Who charged Wirral Council £726.20 for 1 day of work on a panel about councillors’ allowances?

As you can see from the invoice above Don Latham Management Consultancy charged Wirral Council a total of £726.20 for 1 day of work facilitating the “Members Allowances Panel” (members means councillors) on the 7th June 2016.
The invoice also shows that Don Latham Management Consultancy charged Wirral Council £89 for bed and breakfast (although it isn’t mentioned where he stayed), £187.20 in mileage (416 miles times 45 pence) in addition to his hourly rate of £450 a day.
As a result of the Members Allowance Panel meeting on the 7th June 2016, the Members Allowance Panel produced a three page report (Joe Blott’s name is incorrectly spelt in the report as Joe Blot), with a three page appendix.
The only recommendation for change in the report, was that the amount that councillors could claim for using their own car be increased from 40 pence a mile to 45 pence a mile. This was proposed by Cllr Phil Davies, seconded by Cllr George Davies and agreed by the fifty-eight councillors present at a meeting of Wirral Council’s councillors on the 11th July 2016.
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Latham is a former council CEO and a journeyman spiv and snake oil salesman who has form with Wirral Council.
Details here:
Back around 15 years ago this character was paid a fortune by many, many councils for engineering pay rises for councillors. He got £2,000 here for a vanishingly small amount of “work”.
As a result, then leader Foulkes creamed a 36% boost to his allowance whilst the other 65 dirty snouts at the trough sucked up 16% each. I was still working here then and managed to “hack” the woefully insecure Wirral intranet to gain access to the above details. It was done around the time the council workforce were grudgingly handed 3% following industrial action.
The then Bishop of Birkenhead did his bit and was later rewarded with a nice kickback – Freedom of the Borough.
Sickoes aren’t they?
An organisation called the North West Business Leadership Team helped the process along also.
All that said, Don Latham is a pious sort and is the author of “Being Unmistakably Christian At Work”.
Thanks for the further information Paul.
I’m in the wrong job! I don’t even earn that in a fortnight!
A lot of people don’t either!
Unbelieveable really. I’m a full time carer for my 60 year old sister who has learning difficulties and we have been going through the worst of times dealing with Wirral Social Services and closure of day centres and respite facilities these past twelve months. Its always about “we have no money”. Latest plan proposed is that we have to send our loved ones to the day centre with a packed lunch as they are no longer wanting to provide hot meals, probably to get rid of the catering staff to save a few more pennies for the greedy snouts at the clowncil to waste any saving as they please on themselves. Furious.