirral Globe website and print editions
39, £6,044.95, Prestige Productions Ltd for Essence of Ireland at the Floral Pavilion
40, £600, Programme Master advertising in Liverpool FC magazine
41, £882, Richprint full page advert
43, £1,292.50, Society of London Theatre for theatre tokens sales
45, £900, The Motor Cycle Industry Association for BikeSafe vouchers