Bidston Moss Retail Park: Five New Units Under Construction

Bidston Moss Retail Park: Five New Units Under Construction near Junction 1 of the M53

Bidston Moss Retail Park: Five New Units Under Construction


Bidston Moss Retail Park Shops Construction

As you can tell from the photo, five new units are being built on the Bidston Moss Retail Park (near Junction 1 of the M53) on what used to be the site of MFI & Carpetright. There’s been curiosity about who will occupy the new units numbered 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D and 4E and some people have come to this blog looking for further information using the search “bidston moss retail park new shops”.

The planning application (more details here) lists the mysterious Derwent Holdings Ltd on the Isle of Man as the applicant. The new units are currently advertised as to let on GVA’s website. So all that can be said about the new tenants is that they won’t be food businesses (as this type of business isn’t allowed with that type of planning permission). Hopefully the new units will be finished and let soon bringing desperately needed jobs to the local area. One of the four units is now occupied by Carpetright.

One bit of good news surrounding the development is that a former car park on the site will be transferred to Wirral Council to be incorporated into Bidston Moss Nature Reserve.

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Planning Applications Roundup (Bidston & St. James ward)

Just two permissions to report in Bidston & St. James (one is a refusal for full planning permission, the other an approval for an advertising consent).


Application No.: APP/12/00853 Application Type: Full Planning Permission
Decision Level: Delegated
Ward: Bidston and St James
Decision Date: 29/08/2012 Decision: Refuse
Case Officer: Miss K Elliot

Agent: Higham & Co
Location: Aldi Store, Laird Street, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH41 8DB
Proposal: Variation of condition 9 of planning consent APP/2006/7319 to allow opening of the food store on a Sunday between 10:00 hours and 18:00 hours for a temporary period between 22 July 2012 and 9 September 2012.


Application No.: ADV/12/00864 Application Type: Advertisement Consent
Decision Level: Delegated
Ward: Bidston and St James
Decision Date: 31/08/2012 Decision: Approve
Case Officer: Mr M Rushton
Applicant:  Miss Bryan, 7 Hatton Garden, Liverpool, Merseyside, L3 2FE

Location: Cleared Site Former Scrap Yard, TOWER ROAD, BIRKENHEAD, CH41 1FN
Proposal: Signage for the 2012 Cultural Olympiad public art project ‘Column’, which gained planning permission on 31 May 2012, no. APP/11/01272, comprising two hoardings to the Tower Road frontage, interpretative signage information within the site about the project, and directional signage on the entrance gate.

Planning Applications Decided (Delegated) 16/11/2011 to 15/12/2011 (Bidston & St. James ward)

Application No.: APP/11/01263 Application Type: Delegated

Decision Level: Full Planning Permission
Ward: Bidston and St James
Decision Date: 07/12/2011 Decision: Approve
Case Officer: Miss S McIlroy
Applicant: Mr Andrew Haselgrove

Proposal: Retention of galvanised steel window guard railing to first-floor rear elevation to restrict opening arch and facilitate closing of french windows


Application No.: APP/11/01120 Application Type: Delegated
Decision Level: Full Planning Permission
Ward: Claughton
Decision Date: 28/11/2011 Decision: Approve
Case Officer: Miss K Elliot
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Davin
Location: 381 UPTON ROAD, BIDSTON, CH43 9SE
Proposal: Erection of a two storey side/rear extension


Application No.: APP/11/01151 Application Type: Delegated
Decision Level: Full Planning Permission
Ward: Bidston and St James
Decision Date: 28/11/2011 Decision: Approve
Case Officer: Miss S McIlroy
Applicant: Mr MA Khan-cheema

Agent: Mr T Khan
Proposal: Extension to existing garage and formation of a new driveway


Application No.: APP/11/01256 Application Type: Delegated
Decision Level: Full Planning Permission
Ward: Bidston and St James
Decision Date: 07/12/2011 Decision: Approve
Case Officer: Miss S McIlroy
Applicant: Mr Byrne

Agent: Bryson McHugh Architects
Proposal: Erection of an attached garage to the side of property

Planning applications (Bidston & St. James ward) 3 Lighthouse Cottages, Boundary Road APP/11/00388, PPS Service, 157-159 Laird Street, APP/11/00511, 7 Gautby Road, APP/11/00590, (Claughton ward) Flaybrick Hill Reservoir, Boundary Road, APP/11/00468

Unusually there have been three planning applications decided by Wirral Council officers recently in Bidston & St. James ward (all approved) between 7th July and 27th July and one approved near the Bidston & St. James ward boundary with Claughton ward.

These are detailed below (source is item 14 on next Tuesday’s Planning Committee agenda.

Links are provided for further information

Application No.: APP/11/00388 Application Type: Full Planning Permission

Decision Level: Delegated Decision
Ward: Bidston and St James

Decision Date: 27/07/2011 Decision: Approve
Case Officer: Mr M Rushton
Applicant: Dr Stephen Pickles Agent: Powis Hughes Chartered Surveyors

Location: 3 Lighthouse Cottages, BOUNDARY ROAD, BIDSTON, CH43 7RA

Proposal: A change of use application in respect of cottages of the lighthouse cottages at bidston conservatory, the current planning use is ‘office’ although the nature of existing occupation is residential. The property is residential in character the change of use application is to reverse a previous change of use granted in 1981

Application No.: APP/11/00468 Application Type: Full Planning Permission
Decision Level: Delegated

Ward: Claughton
Decision Date: 11/07/2011 Decision: Approve
Case Officer: Mr K Spilsbury

Agent: Brock Carmichael Architects
Location: Flaybrick Hill Reservoir, Boundary Road,Bidston, Wirral CH43 7PE
Proposal: Application to develop land for 4no. detached residential dwellings on the site of an existing water tower and pumphouse

Application No.: APP/11/00511 Application Type: Full Planning Permission
Decision Level: Delegated
Ward: Bidston and St James
Decision Date: 22/07/2011 Decision: Approve
Case Officer: Miss K Elliot
Applicant: Mrs W C Liu Agent: Niall Patterson Associates
Location: PPS Services, 157-159 LAIRD STREET, BIRKENHEAD, CH41 0AA
Proposal: Change of use A5 (hot food takeaway), alterations to shop front and rear extract flues.

Application No.: APP/11/00590 Application Type: Full Planning Permission
Decision Level: Delegated
Ward: Bidston and St James
Decision Date: 13/07/2011 Decision: Approve
Case Officer: Miss K Elliot
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Farr Agent: Niall Patterson Associates
Proposal: Proposed alterations and two storey side extension to house.

Planning Committee – 4/1/2011 – Part 1 – dry silo mortar bagging plant (Bromborough)

The <A HREF=”″>agenda</a> for last night’s Planning Committee can be found on Wirral Council’s website.

All councillors usually on the committee were present. The minutes were agreed, there were no declarations of interest and no requests for site visits.

The first item for consideration was the extension of a planning consent for a dry silo mortar bagging plant in Bromborough. Cllr Gilchrist stated that he was interested in a particular aspect of this planning application due to a long running desire to have the coast open for people. He was anxious if the opportunity arose that the owners would be approached over access to the coast. Cllr Salter asked that as this was an extension of a planning consent wasn’t it more usual to reapply? The answer given was that permissions can be extended.

Cllr Elderton asked if another fee applied? The answer given was that the applicant only had to pay a reduced fee as they don’t have to submit all the forms again. Part of the previous government’s changes to planning in 2008-2009 to make it more flexible had meant that applicants could apply for an extension of time. Cllr Elderton was concerned over the true cost and was told that the planning fees were set nationally.

Cllr Mitchell asked if a noise assessment had been done and what the highway effects would be. He also referred to the Wirral Waters projects and the need it would have for cement and sand. The answer given was that in the original planning application there had been a statement regarding noise. The nearest residential property was 660m away. It was an industrial area, but the noise would be of a contained nature. It wouldn’t result in any signficant traffic and was near the motorway and A41. There were no grounds to object on traffic management.

A councillor asked about the 3 years limit on development, when the original planning application had been given 5 years and was told the 3 year limit was brought in in 2007, with the original application being made just before.

Cllr Mitchell proposed the application be approved, with Cllr Salter seconding it. It was approved unanimously.