ICO require Wirral Council to release 94 page draft agreement with Nicklaus Joint Venture Group Limited about Hoylake Golf Resort

ICO require Wirral Council to release 94 page draft agreement with Nicklaus Joint Venture Group Limited about Hoylake Golf Resort

ICO require Wirral Council to release 94 page draft agreement with Nicklaus Joint Venture Group Limited about Hoylake Golf Resort


ICO (Information Commissioner's Office) logo
ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) logo

Updated 27.2.18 with an amendment to paragraph 3 of the decision notice following First-tier Tribunal (information rights) case EA/2017/0191.

Edited 10.8.17 by JB to include text of decision notice below images of pages

ICO have required Wirral Council to disclose 94 pages of a draft development agreement between itself and the Nicklaus Joint Venture Group Limited in respect of the proposed golf course, hotel and residential property in Hoylake. This project is known as the Hoylake Golf Resort and the proposed development involves the sale of and leasing of Wirral Council owned land to the developer.

Wirral Council have 35 calendar days (from the 7th August 2017) to provide the information or alternatively they can appeal ICO’s decision to the First-tier Tribunal (Information Rights) within 28 days.

ICO ruled that a further 29 pages of legal advice that Wirral Council received from Pinsent Masons about the Hoylake Golf Resort project did not need to be disclosed.

You can read the full 14 page decision notice (FER0672223) below.

FER0672223 Hoylake Golf Resort (Wirral Council) Page 1 of 14
FER0672223 Hoylake Golf Resort (Wirral Council) Page 1 of 14

Reference: FER0672223

Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR)

Decision notice

Date: 7 August 2017
Public Authority: Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council
Address: Town Hall
Brighton Street
CH44 8ED
Complainant: John Brace
Address: Jenmaleo
134 Boundary Road
CH43 7PH

Decision (including any steps ordered)

  1. The complainant has requested information relating to the Hoylake Golf Resort Project. Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council withheld the information under the exceptions for the course of justice (regulation 12(5)(b)) and commercial confidentiality (regulation 12(5)(e)).
  2. The Commissioner’s decision is that Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council has correctly applied regulation 12(5)(b) to withhold some of the requested information but failed to demonstrate that regulation 12(5)(e) is engaged.
  3. The Commissioner requires the public authority to take the following steps to ensure compliance with the legislation.

    ● Disclose pages 43-146 of the Private Document Pack.

    The Tribunal requires Wirral Metropolitan Council to take the following steps to ensure compliance with the legislation –

    Disclose the Amended Annotated Development Agreement at pages 256 – 351 of the Closed Bundle prepared for the appeal hearing, save the passages annotated in green and any marginal green notes, which may be withheld. The Commissioner’s order at paragraph 2 of the Decision Notice stands.

  4. The public authority must take these steps within 35 calendar days of the date of this decision notice. Failure to comply may result in the Commissioner making written certification of this fact to the High Court pursuant to section 54 of the Act and may be dealt with as a contempt of court.


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Why did Wirral Council keep the list of solicitors firms and barristers it could use between 2010-2014 so secret?

Why did Wirral Council keep the list of solicitors firms and barristers it could use between 2010-2014 so secret?

Why did Wirral Council keep the list of solicitors firms and barristers it could use between 2010-2014 so secret?


Last year I published on this blog a contract with Wirral Council for external legal services called the North West Legal Consortium Collaboration Agreement, which was a contract Wirral Council had between 1st April 2010 and the 31st March 2014.

I’ve made many requests to Wirral Council since then for the list of solicitors and barristers (which are in appendices to the agreement) only each time I asked I did not receive the lists. This unanswered Freedom of Information Act request of the 16th May 2014 being the latest request. However anticipating Wirral Council would ignore me, I also made a Freedom of Information request to Sefton Borough Council who did give out the information.

So first is the list of firms of solicitors sorted alphabetically that Wirral Council could use during 2010-2014 through the North West Legal Consortium Collaboration Agreement.

Addleshaw Goddard
Anthony Collins
Berrymans Lace Mawer
Bevan Brittan
Brabners Chaffe Street
Davitt Jones Bould
Dickinson Dees
DLA Piper
Field Fisher Waterhouse
Forshaws Davies Ridgway
Freeth Cartwright
George Davies
HBJ Gateley Wareing
Hill Dickinson
Mace & Jones
Pinsent Masons
Stephensons Solicitors

Second is the list of firms of barristers chambers sorted alphabetically that Wirral Council could use during 2010-2014 through the collaboration agreement.

2-3 Grays Inn Square
4-5 Grays Inn
5 Essex Court
7 Harrington Street
11 Kings Bench Walk
18 St John Street
39 Essex Street
Arden Chambers
Atlantic Chambers
Cobden House
Deans Court Chambers
Exchange Chambers
Field Court Chambers
Garden Court Chambers
India Buildings
Kings Chambers
Lincoln House Chambers
Old Square Chambers
Oriel Chambers
Ropewalk Chambers
Serle Court
St Ives Chambers
St James Chambers
St Johns Buildings
Young Street Chambers

So why was Wirral Council trying to keep these lists of solicitors and barristers such a secret?

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