The day democracy and freedom of the press died at Wirral Council: 28th October 2014 (part 2)
There’s been a lot of readers of yesterday’s blog post titled The day democracy and freedom of the press died at Wirral Council: 28th October 2014.
There was one A4 page handed out to those present at the meeting which was about the Youth Voice Conference 2014. Obviously it would have been interesting to have on video politicians, officers and a young person’s response to these issues raised at the Youth Voice Conference, but considering the politically sensitive nature of some of these issues one can fully understand why there was an effort before the meeting began not to have it filmed, audio taped or photographed.
As one section of it mentions the media, I had better declare an interest in this as a member of the media. As well as politics I also write about video games, so I’d better declare that too. Below is the text of the 1 A4 page handout circulated to the committee, councillors, officers and others present at the public meeting.
Copies of what is below were handed out during the meeting itself by Cllr Tony Smith (Cabinet Member for Children’s Services), as the Youth and Play Service Advisory Committee, unlike many other public meetings of politicians at Wirral Council doesn’t have Wirral Council officers from Legal and Member Services assigned to it to deal with such matters. It’s “served” by officers from Wirral Council’s Children and Young People’s Department (or whatever it’s called these days) instead who take a different view on some matters to that of Legal and Member Services.
Youth Voice Conference 2014
Understanding Autism
- If you cut resources how will young people on the autistic spectrum be supported in education and employment as currently only 1 in 6 people with autism end up in full-time employment?
- How can we all work together on the Wirral to have a better understanding of Autism, allowing us to help and support our peers who are on the autistic spectrum?
Dealing with homophobia
- More help and support is needed on understanding homophobia.
- More adverts in schools about organisations that can help LGBT young people are needed.
- A young peoples training group needs to be established to deliver training is schools and other organisations.
- Accessible and gender neutral toilets are needed in schools and youth units.
- How do we deal with hate crimes committed by young people?
- More LGBT safe spaces are needed.
Media literacy
- Wirral Borough Council only uses real people or images in any of their adverts or publications and should promote natural beauty.
Other questions –
- What regulations exist to address the sexualisation of young people and the impact/pressure resulting in eating disorders?
- Why are there no limits on the amount of photoshop imaging that is used in the media?
Dealing with loss and Change
- How will young people with emotional health and well-being issues receive support following the proposed cuts to services?
Social Isolation – caused by social media and Gaming
- How do the police moderate social media and the propaganda targeted at young people?
- Does Public Health have a strategy regarding social media and the negative effects it has on young people’s health and well-being?
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