Sherlock in Wirral Council and the mysterious case of the £1,725.04 plate

Sherlock in Wirral Council and the mysterious case of the £1,725.04 plate

Colas invoice Wirral Council plate gullies River Streets Birkenhead

Sherlock in Wirral Council and the mysterious case of the £1,437.54 plate


As usual you can click on the invoice for a higher definition and probably easier to read version. This Colas invoice is for a plate over gullies in the River Streets (presumably to stop them gumming up with detritus). River Streets is the local name for an area in Bidston & St. James ward where the roads names are all rivers (Ribble Street, Avon Street, Solway Street etc). The invoice states it is only for one plate, which certainly makes it the most expensive plate I’ve ever heard of! The invoice states that any queries are to be addressed to an Andrew Sherlock of Colas, which makes this blog post “Sherlock in Wirral Council and the mysterious case of the £1,725.04 plate”.

So why did Colas on Wirral Council’s instructions fit a plate to the drainage gullies here? Was detritus a particular problem? Was there a previous plate that was stolen for its scrap value? Sadly I do not have the answers to these particular questions but I’m sure Sherlock would know!

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