Why does Wirral Council want to control where people sit?

Below is an email from Surjit Tour to myself today about the seating arrangements for tonight’s Council meeting. Seems Wirral Council likes playing the “Let’s pretend John isn’t the press games” again! See if you can guess what my reply was!
From: Tour, Surjit <surjittour@wirral.gov.uk>
to: “john.brace@gmail.com” <john.brace@gmail.com>
cc: Mayor <mayor@wirral.gov.uk>,
“Stuart, Paul C. (Councillor)” <paulstuart@wirral.gov.uk>,
“McLaughlin, Moira (Councillor)” <moiramclaughlin@wirral.gov.uk>,
“Mossop, Andrew R.” <andrewmossop@wirral.gov.uk>
date: 10 July 2017 at 14:30
subject: RE: Question at Council
mailed-by: wirral.gov.uk
security: wirral.gov.uk did not encrypt this message Learn more
Dear Mr Brace
Thank you for your email.
With all due respect, it is not for you to determine where you sit in the Council Chamber.
I have noted your comments and I have asked Committee Services Officers to ensure that the seats around the outer area of the Member seating is kept free from any obstruction. You will be allocated one of those seats and not one at the Press table. Once Agenda Item 5 – Public Questions has been dealt with you are required to return to the public gallery.
I trust this clarifies matters.
Surjit Tour
Assistant Director: Law and Governance
and Monitoring Officer
Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council
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