Cabinet 12/1/2012 Part 1 DASS overcharging, North West Tonight, Martin Morton etc

It seems issues discussed at last night’s Cabinet meeting made the top story on the North West news last night. In case you missed it (and sadly it’s only available on iPlayer for a short while after) I’ve got the relevant clip uploaded to Youtube which you can view below. Thanks go to the BBC … Continue reading “Cabinet 12/1/2012 Part 1 DASS overcharging, North West Tonight, Martin Morton etc”

It seems issues discussed at last night’s Cabinet meeting made the top story on the North West news last night. In case you missed it (and sadly it’s only available on iPlayer for a short while after) I’ve got the relevant clip uploaded to Youtube which you can view below. Thanks go to the BBC for giving this issue coverage to a wider audience than those that go to Wirral Council Cabinet meetings. So what do people think about how people came across?

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