Economy & Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee 5th September 2011 Part 1 Budget Issues for Economy and Housing in 2012/2013

The Chair, Cllr Johnston welcomed people to the meeting, he said he was varying the agenda to bring the budget item first, then apprenticeships, then the rest of the agenda. Cllr Stuart Wittingham declared a personal interest as a Director of Wirral Partnership Homes in item 3 (Affordable Housing in Wirral). The minutes of the … Continue reading “Economy & Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee 5th September 2011 Part 1 Budget Issues for Economy and Housing in 2012/2013”

The Chair, Cllr Johnston welcomed people to the meeting, he said he was varying the agenda to bring the budget item first, then apprenticeships, then the rest of the agenda.

Cllr Stuart Wittingham declared a personal interest as a Director of Wirral Partnership Homes in item 3 (Affordable Housing in Wirral). The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted.

The Chair said further information would go out tomorrow in an email about priority letting and a tour was in progress. He also said that 6 (Budget Issues for Economy and Housing in 2012/2013) was a last-minute agenda item, there would be a presentation, then he would make a statement giving every councillor a chance to speak in turn. They would then work out motions. Kevin Adderley said it was a Cabinet request for overview and scrutiny committees to consider the 2012 Budget and challenges. The projected shortfall was £25 million. The budget for areas under this committee’s control was £21 million revenue and £9.6 million capital. They had lost Housing Market Renewal Initiative funding and Working Neighbourhoods Fund funding of £20 million in 2011/2012. The £1.2 million funding for Homelessness and the Private Sector Housing Team (from the Community Fund and carry over of HMRI funds) was due to end in March 2012. There was a £500k shortfall in the income target for Development Control. The £740k in year grant for worklessness wouldn’t be received until 2012/2013. They have been successful in their ESF and ILM bid, but it had been taken out of the Budget that ended in May 2012.

Boundary Review: Bidston & St. James ward to end up in Wallasey

Relying on a leaked list of the Boundary Commission proposals for the North West it seems the current proposals are that Bidston & St. James ward is to become part of Wallasey Constituency.

Upton ward will move from Wirral West to Birkenhead.

Wirral West constituency will be renamed Hoylake and Neston and will include Neston & Parkgate.

Instead of Wirral South there’ll be a Mersey Banks constituency which is half Cheshire, a quarter Wirral (Bromborough and Eastham wards) and a quarter Halton.

Obviously these changes are only proposals, but I’m sure people will have their say on the new boundaries over the next few months.

Cabinet 1st September 2011 Part 9 – Community Asset Transfer (Update), Community Asset Transfer – Various Properties

Bill Norman introduced the next report (Community Asset Transfer – Update) and Appendix A and Appendix B and said as a footnote that Heswall Hall had been completed today. Cllr Adrian Jones asked about the cost implications at 2.2. Bil Norman replied that if the transfers ran out of time they would have to use Community Fund money, however this would have to be agreed with Wirral Partnership Homes. He did see this as something reasonable and that could be achieved. However funding was only guaranteed until March.

Cllr Adrian Jones then referred to page 83, section 5.1 specifically the reference to the gap between £5.25 million and £4.8 million. Cllr Harry Smith declared a personal interest and asked what they thought the prospects were for Beechwood Recreation Centre. Bill Norman said he was awaiting a business case. Cllr Phil Davies said it would extend beyond 2012, improving the much-needed support to the community groups keen to take over. They would use financial help as proposed in 6.2 onwards. The remaining buildings would be transferred when ready and according to business plans. He was keen for as much support as possible for everybody who wants to be involved. The report’s recommendations were agreed.

The next item also introduced by Bill Norman was Community Asset Transfer – Various Properties, CAT – Various, CAT – New Ferry Village Hall, CAT – Westbourne, CAT – Kylemore Plan, CAT – Woodchurch Community Centre and CAT – Pensby Community Centre. Bill Norman said it detailed four properties in the list, with Pensby being the precursor. Cllr Phil Davies asked Cllr Adrian Jones if he had anything to add, he didn’t. Cllr Davies said they were content to agree the report.

Cathcart Street Primary School – Start of Autumn Term delayed – Apology from Wirral Council

In an update to an earlier story about Cathcart Street Primary School it is now planned to open on Monday 12th September instead of Wednesday 7th September.

David Armstrong, Interim Director of Children’s Services, explained:

“Cathcart Street Primary School is undergoing £1.8m worth of major refurbishment works, which will create a better learning environment for pupils and new build accomodation for the after school club and satellite children’s centre. Contractors did as much work as possible prior to the summer break and despite working hard throughout the school holidays, there are still some final improvements to complete before the school can re-open.”

“It is regrettable that the school is not able to open on time, however, the safety and wellbeing of pupils is our priority. We are confident that this three day delay will not impact children’s education and that the investment being made will make a real difference to everyone attending Cathcart Street Primary. We apologise for any inconvenience that this has caused but hope that people understand that we have pupils’ best interests at heart.”

Cathcart Street Primary School – Autumn Term delayed due to building work

An article in the Wirral Globe states that Cathcart Street Primary School in Dover Close won’t be opening for the new year in September as planned due to delays with the building work. It was due to open on Wednesday 7th September. Letters have been sent out to parents explaining the situation.

John Brace said, “The investment in the school was welcomed by Labour’s candidate Cllr Harry Smith in April 2011 in his election leaflet. He was pictured with the headmistress and Chair of Governors John Cocker (a Labour Party member). It is now a Labour Cabinet Member Cllr Ann McLachlan who has responsibility for this area (Children’s Services and Lifelong Learning) who is also a ward councillor for Bidston & St. James ward, where this school is based. Paragon Construction are the contractor for Wirral Council. Call-in of this decision was waived by the Lib Dem/Conservative Cabinet in April 2011 to avoid disruption to the school. Why has the work taken longer than expected? This doesn’t just cause disruption to Cathcart Street Primary School but also to those pupils moved there after Cole Street Primary School was closed.”