Why did hundreds of residents go to a Planning Committee site visit on the Saughall Massie fire station proposal?

Why did hundreds of residents go to a Planning Committee site visit on the Saughall Massie fire station proposal?

Planning Committee site visit to land off Saughall Massie Road 13th December 2016 Left Cllr Steve Foulkes Right Cllr Anita Leech Chair-min

Why did hundreds of residents go to a Planning Committee site visit on the Saughall Massie fire station proposal?


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Planning Committee (Wirral Council) site visit (APP/16/00985) Saughall Massie fire station, land adjacent to Saughall Massie Road

Planning Committee site visit to land off Saughall Massie Road 13th December 2016 Left Cllr Steve Foulkes Right Cllr Anita Leech Chair-min
Planning Committee site visit to land off Saughall Massie Road 13th December 2016 Left Cllr Steve Foulkes (Planning Committee) Right Cllr Anita Leech (Chair, Planning Committee)

In a muddy field on a cold winter morning, Wirral Council’s Planning Committee met to visit the site for a proposed fire station in Saughall Massie on Wirral Council owned land just off Saughall Massie Road.

Many local residents and the three local councillors (Cllr Chris Blakeley, Cllr Bruce Berry and Cllr Steve Williams) were there to observe what happened on the site visit.

The only person there with a placard in favour of the planning application was vastly outnumbered by those with placards opposing the planning application for greenbelt reasons.

Cllr Anita Leech, Chair of the Planning Committee opened the site visit by apologising for being late and explained the purpose of the site visit and the procedure that would be followed. She asked a planning officer to introduce the planning application.

Matthew Parry-Davies (who works in Wirral Council’s planning department) explained that the planning application was for “a single storey two bay community fire station”.

He explained that access to the fire station (if planning permission was granted) would be from Saughall Massie Road. Mr Parry-Davies described the distances to the nearest properties on two different sides of the site.

The outline of the proposed building had been pegged out. A question was asked of Mr Parry-Davies as to where vehicles would exit and enter the proposed fire station.

Cllr Anita Leech (Chair of the Planning Committee) asked if any ward councillors for the area had any questions.

Cllr Chris Blakeley (a councillor for Moreton West and Saughall Massie ward) pointed out that the pegs that were laid out were for the building only, not the curtilage of the site.

Therefore the area of the pegs didn’t include the training area or car park and that if the pegs had been put round whole of the proposed development it would appear much bigger.

There was applause for Cllr Chris Blakeley from many of the residents.

Once the applause had died down, he pointed out that the nearby properties were sheltered accommodation. He referred to a survey of the people in the sheltered accommodation which had shown 85% opposed to the planning application.

Cllr Blakeley received more applause.

The Chair of the Planning Committee asked if any councillors on the Planning Committee wanted to ask questions.

A question was asked by Cllr Kathy Hodson and an answer was given by Matthew Parry-Davies.

After another point was made, Matthew Parry-Davies pointed out that the pegs marked out the footprint of the building. He added that there were different pegs that showed the outline of the site proposed.

The Chair then asked Members of the Planning Committee to look at the boundaries of the site that were in the planning application.

Moving away, the Planning Committee discussed the proposed development around the building, such as the car park. There was a lot of pointing at this point. Distances and elevations were referred to by Mr Parry-Davies.

After more discussion and pointing the Planning Committee returned to its original spot.

The site visit ended with the Chair, Cllr Anita Leech thanking everyone for their attendance and that she may see some of them on Thursday evening.

Pictures below this article are of the green belt site, banners and people present for the site visit.

Wirral Council’s Planning Committee will meet to decide on planning application (APP/16/00985) for a fire station on land (owned by Wirral Council) adjacent to Saughall Massie Road in Saughall Massie at a public meeting starting at 6.00 pm on the 15th December 2016 in the Civic Hall, first floor, Wallasey Town Hall, Brighton Street, Seacombe, CH44 8ED.

photo 1 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016
photo 1 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016

photo 2 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 SAVE OUR GREEN BELT SAY NO TO THE FIRE STATION banner
photo 2 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 SAVE OUR GREEN BELT SAY NO TO THE FIRE STATION banner
photo 3 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 SAVE OUR GREEN BELT SAY NO TO THE FIRE STATION banner
photo 3 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 SAVE OUR GREEN BELT SAY NO TO THE FIRE STATION banner
photo 4 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 SAVE OUR GREEN BELT SAY NO TO THE FIRE STATION banner
photo 4 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 SAVE OUR GREEN BELT SAY NO TO THE FIRE STATION banner
photo 5 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 SAVE OUR GREEN BELT SAY NO TO THE FIRE STATION banner
photo 5 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 SAVE OUR GREEN BELT SAY NO TO THE FIRE STATION banner
photo 6 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 man walking dog
photo 6 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 man walking dog
photo 7 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 SAVE OUR GREEN BELT SAY NO TO THE FIRE STATION banner
photo 7 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 SAVE OUR GREEN BELT SAY NO TO THE FIRE STATION banner
photo 8 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 SAVE OUR GREEN BELT SAY NO TO THE FIRE STATION banner
photo 8 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 SAVE OUR GREEN BELT SAY NO TO THE FIRE STATION banner
photo 9 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 SAVE OUR GREEN BELT SAY NO TO THE FIRE STATION banner
photo 9 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 SAVE OUR GREEN BELT SAY NO TO THE FIRE STATION banner
photo 10 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 SAVE OUR GREEN BELT SAY NO TO THE FIRE STATION banner
photo 10 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 SAVE OUR GREEN BELT SAY NO TO THE FIRE STATION banner
photo 11 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 SAVE OUR GREEN BELT SAY NO TO THE FIRE STATION banner
photo 11 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 SAVE OUR GREEN BELT SAY NO TO THE FIRE STATION banner
photo 12 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 SAVE OUR GREEN BELT SAY NO TO THE FIRE STATION banner
photo 12 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 SAVE OUR GREEN BELT SAY NO TO THE FIRE STATION banner
photo 13 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 SAVE OUR GREEN BELT SAY NO TO THE FIRE STATION banner
photo 13 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 SAVE OUR GREEN BELT SAY NO TO THE FIRE STATION banner
photo 14 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 SAVE OUR GREEN BELT SAY NO TO THE FIRE STATION banner
photo 14 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 SAVE OUR GREEN BELT SAY NO TO THE FIRE STATION banner
photo 15 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 SAVE OUR GREEN BELT SAY NO TO THE FIRE STATION banner
photo 15 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 SAVE OUR GREEN BELT SAY NO TO THE FIRE STATION banner
photo 16 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service employees and Wates Construction Ltd workers
photo 16 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service employees and Wates Construction Ltd workers
photo 17 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service employees and Wates Construction Ltd workers
photo 17 Land off Saughall Massie Road Saughall Massie 13th December 2016 Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service employees and Wates Construction Ltd workers
photo 18 people waiting for Planning Committee site visit to start including Cllr Chris Blakeley and Cllr Bruce Berry 13th December 2016
photo 18 people waiting for Planning Committee site visit to start including Cllr Chris Blakeley and Cllr Bruce Berry 13th December 2016
photo 19 people waiting for Planning Committee site visit to start including Cllr Chris Blakeley and Cllr Bruce Berry 13th December 2016
photo 19 people waiting for Planning Committee site visit to start including Cllr Chris Blakeley and Cllr Bruce Berry 13th December 2016
photo 20 people waiting for Planning Committee site visit to start Support the Fire Station Lives Do Matter banner 13th December 2016
photo 20 people waiting for Planning Committee site visit to start Support the Fire Station Lives Do Matter banner 13th December 2016
photo 21 people waiting for Planning Committee site visit to start What Happened To Democracy banner 13th December 2016
photo 21 people waiting for Planning Committee site visit to start What Happened To Democracy banner 13th December 2016
photo 22 people waiting for Planning Committee site visit to start including Cllr Bruce Berry 13th December 2016
photo 22 people waiting for Planning Committee site visit to start including Cllr Bruce Berry 13th December 2016
photo 23 people waiting for Planning Committee site visit to start including Cllr Chris Blakeley Cllr Bruce Berry and Bernard Halley 13th December 2016
photo 23 people waiting for Planning Committee site visit to start including Cllr Chris Blakeley Cllr Bruce Berry and Bernard Halley 13th December 2016
photo 24 people waiting for Planning Committee site visit to start including Cllr Chris Blakeley Cllr Bruce Berry and Bernard Halley 13th Dec 2016
photo 24 people waiting for Planning Committee site visit to start including Cllr Chris Blakeley Cllr Bruce Berry and Bernard Halley 13th Dec 2016
photo 25 people waiting for Planning Committee site visit to start 13th December 2016
photo 25 people waiting for Planning Committee site visit to start 13th December 2016
photo 26 people at Planning Committee site visit 13th December 2016
photo 26 people at Planning Committee site visit 13th December 2016
photo 27 people at Planning Committee site visit 13th December 2016
photo 27 people at Planning Committee site visit 13th December 2016

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Author: John Brace

New media journalist from Birkenhead, England who writes about Wirral Council. Published and promoted by John Brace, 134 Boundary Road, Bidston, CH43 7PH. Printed by UK Webhosting Ltd t/a Tsohost, 113-114 Buckingham Avenue, Slough, Berkshire, England, SL1 4PF.

28 thoughts on “Why did hundreds of residents go to a Planning Committee site visit on the Saughall Massie fire station proposal?”

    1. Hi John (a different John),

      Thanks for your comment.

      Yes I did go to Wirral Council’s Planning Committee meeting on Thursday evening.

      There were two votes on different reasons for refusal of the planning application for a fire station in Saughall Massie (planning application APP/16/00985).

      The first reason for refusal had six votes of councillors in favour of refusal and seven votes of councillors against refusal.
      The second reason for refusal had seven votes of councillors in favour of refusal and six votes of councillors against refusal.

      You can also read the letter refusing APP/16/00985 dated Friday 16th December 2016 on Wirral Council’s website which details the reasons why it was refused.

      I include video of what happened at the Planning Committee meeting on Thursday on that planning application below.

      That planning application starts at video clip one of five of the meeting below at the 6 minute 28 second point, then continues through the entirety of clips 2 and 3.

      Planning Committee (Wirral Council) 15th December 2016 Part 1 of 5 Saughall Massie Fire Station (planning application APP/16/00985) starts at the 6m28s point

      Planning Committee (Wirral Council) 15th December 2016 Part 2 of 5 Saughall Massie Fire Station (planning application APP/16/00985)

      Planning Committee (Wirral Council) 15th December 2016 Part 3 of 5 Saughall Massie Fire Station (planning application APP/16/00985)

    1. Thanks Nick,

      The day after the Planning Committee rejecting the planning application, the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service issued a press release stating that “The [Merseyside Fire and Rescue] Authority will now consider an appeal to the Secretary of State as it feels this decision has significant implications for the safety of people across West Wirral and more broadly Merseyside.” (although you can read the full press release by following that link).

      They have six months after the date of the decision (15th December 2016) when Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service can appeal it to the Planning Inspectorate.

  1. G’day John

    I am excited to be going to the Clownhall tonight John.

    I will see you.

    I will also be able to thank you personally for the work you do against these evil so and so’s who think that when they defend each other and criminal activities of their one talks amongst them they are doing a public service. (see Lockwood/Harbac)

    I think Tour, Sir Git the Shyster has to be one of the worst as he probably justifies not speaking up about their very evil doings by referring to his Hippocritic Oath that probably goes along the lines of

    I, Sir Git, The Fat Arsed Buffon with a boy barista in London, do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Myself, my heirs and successors, according to the wirral law.

    So help me “Phil the Very Very Deluded Dill”.



    You have to laugh at them John because they are ridiculous and a law unto themselves, and, who the **** would want to be one of themselves?

    1. I too and looking forward to meeting you tonight James.

      Perhaps because I am paid as a journalist to be fair, disinterested, factual and non-partisan (try not to laugh to hard at that!), I will refrain from being quite as trenchantly critical as you are.

      As you know (as you were there at the First-tier Tribunal hearing) earlier this year I cross examined Surjit Tour at a public hearing and the judiciary later referred to his decision as “flawed”.

      Indeed wasn’t it funny when he was introduced as Wirral Council’s Chief Executive and if I remember correctly someone had to correct the Judge?

      However if the tables were turned and Mr. Tour was cross examining myself on behalf of Wirral Council, I would probably be just as easy to embarrass me.

      Now you know why I didn’t submit a witness statement.

      I’ve known many solicitors in my time and have appeared on opposite sides to them in court and at two First-tier Tribunals.

      The culture of the profession, unfortunately means many will default to secrecy over openness.

      Remember it took a barrister with a knowledge of information rights law to decide that Wirral Council had no legal basis to withhold some of the information (even handing more information to me on a slip of paper during the hearing itself).

      The irony is James, that in some quarters at Wirral Council they class me as one of their own (albeit not an employee).

      As to the public sector being a law unto themselves, hasn’t it ever been thus when there is a limited number of people with the time or resources to challenge their decisions through the judiciary or other routes?

      There are some who say that I have too much power.

      1. G’day John

        You are not and never could be one of them John, that is them just being as deluded as “Phil the Very Very Deluded Dill”

        Who could ever describe you, the mild, gentle, nice, honest, open, transparent and fair dinkum good bloke as one of them.

        Just check out Tour, Davies, Davies, Jones, Jones, Adderley, Basnett, Ball, Burgess, Williamson, Foulkes, Armstrong, and, John what a collective of crud, dross and indecency.



        Don’t ever even think that you are one of them.

  2. G’day John

    Great to see you and Lenora and all the best for the festive season and I hope you enjoyed the panto tonight.

    What a pantomime?

    The only decency I saw at the Clownhall apart from you both was the two nice doorman who sadly have to work for these pricks but at least get the pleasure of reading my insults.

    The panto started with everyone in the chamber turning their phones off except for the dimwitted Mayor and the labor **** that phoned him to put “Highbrow” off.

    It didn’t.

    Oh no it didn’t.

    But to make poor old “Phil the Very Very Deluded, Slimey and Elusive Dill” **** his *** *** ***** “Highbrow” changed his question.

    And he did.

    Oh yes he did.

    I thought he was going to cry to “His Ugly Twin Brother with the Comb Over from Hell” who sits on his left making a pigeon pair.

    Just prior to this “Phil the Very Very Deluded, Slimey and Elusive Dill” and his sibling went through the motions of pretending his microphone wasn’t working.

    Then it happened Lordsville he did what Burgess and Adderley did, no not “Ugh Boots” you cheeky monkey.

    He lied in public.

    Liar liar pants on fire.



    “Highbrow” told them as you are aware he will be back.

      1. G’day John

        Did you laugh your bits off when “Highbrow” got “The Dunny Chain Wearer” th dim-witted Mayor to read his question for him.

        It really is panto John and nothing to do with answering any questions.

        It will take a court room to really show “The Dill” out to be a simpleton like what he is.

        One were he has to think for himself.



        Last night inspired me to lift my insults to a whole new level next year.

        Come on Joey Blowey BITE that muppet won’t sack you.

  3. It looks like the council leader lied through his teeth once again on that video.

    The dishonesty is becoming compounded.

    Why would I make such a serious charge? Because although we can’t see his face, the leader can be heard taking the opportunity to move the goalposts in response to the question and in order to suit his own devious ends.

    As we can see at the following link, there was absolutely no mention in Phil Davies’ Media Statement dated 1st July 2013 that the contents were confined to just 5 companies.

    These 5 businesses were simply NOT SPECIFIED in the statement.

    As is plainly obvious, the Phil Davies’ Media Statement was seized upon as an opportunity to ‘blow the trumpet’ for the council and on its officers’ behalf, to draw a line under it, and to clear them of any dishonesty or malpractice.

    However the statement took careful and calculated steps to make it very clear that it was referring globally and in the round to the BIG fund in its entirety i.e. ALL BIG fund recipients:


    So… the council leader is bringing the whole council into disrepute through his refusal / inability to put an honest sentence together. He is dragging any up ’til now non-implicated colleagues along with him by seeking their support and approval publicly.

    Genuinely sordid stuff.

    The official Wirral Council public position now would NOT stand up in court. After 5 minutes digging, the lies would be laid bare and Councillor Phil Davies would potentially be charged and found guilty of perjury.

    And the idea that fellow conspirator Councillor Adrian Jones never showed the Timmins Report to his leader, Councillor Phil Davies – the one controlling the show, issuing false statements and telling the lies in public – is just laughable.

    So with this in mind, when will Davies take the honourable (lol, I know) course of action, resign his position, give some honest, good faith people a fair crack of the whip, depart gutter politics once and for all and allow the dirty cloud of corruption and malpractice that descended over Wirral decades ago to finally lift and clear?

  4. G’day John

    A message for the lying, cheating, scumbag leader of labor.

    It was me at 15.30 on Monday night

    “ANSWER THE QUESTION” the question”



    It was the only way John I could feature in one of your epic filums.

  5. G’day John

    Don’t know whether you saw this in their ex-local rubbish propaganda sheet?

    Police blast train surfing idiot ‘Silver Shadow’ as he rides on top of carriages at 60mph in Wirral

    Word on the street it was “Phil the Very Very Very Very Slimy, Elusive, Deluded Dill” heading out of town.

    He was going to go by boat from Kev and Stella’s Stinking Stagnant wirral Waters” but the turds err I mean tide was in at Egerton House and The Contact Company.



    I presume that was their reporter behind you in the public gallery the other night and taking photos of the NHS gang?

    Did “Ankles” Foulkes have a word with him as he didn’t mention those NHS protesters or the Wirral “Funny” Bizz whistle blowers so I presume Fartin Lobsterpot is arranging a deal about what he writes.

    1. In answer to your first question, I read the story you refer to after I read your comment.

      In answer to your question, yes a reporter from the Wirral Globe was a few rows behind me in the public gallery.

  6. Dear, dear John, I wish you and Lenora a very happy Christmas and if it’s possible, and let’s face its highly unlikely, a prosperous and happy New Year.
    Warmest regards and best wishes. Rob.

    1. Bobby Bobby Bobby

      All the very best to you and yours.

      I will be skyping kids and grand kids in Oz which will be nice.

      Be nice to go and see them.

      Lets be really really offensive to these so called PUBIC SERVANTS in wirral next year.



      I just wish I had your way with words.

      Luv and respect X

  7. G’day john

    The Xmas period.

    Fartin Lobsterpot will be rolling out all the good news (crud) stories like “Phil the Very Very Very Very Dill’s” amazing golf/soccer resort in line with Big Jack and the Beanstalk.

    Peel will roll out their dross about all things Liverpool but the amazing effect it will have on Kev and Stella’s Stinking Stagnant wirral Waters.

    And we will all live happily ever after.



    In poverty.

        1. I think it’s more a case (and this is more of an educated guess from trial and error) if the page the letter is linked from is “https://planning.wirral.gov.uk/online-applications/ ” Wirral Council’s website shows you the letter, however if it’s linked from a different website and therefore the referral string is that website, it just shows “Document Unavailable
          This document is unavailable for viewing at this time.”

          So it hasn’t been moved, it’s just you both need the link and for that link to be on Wirral Council’s planning subdomain too.

      1. The statement is very brief and no mention whastsoever about the VSC the applicant spent a good deal of effort trying to justify. The Wirral Society made a great deal of their opposition letter based on the many points why the applicant had absolutely zero grounds to ask for Green Belt to be removed under VSC and we’re not exactly amateurs at building cases against such applications. Yet not one mention of VSC in the statement which the application relied on. It’s almost like giving a silent acknowledgement to the case for VSC but rejecting the application on lesser grounds. I mean, the applicant could appeal and say “yes, we know all those reasons for refusal, THAT’S why we gave you a case of VSC”. So either VSC are addressed once and for all – or not.

        1. Just in case any readers are lost by the acronym VSC, it means “very special circumstances”.

          Personally my view is that since Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority have compulsory purchase powers and the Red Cat pub in Greasby (number 13 on their list of discounted sites on page 9 of the report for the Planning Committee) was discounted because “pub is going concern and not for sale”, then they [MFRA] haven’t proved why they’re unwilling to use such legal powers.

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