16 Wirral Council invoices for temp senior managers (IT & SEN), other temps and catering
Below are sixteen invoices (among many) that I requested from Wirral Council during the short inspection period when local government electors can inspect and receive copies of contracts and invoices for the last financial year. Each thumbnail image links to a higher resolution copy of each invoice.
I made a trip on Friday afternoon to pick up copies and thought I would start with ones that relate to the recent story in the Wirral Globe Wirral Council freelance staff and consultants are costing taxpayers millions which follows on from my blog post in March Why has Wirral Council spent £6,003,273.07 on temporary staff over the past 10 months?. All except one of the invoices below are for agency staff.
Eleven of the sixteen invoices (various numbers below) are from Odgers Interim who describe themselves on their website as “a leading UK interim management recruitment firm”. These are for the services of an Interim Head of IT (the previous Head of IT took redundancy in March 2013 as the Head of IT post was deleted in a senior management restructure) and an Interim Strategic SEN Lead (the previous SEN Lead Paul Ashcroft left Wirral Council in December 2013, just before it was made public that Lyndale School could close).
The Interim Head of IT (bear in mind the Head of IT post was deleted in the 2012 management restructure to produce “savings”) provided by Odgers Interim cost Wirral Council a daily rate of £695+VAT/day according to the monthly invoices.
The Interim Strategic SEN Lead Phil Ward (see the photo) was also provided by Odgers Interim. He cost Wirral Council (surprisingly) more than the Interim Head of IT. Odgers Interim were charging Wirral Council £775+VAT/day for his services.
Four of the rest of the invoices (numbers 497-500) are also for agency staff. Invoices 497 to 499 are from Badenoch & Clark. Unfortunately I only have been given the first page of these two page invoices (presumably the second missing pages are timesheets). Each of the Badenoch & Clark ones are marked “STRICTLY PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL” . I presume that the rates (£348.10, £345 and £348.10) are daily rates, so these invoices are just for short-term cover mainly for a week, but the last invoice is for three and a half days.
There is also a CIPFA (invoice numbered 500) (Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accountancy) invoice for 19 days of interim cover at £710 a day for an “associate” (total including VAT £16,188).
Finally invoice 889 is for £1,303.25 + VAT (total £1,563.90) is from Carringtons Catering Limited for the catering at the public meeting on the 2nd June 2014 at the Floral Pavilion. This was the meeting last year at which Cllr Steve Foulkes was made Mayor.
Having these long-term temporary arrangements has to be more expensive to Wirral Council than recruiting new people. I do realise that in the Wirral Globe article that Joe Blott explains that they’re had trouble recruiting to the SEN post. It also makes you wonder why in the first place in 2012 that the Head of IT post was deleted and whether the “savings” of that 2012 management restructure (slightly offset by the three new strategic directors posts) were achievable?
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G’day John
Tonights’ “Crabapple’s” Fudge It and Risk It Mis-Management Committee Meeting
Audit and Risk Management Committee
Monday, 28th September 2015 5.45 pm, NEW
Councillor Jim Crabtree Chair Expected
Councillor Ron Abbey Vice-Chair Expected
Councillor Chris Blakeley Committee Member Expected
Councillor Angela Davies Committee Member Expected
Councillor Paul Doughty Committee Member Expected
Councillor David M Elderton Committee Member Expected
Councillor Phil Gilchrist Spokesperson Expected
Councillor John Hale Spokesperson Expected
Councillor Matthew Patrick Committee Member Expected
I have no doubt John that your eagle eyes noticed the word NEW on the site.
Well Ecca should not allow “Crabapple” “The Abbott” “Clowncillor Crispy Cream Doughnut” and definitely not “The Raving Effing Lunatic” anywhere near this committee after letting AdderleyDadderlyDooDah run rings with a lot of help from his friends around them the Clowncil and the Wirral Taxpayer over Wirral “Funny” Bizz for four and a half years.
Just look over your past filums “Tarrantino” and just look at “The Abbott” etc just gagging to get out of the meetings and get in “Crabapples” kiddies bus to get to the pub.
Wonder if he’s insured or allowed to carry pissed clowncillors around town?
In fact John Ecca shouldn’t allow anyone that has sat on that committee in the last five years anywhere near it they are not fit for purpose.
Especially that woman that obviously spends all day in the hair salon spending her allowance and more on blow dries.
The reason it’s new, is because this story Did Wirral Council’s Pensions Committee really approve the accounts of the £6.9 billion Merseyside Pension Fund? led to an extra Pensions Committee meeting tonight to approve the Merseyside Pension Fund bit of the accounts. That recommendation then has to go to a new meeting of the Audit and Risk Management Committee straight after for the accounts to be approved by the statutory deadline of 30th September.
Thank you – good work.
David Horton, Wirral
Sent by DH from HTC ONE mobile.
Thanks for the compliment.
G’day John
I thought he was thanking me you little larrikin.
Thanks for the pension explanation I presume another cock up by the Most Improved Council in Kev and Stella’s Stagnant Wirral Waters.
Lest we forget AdderleyDadderlyDooDah
The lying cheating scumbag
Every time you write something like that, I’m reminded of a former Chief Executive of Wirral Council complaining at a special public meeting about certain officers being “traduced on social media”.
But then I suppose the role of many Chief Executives is to stick up for their team when they’re criticised. Surely this is why they’re paid so much though? There’s a political element to their job that goes their a six-figure salary as in theory the politicians could blame them and sack them… well in theory!
G’day John
Wonder how “The Shyster” is going on deadline day for the FOI on the Beverly Report into Big?
He is really really vile and ‘orrible.
For your amusement James (although I was looking for a different clip):
Very Good you Little Larrikin
One of the level headed contributors to the rubbish local propaganda sheet Growl Tiger about Reno.
“In other words their residents have to deal with a considerable amount of free flowing excrement.”
It sounds to me John that “Phil the Deluded Dill” and “The Chamber Potty” have twinned with Reno in memory and respect of AdderleyDadderleyDooDah because the halfwits thought Reno was short REgeNeratiOn.
Lest we forget “The Football Shit”. err Shirt err no Shit.
Ecca must be learning daily about dealing with his new team which are a considerable amount of free flowing excrement through the clown hall as in REgeNeratiOn..
G’day John
Twinned with Reno.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
If Wirral “Funny” Bizz halfwits can get £2,000,000.00 for nothing what will sin city do to them?
From the local rubbish propaganda sheet
While Reno is famous for gambling and divorce, recent years have seen it re-invent itself as a key player in the technology sector, with top companies including Amazon, Apple, Microsoft and electric car manufacturer Tesla locating there.
Cllr Davies was joined by Kevin Adderley, the council’s strategic director of regeneration and environment and Paula Basnett, chief executive of Wirral Chamber of Commerce.
The only decent thing that did and will come out of this pie in Stella’s sky nonsense is the divorce of Wirral with AdderleyDadderlyDooDah.
Kev went, Basnett was in charge of Wirral “Funny” Bizz
The trip to Reno was some time ago, but you’re right that an article in the Wirral Globe published today announces the twinning.
G’day John
I bet there is another trip coming up!
These twinnings are just one town hall going to another town hall to sign a piece of paper.
Please prove me wrong somebody.
G’day John
How is Big jack ever going to be able to build his supersonic PUBLIC golf course without AdderleyDadderleyDooDah?
Jack has probably already built one in Reno he has about 300.
They are a dime a dozen..
G’day John
Has the “The Shyster” turned over a new leaf or was he just bullied by my new hero “Ecca” to deliver the Beverley report right on 5.30pm?
How damning is it John and that was all before even “Highbrow” realised how bad Wirral “Funny” Bizz was.
Time now to put them in court and court and fete us whistleblowers hey “Ankles”?
Here’s a link to the BIG/ISUS internal audit report on the whatdotheyknow.com website.
Seems it went to Bill Norman, who a few months later was suspended, then paid £146k + £5k legal costs to leave Wirral Council.
Below is what the Cabinet Member for Corporate Services looked like at a public meeting of the Pensions Committee in the hour after the release of the BIG/ISUS report in response to the ICO decision notice.
[caption id="attachment_10481" align="alignleft" width="500"] Pensions Committee 28th September 2015 L to R Councillor Adrian Jones Councillor Ann McLachlan Grant Thornton[/caption]