I notice I get a mention on the former Leader of Wirral Council’s blog about last night’s meeting at the Town Hall.
However here is a report on last night’s meeting (previously adjourned) at Wirral Council which was reconvened from the 16th May.
The meeting started with about 23 members of the public in the public gallery and one at the press table in the Council Chamber. Those in the public gallery ranged from myself, my wife Leonora Brace, Brian Cummings (Chair of the Standards Committee), Kathy Hodson (former Mayoress of Wirral 2009-2010), Denis Knowles (former Labour/Conservative councillor for Seacombe), some Wirral Council employees and others. Those mentioned by Cllr Green were a mixture of press and others.
Prior to the meeting there was a photo shoot. The Mayor started the meeting by welcoming new councillors. She pointed out that councillors were there to serve the electorate and that it can be intimidating. She finished by saying “I’m in charge”.
There were no apologies given (although Cllr Keeley was absent and an apology was given for him later).
The Mayor announced that this would be last Council meeting for Brian Ellis as after thirty-seven years he was retiring. She mentioned the thirty-seven years he had worked for Wirral Council and his employment history prior to joining Wirral Council working for two other local authorities and the private sector. She mentioned his studying for a professional qualification in 1993 and that she would be sad to see him go. He was thanked and given a round of applause. Brian being the humble man he is didn’t make a speech.
There were no declarations of interest declared so the meeting moved onto petitions.
Petitions were submitted by Cllr John Hale, Cllr Adrian Jones, Cllr Geoffrey Watt, Cllr Paul Hayes, Cllr Tony Cox, Cllr ??? , Cllr Tony Smith, Cllr Chris Jones and Cllr Steve Williams.
Cllr J Hale’s petition was objecting to planning application APP/11/00549 from 90 people (62 homes).
Cllr A Jones’s petition was about the quality of road surfacing in Seacombe from 40 people.
Cllr Watt’s petition was of 77 names (38 households) requesting parking restrictions in West Kirby.
Cllr Hayes’ petition was of 114 signatures about alley gates and ASB in the Tower Grounds area of New Brighton.
Cllr Cox’s petition was of 4190 people regarding a planning application APP/11/00508 for a Sainsburys Store at the Red Cat in Greasby
Cllr Taylor’s petition was of 98 people regarding a planning application APP/11/00352
Cllr Salter’s petition was of 37 people regarding boarded up properties in Percy Road, Seacombe
Cllr Tony Smith’s petition was of 37 signatures (20 homes) regarding antisocial behaviour and the derelict condition of some properties
Cllr Chris Jones’ petition was of 824 signatures about security at Central Park, Wallasey
Cllr Steve Williams’s petition I didn’t manage to hear the details of, but was of 30 signatures objecting to planning application APP/10/01316.