Why did Labour gag councillors from debating Girtrell Court?
Earlier this month on the 4th of April, there was an Extraordinary Meeting of all Wirral Council councillors to discuss Girtrell Court.
This meeting had been requested by six Conservative councillors for the reasons below in the requisition notice.
This document contains both the requisition notice (page 3) and notice of motion (page 5).
The requisition notice stated,
Dear Mr Mayor
Please find below signatures from 6 Members of the Council requisitioning an extraordinary meeting of the Council to discuss the statement, produced in the online version of the Wirral Globe today, in which the Cabinet Member for Families and Wellbeing has announced the closure of Girtrell Court at the end of August.
Yours sincerely
Chris Blakeley
Bruce Berry
Leah Fraser
Paul Hayes
Lesley Rennie
Steve Williams”
Both the Labour and Liberal Democrat groups tabled amendments to the notice of motion.
The public gallery above the Council Chamber was full of people associated with Girtrell Court and before the meeting they staged a protest outside Wallasey Town Hall.
I thought a transcript of the meeting would be useful (which as the meeting was just under an hour) will be too long for one blog post. Below is video of the first part of the meeting, I’ve also created a Youtube playlist of the entire meeting so you can watch it in full if you wish.
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Extraordinary Meeting (Wirral Council) 4th April 2016 (Girtrell Court) Part 1 of 2
His Worship the Mayor!
Mayor of Wirral Cllr Les Rowlands: Good evening councillors, be seated. Good evening members of the public.

Welcome to this err.. (turns on microphone) welcome to this Extraordinary general meeting. Can I just say tonight councillors and Members are speaking, could you make sure that you put your mikes on? Could you make sure you speak clearly because we do have Members in this Chamber who are finding it very difficult to hear and also other Members that do have to have signing, signing so that they can contribute to the errm meeting. So please do keep the background noise down, if we keep yourselves nice and clean on the mikes I think we’ll get through this evening.
OK, errm let’s move on declarations of interest. Are there any declarations of interest? No, ok, moving on to Mayor’s Announcements.
Errm, I’m aware, I’ve been made aware that there is three petitions to be handed in. It’s not normal that petitions are handed in on an Extraordinary Council, but because one of them is pertinent to this what we’re debating tonight. I can’t take one without the others so I’ve made a decision to accept all three petitions tonight to be handed in. So can I have those petitions thank you please? Cllr Povall?
Cllr Cherry Povall (Conservative): Thank you Mr Mayor. I’ve got two petitions, errm one requesting that Beechway in Bebington has a proper repair to the road rather than the odd potholes up the road and the second one relates to the residents living around Spital Station, requesting that the Council to prepare a residents parking in that area.
Mayor of Wirral Cllr Les Rowlands: Thank you councillors, councillor?
Cllr Wendy Clements (Conservative): Thank you Mr Mayor, after the last Council meeting Mr Mayor I was delivered a further sheet of err signatures for Save Girtrell Court which I submit to the Council in addition to the signatures earlier. Thank you.
Mayor of Wirral Cllr Les Rowlands: Thank you Councillor Clements. Any other petitions? So there are only two petitions, ok.
Cllr Steve Foulkes (Labour): I didn’t know we could have petitions tonight.
Mayor of Wirral Cllr Les Rowlands: Sorry?
Cllr Steve Foulkes (Labour): The Labour Group weren’t aware that they could have their petitions tonight at full Council.
Mayor of Wirral Cllr Les Rowlands: Well, as I’ve just explained Councillor Foulkes that it’s not normal you’re quite correct, but because you’ve got one pertaining to and more than one that’s not, I couldn’t take one without the other, so I made a decision to just accept them.
Right, moving on, notice of motion Girtrell Court. Can I have a mover and a seconder please?
Cllr Chris Blakeley (Conservative): So moved Mr. Mayor.
Cllr Bruce Berry (Conservative): Seconded Mr Mayor.
Mayor of Wirral Cllr Les Rowlands: I understand there’s amendments. Can I have?

Cllr Phil Davies (Labour): Err, Mr Mayor, I’ll formally move our amendment but then can at this point errm propose that in the light of the fact this is the third Council meeting in a month where we discuss this item, secondly that there are no material changes from the last time we discussed this item. I would propose that we hear movers and seconders for the motion and amendments and then go straight to the vote. I’ll formally move that.
Various people: No!
Public gallery: Democracy! Rubbish!
Mayor of Wirral Cllr Les Rowlands: Excuse me, is that seconded?
Cllr Ann McLachlan (Labour): Seconded Mr Mayor.
Cllr Chris Blakeley (Conservative): What have you got to hide?

Cllr Jeff Green (Conservative): Mr. Mayor, just on that particular point around the information there are no material changes. My understanding is there has been considerable material changes and on top of that, not just the press release that was issued by the Labour Group about the closure and what it said about the closure date and also I think it’s a gross insult, a gross insult to the people in the public gallery, the people of, it’s a point of order Mayor. Again Phil, this is supposed to be a Council meeting where we discuss things. You don’t just stand up and announce what’s going to happen!
We are debating, we’re debating the decision that’s been put forward to only have movers and seconders and I think it’s a gross insult to the public who have turned up and are interested about Girtrell Court!
(applause and cheering)
Mayor of Wirral Cllr Les Rowlands: Cllr Gilchrist.

Cllr Phil Gilchrist (Liberal Democrat): Thanks Mr. Mayor. First of all I disagree that there are no material changes. We should be debating this issue in detail.
Secondly, the democratic right of Members should be exercised. One of the few ways in which we can hold the Council and the Cabinet to account as it’s been exercised that we should use it.
Thirdly, I’m not going to take in the debate about that about the Members down there, but I would say that members of the public have indeed taken the time to come to listen to a debate and it would be wrong for us to try and curtail debate when people have taken the time and trouble to attend.
(cries of hear, hear and applause)
Mayor of Wirral Cllr Les Rowlands: There’s a motion on the floor, is there any other comments before we take a vote on it? It’s been put forward. Can I hear the amendments and then I’ll go back to … thanks. There is a motion on the floor for movers and seconders only and debate so obviously I’ll have to put that to the vote.
(Enough Conservative councillors rose to trigger a card vote).
Mayor of Wirral Cllr Les Rowlands: OK, that’ll be a card vote. Just before we take a card vote can I just slipped one, can we take any apologies please?
Cllr Bill Davies (Labour): Three apologies Mr Mayor, Anita Leech, Jim Crabtree and Councillor ???? ???.
Cllr Dave Mitchell (Liberal Democrat): Cllr Pat Williams Mr Mayor.
Cllr Chris Blakeley (Conservative): Cllr Steve Williams and Cllr John Hale.
Mayor of Wirral Cllr Les Rowlands: Thank you, any more apologies? OK, we’ll proceed to the card vote.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Abbey?
Cllr Ron Abbey (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Anderson?
Cllr Tom Anderson (Conservative): Against.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Berry?
Cllr Bruce Berry (Conservative): Against.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Blakeley?
Cllr Chris Blakeley (Conservative): In the name of democracy against.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Boult?
Cllr Eddie Boult (Conservative): Against.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Brighouse?
Cllr Alan Brighouse (Liberal Democrat): Against.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Brightmore?
Cllr Phillip Brightmore (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Burgess-Joyce?
Cllr David Burgess-Joyce (Conservative): Against!
Surjit Tour: Cllr Carubia?
Cllr Chris Carubia (Liberal Democrat): Against.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Cleary?
Cllr Pat Cleary (Green Party): Against.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Clements?
Cllr Wendy Clements (Conservative): Against.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Angela Davies?
Cllr Angela Davies (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr George Davies?
Cllr George Davies (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Phil Davies?
Cllr Phil Davies (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Bill Davies?
Cllr Bill Davies (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Doughty?
Cllr Paul Doughty (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Elderton?
Cllr David Elderton (Conservative): Against.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Ellis?
Cllr Gerry Ellis (Conservative): Against!
Surjit Tour: Cllr Foulkes?
Cllr Steve Foulkes (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Fraser?
Cllr Leah Fraser (Conservative): Against.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Gilchrist?
Cllr Phil Gilchrist (Liberal Democrat): Against.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Green?
Cllr Jeff Green (Conservative): In the name of the users of Girtrell Court against.
(heckling from Labour benches)
Surjit Tour: Cllr Hackett?
Cllr Pat Hackett (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Hayes?
Cllr Paul Hayes (Conservative): Against.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Andrew Hodson?
Cllr Andrew Hodson (Conservative): Against.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Kathy Hodson?
Cllr Kathy Hodson (Conservative): Against.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Johnson?
Cllr Treena Johnson (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Adrian Jones?
Cllr Adrian Jones (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Chris Jones?
Cllr Chris Jones (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Kenny?
Cllr Brian Kenny (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Ann McLachlan?
Cllr Ann McLachlan (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Moira McLaughlin?
Cllr Moira McLaughlin (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Meaden?
Cllr Chris Meaden (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Mitchell?
Cllr Dave Mitchell (Liberal Democrat): Against.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Mooney?
Cllr Bernie Mooney (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Muspratt?
Cllr Christina Muspratt (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Niblock?
Cllr Steve Niblock (Labour): For!
Surjit Tour: Cllr Norbury?
Cllr Tony Norbury (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Patrick?
Cllr Matthew Patrick (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Pilgrim?
Cllr Tracey Pilgrim (Conservative): Against.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Povall?
Cllr Cherry Povall (Conservative): Against.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Realey?
Cllr Denise Realey (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Reecejones?
Cllr Louise Reecejones (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Rennie?
Cllr Lesley Rennie (Conservative): Against.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Roberts?
Cllr Denise Roberts (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Rowlands?
Mayor of Wirral Cllr Les Rowlands (Conservative): Abstain.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Salter?
Cllr John Salter (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Tony Smith?
Cllr Tony Smith (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Walter Smith?
Cllr Walter Smith (Labour): For!
Surjit Tour: Cllr Spriggs?
Cllr Chris Spriggs (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Stapleton?
Cllr Jean Stapleton (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Sullivan?
Cllr Mike Sullivan (Labour): In the name of all the disabled people on Wirral, I vote for!
Mayor of Wirral Cllr Les Rowlands (Conservative): Shh!
Surjit Tour: Cllr Sykes?
Cllr Adam Sykes (Conservative): Against.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Walsh?
Cllr Joe Walsh (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Watt?
Cllr Geoffrey Watt (Conservative): Against!
Surjit Tour: Cllr Whittingham?
Cllr Stuart Whittingham (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Irene Williams?
Cllr Irene Williams (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Jerry Williams?
Cllr Jerry Williams (Labour): For.
Surjit Tour: Cllr Williamson?
Cllr Janette Williamson (Labour): For.
Mayor of Wirral Cllr Les Rowlands (Conservative): For that motion, there’s thirty-five for, twenty-three against and one abstention. So that motion is carried.
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G’day John
The truth always outs in the end John.
Lets wait, we can, for Wirralgate and Wirral “Funny” Bizz.
Once the result of the 23 elections for local councillor are announced on the 6th May 2016, we’ll know whether we have more of the same to look forward to or different people in charge at Wirral Council.
Once the result of the 23 elections for local councillor are announced on the 6th May 2016, we’ll know whether we have more of the same to look forward to or different people in charge at Wirral Council.
G’day John
They are fantastic.
The local rubbish propaganda sheet
Three teenagers arrested over cash machine robbery of 77-year-old woman at Bromborough
How long did that take?
“Highbrow” reported to the police, even had a crime number till “The Shyster” stepped in, Wirral “Funny” Bizz knocking off about £2,000,000.00 and had more evidence than “Ankles” ate free pork pies when he was “The Dunny Chain Wearer”.
Could this be a conspiracy John CEO’s Ill Legal Department, senior officers, 66 clowncillors (minus Stuart Kelly) and old Tom Cobbly?
Well it is coming up five years John since I blew the whistle to AdderleyDadderleyDooLally and “The Chamber Potty” under his football shit err I mean shirt……….oh no I don’t.