Why does Wirral Council want to control where people sit?

Why does Wirral Council want to control where people sit?

Surjit Tour (Monitoring Officer (Wirral Council)) at the Coordinating Committee held on 15th June 2016

Why does Wirral Council want to control where people sit?


Surjit Tour (Monitoring Officer (Wirral Council)) at the Coordinating Committee held on 15th June 2016
Surjit Tour (Monitoring Officer (Wirral Council)) at the Coordinating Committee held on 15th June 2016

Below is an email from Surjit Tour to myself today about the seating arrangements for tonight’s Council meeting. Seems Wirral Council likes playing the “Let’s pretend John isn’t the press games” again! See if you can guess what my reply was!

From: Tour, Surjit <surjittour@wirral.gov.uk>
to: “john.brace@gmail.com” <john.brace@gmail.com>
cc: Mayor <mayor@wirral.gov.uk>,
“Stuart, Paul C. (Councillor)” <paulstuart@wirral.gov.uk>,
“McLaughlin, Moira (Councillor)” <moiramclaughlin@wirral.gov.uk>,
“Mossop, Andrew R.” <andrewmossop@wirral.gov.uk>
date: 10 July 2017 at 14:30
subject: RE: Question at Council
mailed-by: wirral.gov.uk
security: wirral.gov.uk did not encrypt this message Learn more

Dear Mr Brace

Thank you for your email.

With all due respect, it is not for you to determine where you sit in the Council Chamber.

I have noted your comments and I have asked Committee Services Officers to ensure that the seats around the outer area of the Member seating is kept free from any obstruction. You will be allocated one of those seats and not one at the Press table. Once Agenda Item 5 – Public Questions has been dealt with you are required to return to the public gallery.

I trust this clarifies matters.


Surjit Tour
Assistant Director: Law and Governance
and Monitoring Officer

Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council
Business Services
Law and Governance
Town Hall
Brighton Street
CH44 8ED

Tel: 0151 691 8569
Fax: 0151 691 8482

Visit our website: www.wirral.gov.uk

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Author: John Brace

New media journalist from Birkenhead, England who writes about Wirral Council. Published and promoted by John Brace, 134 Boundary Road, Bidston, CH43 7PH. Printed by UK Webhosting Ltd t/a Tsohost, 113-114 Buckingham Avenue, Slough, Berkshire, England, SL1 4PF.

7 thoughts on “Why does Wirral Council want to control where people sit?”

  1. Neither is it for anybody to molest a battered courtroom bible, swear an oath, then repeatedly lie through their teeth, breaking both their word and the bogus pact with their chosen “God” to whom they had feigned some sort of religious allegiance.

    Sickly ********* who engage in such base conduct to hide theirs and their employer’s ongoing criminality.

    1. I’m sorry Paul, but I “don’t recall” what you’re talking about. 😉

      As to the courtroom bible being “battered”, I would think it’s hardly the fault of anyone at Wirral Council that is it?

  2. G’day John

    So the cretinous moron hasn’t gone yet?

    He doesn’t want you getting a photo of that obscene clock.



    When will the good people of wirral be rid of the useless non event of a head of the ill Legal Department?

    Hands up anyone who will miss him?

    1. There was applause last night when the Mayor announced that this would be Surjit Tour’s last Council meeting he would attend as an employee of Wirral Council as he was leaving.

      Council (Wirral Council) 11th July 2017 Part 1 of 17

      Later in the same meeting (agenda item 10B) they agreed on interim replacements for Surjit Tour and a recruitment process for a replacement.

      For the Senior Information Risk Owner part of Surjit Tour‘s post on an interim basis Acting Senior Information Risk Owner David Armstrong with effect from the 29th July 2017.

      For the Monitoring Officer part of Surjit Tour‘s post on an interim basis Acting Monitoring Officer Philip McCourt with effect from the 4th September 2017.

      For the Assistant Director (Law and Governance) part of Surjit Tour‘s post on an interim basis Interim Assistant Director: Law and Governance Philip McCourt with effect from the 4th September 2017.

      So I’ll hazard a guess that Surjit Tour leaves once his notice is served, which is at some point in September 2017. It’s possible if he has holiday entitlement or time in lieu that he’ll leave at some point after this. However the 4th September 2017 is when all the substantive parts of his post are handed over to others to do on an interim basis while the recruitment process is underway to find someone permanent (or as permanent as a career is at Wirral Council!).

  3. You’d think it wouldn’t matter wouldn’t you. But to them, those that play this Common Purpose game of Partnerships, where everyone is to blame rather than one individual being held to account and the endless sidestepping of responsibility, paying themselves enormous sums of money that are essentially payments to outsource, transform and place themselves even further away from the coal face and any small chance of them ever getting grime beneath their fingernails, where you park your arse and witness the undiluted rancid bollocks that’s served up as good governance, is very important to them.
    Let’s face it, what with outsourcing, transformation, consultants, paying huge sums to recruit the best and hiring some fool to do that small task for you, all that’s actually bloody left is the bastard chairs and the question, who sits fu.cking where.
    Understandably if my thoughts are worth a jot of bloody notice! It’s a perfectly natural human reaction to involve yourself in seating issues or other pointless areas of meaningless worthless bollocks when you’ve got buggar all else to do with your time.
    Sit where they tell you to sit my dear friend John. Thank them very much and laugh at the idiocy of it all and wonder how on earth you can get so bored and short of work enthusiasm and then become compelled to fu.ck about with the seating arrangements in a public arena where the acoustics only ever capture a load of drivel and tripe and the odd grain of truth heavily disguised by a great big lie.

    1. Thanks for your comment bobby47.

      What I perhaps should make clearer is that I have a lot of joint pain, so acceding to a request from panjandrums to sit in three different places (on two different floors of the building) for the same public meeting is painful and annoying.

      It’s not just the sitting, it’s the wandering around the building carrying stuff between seats, opening heavy doors, in the meantime getting annoyed with the bureaucracy of it all.

      Sorry if that seems cheesed off, bad combination of lack of sleep plus too much pain!

      But then considering how Wirral Council deals with disabled people, my humble opinion that even if they knew the full reason why, it wouldn’t change their decision in any way! As disabilities have had very little impact on their decision making in the past!

      I’m not the sort to take things lying down or sitting down.

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