Former Cllr Crabtree receives 12 week suspended sentence for phone call

Former Cllr Crabtree receives 12 week suspended sentence for phone call

Former Cllr Crabtree receives 12 week suspended sentence for phone call


Cllr Jim Crabtree (February 2016)
Cllr Jim Crabtree (February 2016)

Yesterday, former Cllr Crabtree received a suspended 12 week prison term (suspended for a year) and a restraining order for what he said during a phone call to Cllr Louise Reece-Jones last year.

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Tam O’Shanter Urban Farm – Turns Away Visitors

Tam O’Shanter Urban Farm – Turns Away Visitors


This afternoon, myself and my wife having been invited to Tam O’Shanter Urban Farm (which is in the road we live) by Cllr Brighouse were turned away by the Tam O’Shanter Cottage Trust trustee Cllr. Denise Roberts (Labour, Claughton).

Instead then of reporting about the 25 year success story of this charity (Tam O’Shanter Cottage Urban Farm Trust) who state on their website that their aim is “providing an enjoyable and educational experience for all” and even though other journalists (for example who wrote this story in the Wirral Globe were) invited, it seems if you’re John or Leonora you’re not welcome at Tam O’Shanter (although to give them their due one of the staff wanted us to stay).

So instead of a report on new tree planting, a visit by the Mayor and other councillors involved, we have instead some video footage for you of a plastic cow.

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Tam O’Shanter Cottage Urban Farms Trust’s “main objectives”:-

To continue to provide a free amenity to the public
To continue to promote the use of Tam O’Shanter Urban Farm thereby maintaining visitor numbers

Useless bit of trivia: Tam O’Shanter is currently leased from Wirral Council for one Bidston pine cone/year. In the Mayor’s parlour at Wallasey Town Hall there a display of the Tam O’Shanter pine cone. As it was a few years old I asked the previous Mayor Cllr. Hodson if they’d paid their rent. He said he didn’t know if they had but where do annual Tam O’Shanter pine cones go?