What was in an election observer report covering both an inspection and a polling station visit in the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral in May 2021?

What was in an election observer report covering both an inspection and a polling station visit in the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral in May 2021?

What was in an election observer report covering both an inspection and a polling station visit in the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral in May 2021?


By John Brace (Editor)
Leonora Brace (Co-Editor)

First publication date: Monday 10th May 2021, 8:10 (BST).

Wirral Tennis and Sports Centre entrance (Bidston, Wirral) 5th May 2021
Wirral Tennis and Sports Centre entrance (Bidston, Wirral) 5th May 2021

Executive Summary

This is a report of John Brace who was an accredited election observer (accredited by the Electoral Commission as an individual but independent of the Electoral Commission) number 11,058. Accreditation was for the period 29th April 2021 to 14th May 2021.
Continue reading “What was in an election observer report covering both an inspection and a polling station visit in the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral in May 2021?”

Accountability failures by local government highlighted in report by Research for Action and High Court Judge

Accountability failures by local government highlighted in report by Research for Action and High Court Judge

Accountability failures by local government highlighted in report by Research for Action and High Court Judge


By John Brace (Editor)
Leonora Brace (Co-Editor)

First publication date: 28th April 2021, 05:48 (BST).

The three boxes on the left comprise the PFI fire stations contract
The three boxes on the left comprise the PFI fire stations contract

A 40 A4 page report published today (28th April 2021) by Research for Action titled Democracy Denied: Audit and Accountability Failure in Local Government looked at the experience of those who have tried (during a 30 working day period each year) to inspect the financial records of councils, as well as the experience of those who have asked questions of auditors or made objections using rights in the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 (in England) or the Local Authority Accounts (Scotland) Regulations 2014 (in Scotland). The report concentrates on requests to inspect, as well as related rights to ask questions to the auditor and/or object to the auditor. The report is mainly about requests in relation to PFI (Private Finance Initiative) schemes or LOBO (Lender Option Borrower Option) loans.
Continue reading “Accountability failures by local government highlighted in report by Research for Action and High Court Judge”

What is the timetable for the May 2021 elections of councillors to Wirral Council, Police and Crime Commissioner for Merseyside and Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Mayor?

What is the timetable for the May 2021 elections of councillors to Wirral Council, Police and Crime Commissioner for Merseyside and Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Mayor?

What is the timetable for the May 2021 elections of councillors to Wirral Council, Police and Crime Commissioner for Merseyside and Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Mayor?


Holy Cross Primary School, Bidston (polling station) Bidston and St James 4th May 2017
Holy Cross Primary School, Bidston (polling station) Bidston and St James 4th May 2017

Delayed elections in May 2021 on the Wirral will mean people (depending on where you live) will have either 3 or 4 votes.
Continue reading “What is the timetable for the May 2021 elections of councillors to Wirral Council, Police and Crime Commissioner for Merseyside and Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Mayor?”

After 2 big stories (Liverpool City Council and the Johnny Depp decision) what comes next?

What were the 2 big stories in the last week (Liverpool City Council and the Johnny Depp v NGN decision)?

After 2 big stories (Liverpool City Council and the Johnny Depp decision) what comes next?


Liverpool City Council was widely covered by the media last week
Liverpool City Council was widely covered by the media last week

This last week has seen headlines in two different but interrelated areas of reporting (politics and the law) – the UK government deciding to send in commissioners to Liverpool City Council and the decision by the Court of Appeal to refuse permission for Johnny Depp to appeal.
Continue reading “After 2 big stories (Liverpool City Council and the Johnny Depp decision) what comes next?”

What went wrong at Liverpool City Council (part 2)?

What went wrong at Liverpool City Council (part 2)?

What went wrong at Liverpool City Council (part 2)?


By John Brace (Editor)
Leonora Brace (Co-Editor)

First publication date: 26th March 2021, 18:09 (GMT).

What went wrong at Liverpool City Council?
What went wrong at Liverpool City Council?

Continues from What went wrong at Liverpool City Council?

Since my last article, there have been a variety of articles going into the different aspects of what went on at Liverpool City Council.
Continue reading “What went wrong at Liverpool City Council (part 2)?”